Select Publications


Ravelli L; McMurtrie RJ, 2016, Multimodality in the Built Environment: Spatial Discourse Analysis, Routledge, New York and London,

Ravelli L, 2006, Museum Texts: Communication Frameworks, Routledge, London and New York

Ravelli L, 1999, Metaphor,Mode and Complexity: an exploration of co-varying patterns;, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK

Ravelli L; Ferguson L; MacLulich C, 1995, Meanings and messages: language guidelines for museum exhibitions, The Australian Museum, Sydney, Sydney

Book Chapters

Ravelli L, 2023, 'Curating a lifestyle experience: How Pottery Barn makes it so', in Multimodality and Social Interaction in Online and Offline Shopping, pp. 172 - 186,

Ravelli L; Vanleeuwen T; Höllerer MA; Jancsary D, 2023, '‘Organizational semiotics': Toward an integrated research agenda', in Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies, pp. 1 - 24,

Ravelli L, 2023, 'Redesigning organizations through the built environment: Changes at a university campus', in Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies, pp. 143 - 165,

Jancsary D; Höllerer MA; Ravelli L; Vanleeuwen T, 2023, 'Social semiotics and organization studies: Building an effective bridge', in Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies, pp. 25 - 53,

Ravelli L; Wu X, 2022, 'Introducing Spatial Discourse Analysis: A multimodal case study of a university library in mainland China', in Wang Z; Wang P (ed.), Appliable Studies of Linguistics (Yǔyanxu de Shiyong Yanjiū), Peking University Press, Beijing, pp. 214 - 254

Ravelli L, 2022, 'Research Vignette 16: Spatial Discourse Analysis of Informal Outdoor Learning Spaces', in Serafini F (ed.), Beyond the visual: An introduction to researching multimodal phenomena, Teachers College Press, New York, pp. 204 - 208

Wu X; Ravelli L, 2021, 'The Mediatory Role of Whiteboards in the Making of Multimodal Texts: Implications of the Transduction of Speech to Writing for the English Classroom in Tertiary Settings', in Diamantopolou S; Orevik S (ed.), Multimodality in English Language Learning, Routledge, pp. 161 - 175,

Starfield S; Ravelli L; Paltridge B, 2021, 'Re-imagining Doctoral Writing Through the Visual and Performing Arts', in Badenhorst C; Amell B; Burford J (ed.), Re-imagining Doctoral Writing, The WAC Clearinghouse/University Press of Colorado, pp. 217 - 234,

Ravelli L, 2018, 'Multimodal English', in Seargeant P; Hewings A; Pihlaja S (ed.), Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies, Routledge, London, pp. 434 - 446

Ravelli L, 2018, 'Towards a social-semiotic topography of learning spaces: tools to connect use, users, and meanings', in Ellis RA; Goodyear P (ed.), Spaces of Teaching and Learning: Integrating perspectives on teaching and research, Springer, Netherlands, pp. 63 - 80,

Ravelli L; McMurtrie RJ, 2016, 'Networked places as a communicative resource: a social-semiotic analysis of a redesigned learning space', in Carvalho L; Goodyear P; de Laat M (ed.), Place-based spaces for networked learning, Routledge, New York and London, pp. 111 - 131,

Stenglin M, 2016, 'Building Bridges', in Place-Based Spaces for Networked Learning, Routledge, pp. 131 - 143,

Ravelli L, 2016, 'Navigating the gap between text and context: foregrounding and intersemiosis', in Almeida D (ed.), Novas Perspectives Em Analise Visual: do Texto ao Contexto, Mercado de Letras, Campinas, SP, Brazil, pp. 19 - 36

Ravelli L; Paltridge B; Starfield S, 2014, 'Diversity in Creative and Performing Arts doctoral writing: a way forward', in Ravelli L; Paltridge B; Starfield S (ed.), Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts, pp. 389 - 406

Starfield S; Ravelli LJ; Paltridge B; Tuckwell K; Nicholson S, 2014, 'Genre in the creative-practice doctoral thesis: Diversity and unity', in Garzone G; Ilie C (ed.), Genres and genre theory in transition, BrownWalker Press, Boca Raton, Florida USW, pp. 89 - 105,

Starfield, S., Paltridge, B., Ravelli, L., , 2014, 'Researching Academic Writing: What Textography Affords', in Huisman J; Tight M (ed.), Theory and method in higher education research II (International perspectives on higher education research, Volume 10), Emerald, pp. 103 - 120

Starfield S; Paltridge B; Ravelli L, 2012, ''Why do we have to write?': Practice-based theses in the visual and performing arts and the place of writing', in Berkenkotter C; Bhatia VK; Gotti M (ed.), Insights into academic genres, Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 169 - 190

Ravelli L, 2010, 'Systemic-Functional Linguistics', in Malmkjaer K (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Routledge, London UK, pp. 524 - 537

Ravelli LJ, 2008, 'Analysing Space: Adapting and Extending Multimodal Frameworks', in Multimodal Semiotics: Functional Analysis in Contexts of Education, pp. 17 - 33

Ravelli L, 2008, 'Analysing Space: Adapting and Extending Multimodal Frameworks', in Unsworth L (ed.), Multimodal Semiotics: Functional Analysis in Contexts of Education, Continuum, London, pp. 15 - 49

Ravelli L; Stenglin M, 2008, 'Feeling Space: Interpersonal Communication and Spatial Semiotics', in Antos G; Ventola E (ed.), Handbook of Interpersonal Communication, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 355 - 396

Ravelli L, 2005, 'Shopping with ranks', in Hasan R; Matthiessen C; Webster JJ (ed.), Continuing Discourse on Language: A Functional Perspective, Equinox Publishing, London, pp. 155 - 158

Ravelli L, 2004, 'Signalling the organization of written texts: hyper-Themes in management and history essays', in Ravelli L; Ellis RA (ed.), Analysing Academic Writing: Contextualized Frameworks, Continuum Publishing Co, London, pp. 104 - 130

Ravelli L, 2003, 'Renewal of connection: Integrating theory and practice in an understanding of grammatical metaphor', in Grammatical metaphor: views from systemic functional linguistics, John Nenjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 37 - 64

Ravelli L, 1999, 'Getting Started with functional analysis of texts', in Researching language in schools and communities: Functional linguistic perspectives., Cassell, London, pp. 27 - 65

Ravelli L, 1998, 'The consequences of choices: discursive positioning in an art institution', in Linguistic Choice Across Genres: variation in spoken and written English, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 137 - 154

Ravelli LJ, 1995, '6. A dynamic perspective', in Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 187 - 187,

Ravelli L, 1988, 'Grammatical metaphor: an initial analysis', in Steiner EH; Veltman R (ed.), Pragmatics, Discourse and Text: Some systemically-inspired approaches, Pinter Publishers, London, pp. 133 - 147

Edited Books

Ravelli L; Van Leeuwen T; Hoellerer M; Jancsary D, (eds.), 2023, Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies, Routledge, London,

Ravelli L; Starfield S; Paltridge B, (eds.), 2014, Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts, Libri Publishing, Faringdon, Oxfordshire

Ravelli L; Ellis R, (ed.), 2004, Analysing academic writing: Contextualized frameworks, Continuum, London

Ravelli L; Simon-Vandenbergen A-M; Taverniers M, (eds.), 2003, Grammatical metaphor: Views from systemic-functional linguistics, John Benjamins, Amsterdam

Ravelli L; Davies M, (ed.), 1992, Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent theory and practice, Continuum Publishers, London

Journal articles

Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2024, 'Visual Communication is proud to announce its second Early Career Research Scholarship', Visual Communication, 23, pp. 547,

Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2024, 'Visual Communication is proud to announce its Early Career Research Scholarship', Visual Communication, 23, pp. 3,

Ravelli L, 2024, 'Centering multimodality: A personal and disciplinary journey', Multimodality & Society, 4, pp. 259 - 274,

Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2023, 'Celebrating 20 Years of Visual Communication', Visual Communication, 22, pp. 3 - 12,

Ravelli L, 2022, 'Ode to a lost icon, David Jones', Discourse and Communication, 16, pp. 269 - 282,

Wildfeuer J; Ravelli L; Pflaeging J; Zappavigna M; Poulsen SV; Stamenkovic D; Tovey R, 2022, 'Editorial: in memoriam Martin Thomas', VISUAL COMMUNICATION, 21, pp. 371 - 373,

Ravelli L; Wu X, 2022, 'History, materiality and social practice: Spatial discourse analysis of a contemporary art museum in China', Multimodality & Society, 2, pp. 333 - 354,

Ravelli L; Wildfeuer J, 2021, 'Editorial Note', Visual Communication, 20, pp. 3,

Ravelli L, 2020, 'Nina Norgaard. 2019. Multimodal Stylistics of the Novel: More than words. Review', RASK, 51, pp. 75 - 80

Ravelli L, 2019, 'Diversifying readings: Spatial discourse analysis and the Na'vi River journey', Journal of Multicultural Discourses,

Ravelli L, 2019, 'Pedagogical strategies for developing interpretive language about images: A tertiary experience', English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 18, pp. 100 - 118,

Adami E; Boeriis M; Ravelli L; Veloso F; Wildfeuer J, 2019, 'Editorial', Visual Communication, 18, pp. 3,

Ravelli L, 2019, 'Multimodality and the register of disciplinary History: Challenges for new texts and old theories', Language, Context and Text, 1, pp. 341 - 365,

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