Select Publications
Conference Papers
2024, '8 Optimising CT Perfusion (CTP) in posterior circulation ischaemic stroke (PCS): determining the best CTP postprocessing algorithm for PCS', in Young Investigators Session Abstracts, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A4.1 - A4, presented at ANZAN Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 Abstracts,
,2024, 'Novel vascular territory mapping algorithm as a predictive tool for identification of antegrade flow in MCA occlusion', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 80 - 80
,2023, 'The Hunter-8 Scale Prehospital Triage Workflow for Identification of Large Vessel Occlusion and Brain Haemorrhage', in Prehospital Emergency Care, pp. 623 - 629,
,2023, '3 Deep learning classification of posterior circulation infarction using CT perfusion', in Young Investigators Presentation Abstracts, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A1.3 - A2, presented at ANZAN Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 Abstracts,
,2023, 'Biochemical and Enzymatic Comparison of Metalyse (Tenecteplase) and Generic rh-TNK-tPA', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 23 - 23
,2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of Tenecteplase versus Alteplase for Prehospital Thrombolysis on the Melbourne Mobile Stroke Unit', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 70 - 70
,2023, 'Deep Learning-based prediction of final infarct core from CT perfusion data: A comparison to clinical standard', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 37 - 37
,2023, 'Inpatient Endovascular Thrombectomy: A Single Comprehensive Stroke Centre Retrospective Cohort Study', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 73 - 73
,2023, 'Risk Factors and Prediction Models of Haemorrhagic Transformation in Acute Ischaemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 42 - 43
,2023, 'The New South Wales Telestroke Service: Access, Treatment and Outcomes', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 31 - 32
,2022, 'Automated Clot Detection for Acute Ischemic Stroke', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 37 - 38,
,2022, 'Evaluating Performance of Deep Learning Stroke Lesion Segmentation on Diffusion Weighted Imaging', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 37 - 37,
,2022, '2319 Determining the optimal CT perfusion thresholds for core and penumbra in acute posterior circulation ischaemic stroke', in Abstracts, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A2.3 - A3, presented at ANZAN Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 Abstracts,
,2022, 'A systematic review of discrete choice experiments (DCE's) exploring patient preferences for stroke rehabilitation', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 4 - 4
,2021, 'Enhanced prehospital acute stroke triage', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 19 - 19,
,2021, 'Most endovascular thrombectomy patients have penumbral patterns despite absence of formal CT Perfusion selection criteria', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 29 - 29,
,2020, 'Automatic whole brain vascular territory mapping', in Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, pp. 1080 - 1083,
,2020, 'Reperfusion Improves Clinical Outcome Across the 4.5-9h and Wake-Up Stroke Time Continuum in EXTEND and EPITHET', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, CA, Los Angeles, presented at International Stroke Conference, CA, Los Angeles, 19 February 2020 - 21 February 2020
,2018, 'Do all patients with Large Vessel Occlusion have a similar benefit from thrombectomy? A case control multimodal CT study', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 22 - 22,
,2017, 'Ischaemic stroke patients without a visible acute vessel occlusion may not benefit from alteplase therapy', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 5 - 5,
,2017, 'The Basilar Artery on Computed Tomography Angiography Prognostic Score for Basilar Artery Occlusion', in Stroke, pp. 631 - 637,
,2017, 'The Influence of Arterial Occlusion Location and Baseline Ischemic Core Volume on Outcome in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 7 - 7,
,2015, 'Hyperglycemia and hematoma parameters in intracerebral hemorrhage: INTERACT 2 results', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 42 - 42,
,2014, 'Mechanisms of effect of early intensive BP lowering treatment: Pooled analysis of INTERACT CT substudies', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 17 - 18,
,2014, 'Significance of intraventricular haemorrhage in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT2 results', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 26 - 26,
,2014, 'Usefulness of clinical grading scales in intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT2 experience', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 42 - 42,
,2014, 'Early intensive BP lowering treatment reduces perihaematomal oedema in intracerebral haemorrhage: pooled analysis of INTERACT studies', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 31 - 31,
,2014, 'Effects of intensive blood pressure lowering according to baseline blood pressure levels and analysis of optimal achieved post-randomization blood pressure in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: INTERACT2', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 530 - 530,
,2014, 'Imaging selection in ischemic stroke trials - feasibility of automated CT perfusion analysis', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 81 - 81,
,2014, 'Prognostic significance of perihaematomal edema in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT2 results', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 140 - 140,
,2013, 'Automated mismatch assessment of arterial spin labeling compared to conventional bolus tracking perfusion mismatch', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 13 - 13,
,2013, 'EXtending the time for Thombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits - intra-arterial: the EXTEND-IA trial rationale and protocol', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 34 - 34,
,2013, 'EXtending the time for Thombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits: the EXTEND trial progress', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 34 - 34,
,2013, 'Keynote 2-Wednesday, 31 July 2013 16:00-17:00', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 1 - 1,
,2013, 'Non-affected or less affected: What is the ipsilesional upper limb following stroke? A systematic literature review', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 25 - 25,
,2013, 'The Enhanced Control of Hypertension ANd Thrombolysis strokE StuDy (ENCHANTED): first year experience regarding possible selection bias', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 37 - 37,
,2013, 'Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: A randomised controlled trial to investigate the effects on upper limb function in chronic stroke', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 22 - 22,
,2013, 'Variation in regional brain temperature as measured by MR thermography in healthy volunteers', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 31 - 32,
,2013, 'AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN WHITE MATTER IN FRONTO-PARIETAL AND FRONTO-STRIATAL TRACTS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH DISTINCT MEASURES OF COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY', in JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE, MIT PRESS, CA, San Francisco, pp. 131 - 131, presented at 20th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive-Neuroscience-Society, CA, San Francisco, 13 April 2013 - 16 April 2013,
,2013, 'Comparison of Automated Whole Brain CT Perfusion Analysis with Perfusion-Diffusion MRI in Ischemic Stroke', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013,
,2013, 'Defining Acute Ischemic Stroke Tissue Pathophysiology Using Whole Brain 320 Slice Ct Perfusion', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013,
,2013, 'Magnetically Enhanced Diffusion (MED) for Improved Efficacy of Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke_A Prospective First in Man Clinical Study', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013,
,2013, 'Predicting Hemorrhagic Transformation in Ischemic Stroke - Very Low Cerebral Blood Volume versus Permeability Analysis', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013,
,2013, 'Reduced Cerebral Blood Flow on Acute Whole Brain CT Perfusion Best Predicts Hemorrhagic Transformation', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013,
,2013, 'Whole Brain Perfusion In Tia', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013,
,2013, 'Arterial spin labelling versus bolus-tracking CT and MR in hyper-acute ischemic stroke', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 403 - 403,
,2013, 'Infarct core volume on whole brain perfusion CT is predictive of haemorrhagic transformation after stroke', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 45 - 45,
,2013, 'Stroke thrombolysis: Save a minute - save a day', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 115 - 115,
,2013, 'The Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke Study (ENCHANTED): First Year Experience Regarding Possible Selection Bias', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, pp. 20 - 20,
,2012, 'A new measure of acute perfusion imaging in ischemic stroke- Severity', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 12 - 12,