ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2004, Going Native, Virago Press
,2002, Australia's evolution: 100 million years of change, Australian Museum, Sydney
,2002, Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea, University of New South Wales Press, Kensington
,2000, Australia's Lost World Riversleigh, World Heritage Site, Raupo
,1998, From plesiosaurs to people: 100 million years of Australian environmental history, Environment Australia (Commonwealth Government), Canberra
,, 1998, From plesiosaurs to people: 100 million years of Australian environmental history, Archer M; Opie AH; Dodson JR; Harding HR; Head L; Murphy PA, (eds.), Environment Australia (Commonwealth Government), Canberra
1986, Uncovering Australia's dreamtime, Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW
,1982, Mammals in Australia