Select Publications


Handler M, 2022, Australia and the South Pacific in M. Senftleben (ed), Status Report on the Protection Against Unfair Competition in WIPO Member States, World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO/STrad/INF/8 Prov,

Alexander I; Bowrey K; Handler M; Giblin R; Weatherall K, 2022, Submission 15 to Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Consultation on the Exposure Draft of the Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021,

Bowrey K; Handler M; Aoun F, 2021, Submission to IP Australia’s Indigenous Knowledge Consultation Paper,

Alexander I; Bowrey KA; Giblin R; Handler M; McKeough J; Pappalardo K; Ricketson S; Suzor N; Weatherall K, 2018, Submission to the Department of Communications and the Arts, Copyright Modernisation Consultation,

Handler M; Burrell R, 2018, Submission 5 to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee, Inquiry into the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures) Bill 2018,

Handler M; Burrell R, 2017, Submission to the Australian Government on Productivity Commission Inquiry Report, Intellectual Property Arrangements (Report No. 78, 23 September 2016),,

Alexander I; Bond C; Bowrey KA; Burrell R; Handler M; Greenleaf G; Nicol D; Neilsen J; Weatherall K, 2016, Submission 505 to Productivity Commission, Intellectual Property Arrangements: Draft Report,

Weatherall K; Bowrey KA; Handler M; Alexander I, 2016, Submission to Department of Communications on exposure draft of the Copyright Amendment (Disability Access and Other Measures) Bill 2016 (Cth)

Weatherall K; Handler M; Alexander I, 2015, Submission 99 to Productivity Commission, Intellectual Property Arrangements: Issues Paper,

Burrell R; Handler M, 2015, Submission 92 to Productivity Commission, Intellectual Property Arrangements: Issues Paper

Burrell R; Handler M, 2014, Response to Attorney-General's Department, Review of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009, Consultation Paper 2,

Alexander I; Burrell R; Handler M; Hudson E; Weatherall K, 2014, Submission to Attorney-General's Department and Department of Communications, Online Copyright Infringement Discussion Paper,

Burrell R; Handler M; Hudson E; Weatherall K, 2013, Submission 713 to Australian Law Reform Commission on Discussion Paper 79: Copyright and the Digital Economy,

Burrell R; Handler M; Hudson E; Weatherall K, 2013, Submission 716 to Australian Law Reform Commission on Discussion Paper 79: Copyright and the Digital Economy, Australian Law Reform Commission,

Burrell R; Handler M; Hudson E; Weatherall K, 2012, Submission 278 to Australian Law Reform Commission on Issues Paper 42: Copyright and the Digital Economy, Australian Law Reform Commission,

Burrell R; Handler M, 2012, Submission to IP Australia on exposure draft of the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (Cth)

Handler M, 2012, Australia and the South Pacific in M. Senftleben (ed), Study on Misappropriation of Signs, World Intellectual Property Organization Committee on Development and Intellectual Property, CDIP/9/INF/5,

Handler M; Burrell R, 2011, Submission to IP Australia on exposure draft of the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2011 (Cth),

Handler M; Burrell R, 2005, Commercialisation and Management of Intellectual Property – Guidelines for Researchers and Research Managers, Canprint, Canberra, 05-005,

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