Select Publications

Journal articles

Taylor N; Smith P; Emmerig J; Legg M; Calgaro T, 2016, 'Australian Air Cargo Cartel Class Action Settles – Guidance on Risks and Costs', Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 32, pp. 218 - 221

Legg MJ; Langford C, 2016, 'High Court Rules Late Payment Fees not Penalties in Bank Fees Class Action', Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice, 27, pp. 256 - 260

Legg M; Goulding C, 2016, 'How the Internet of Things Will Affect the Future of Litigation', Law Society of NSW Journal, 11, pp. 90 - 90

Legg MJ; Soo N, 2016, 'Security for an undertaking as to damages - A principled approach', Journal of Equity, 10, pp. 74 - 87

Legg M; Kang J, 2016, 'Supreme Court Green Lights Concurrent Class Actions', Law Society of NSW, 3, pp. 88 - 89

Legg MJ; Emmerig J, 2015, 'High Court of Australia limits federal proportionate liability regimes to misleading or deceptive conduct', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 4, pp. 12 - 16

Legg MJ, 2015, 'Re Felicity: Costs orders against a solicitor for serious incompetence', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 4, pp. 17 - 21

Legg MJ; Westgarth G, 2015, 'Bank Fees Class Action in Australia Fails Before Full Federal Court', Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice, 26, pp. 111 - 117

Legg MJ; Emmerig J; Gingell G, 2015, 'Class Action Settlement Approval – Claims by a Trustee and Beneficiaries', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 4, pp. 92 - 92

Legg MJ, 2015, 'Contingency fees - antidote or poison', Australian Bar Review, 29, pp. 244 - 244

Legg M, 2015, 'Editorial: A Matter of Some Interest', Precedent, 129, pp. 2 - 2

Legg M, 2015, 'Evaluating Class Action Effectiveness', Precedent, 129, pp. 10 - 10

Legg M; Emmerig J, 2015, 'Failed Class Actions: To what extent are group members bound by an unsuccessful outcome?', Governance Directions, 67, pp. 687 - 687

Legg M; Tan , 2015, 'Federal Court Grants Injunction to Protect Civil Dispute Resolution Act 2011 (Cth) Processes', Australian Alternative Dispute Resolution Bulletin, 2, pp. 100 - 100

Legg M, 2015, 'Re Felicity: Costs Orders Against a Solicitor for Serious Incompetence', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 4, pp. 17 - 17

Legg M; Emmerig J, 2015, 'Selig v Wealthsure Pty Ltd: High Court of Australia Limits Federal Proportionate Liability Regimes to Misleading or Deceptive Conduct', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 4, pp. 12 - 12

Legg MJ; Emmerig J; Westgarth G, 2015, 'US Supreme Court revises fraud on the market presumption: Ramifications for Australian shareholder class actions', Australian Business Law Review, 43, pp. 448 - 461

Legg MJ, 2014, 'Full Federal Court Relaxes Commencement Requirements for Australian Class Actions', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 3, pp. 92 - 95

Legg M, 2014, 'Class action settlements in Australia -the need for greater scrutiny', Melbourne University Law Review, 38, pp. 590 - 620

Legg M; Cahill J, 2014, 'Commercial litigation', AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS LAW REVIEW, 42, pp. 131 - 135,

Legg MJ, 2014, 'Client Legal Privilege, Discovery and Expense Reduction in the Information Age', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 3, pp. 78

Degeling SE; Legg M, 2014, 'Fiduciary Obligations of Lawyers in Australian Class Actions', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 37, pp. 914 - 938,

Legg MJ, 2014, 'High Court of Australia employs case management and "overriding purpose" to resolve dispute over mistaken provision of privileged documents in discovery', Civil Justice Quarterly, 33, pp. 115

Legg MJ, 2014, 'Litigation Funding in the United Kingdom – Operation and Termination', Australian Business law Review, pp. 131 - 136

Legg MJ, 2014, 'Reconciling the goals of minimising cost and delay with the principle of a fair trial in the Australian civil justice system', Civil Justice Quarterly, 33, pp. 157

Legg MJ; Mirzabegian S, 2013, 'Appropriate dispute resolution and the role of litigation', Australian Bar Review, 38, pp. 55,

Legg MJ, 2013, 'Class Action Settlement Hurdles', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 2013, pp. 131 - 140,

Legg MJ, 2013, 'The Australian business judgment rule After ASIC v Rich: balancing director Authority and accountability', Addlaide Law Review, 34, pp. 403 - 426,

Legg MJ, 2012, 'Litigation nation — Revisiting contingency fees, litigation funding and class action fees in Australia', Tort Law Journal, 20, pp. 21 - 21

Legg M, 2012, 'Discovery and particulars of group members in class actions', Australian Bar Review, 36, pp. 119 - 136

Legg MJ, 2012, 'New Federal Court of Australia Discovery Rules Considered', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 1, pp. 59 - 62

Legg M; Mavrakis N, 2012, 'The Dodd-Frank Act Whistleblower reforms put bounty on corporate non-compliance: Ramifications and lessons for Australia', Australian Business Law Review, 40, pp. 26 - 49,$5bqueryType$3dpubbrowseDescending:OS$3b+sortType$3dpageNumberAsc$3b+searchTerms$3d$5b$3cAND$7cpubid:36222$3e$5d$3b+searchParameters$3d$7binstance$3dprod.academic$7d$3b+metaData$3d$$3d02012Y02Y01$23Feb+2012$3b_$25+Vol.+40+$281$29,$3dAustralian+Business+Law+Review$7d$5d/1/Australian+Business+Law+Review/02012Y02Y01$23Feb+2012$3b++Vol.+40+$281$29?accountid=12763

Legg M; Travers L, 2011, 'Oppression and winding up remedies after the GFC', Company and Securities Law Journal, 29, pp. 101 - 114,

Legg M, 2011, 'Reconciling Litigation Funding and the Opt Out Group Definition in Federal Court of Australia Class Actions – The Need for a Legislative Common Fund Approach', Civil Justice Quarterly, 31, pp. 52 - 73,

Legg M; Park E; Turner N; Travers L, 2011, 'The Rise and Regulation of Litigation Funding in Australia', Northern Kentucky Law Review, 38, pp. 625 - 672,

Legg M; Metzger J, 2011, 'US Supreme Court Revolutionises Pleading Requirements', Australian Law Journal, 85, pp. 81 - 85,

Legg M; Turner N, 2011, 'When Discovery and Technology Meet: The Pre-Discovery Conference', Journal of Judicial Administration, 21, pp. 54 - 70,

Legg MJ; Moutsopoulos J; Mavrakis N, 2010, 'Removal of the responsible entity of a managed investment scheme: Voting by the responsible entity and its associates and the role of the chair', Company and Securities Law Journal, 28, pp. 566 - 566

Legg MJ, 2010, 'Village Life Ltd – Further Developments in Shareholder Class Actions', Insurance Law Journal, 21, pp. 51 - 51

Legg MJ; Boniface D, 2010, 'Pre-action Protocols in Australia', Journal of Judicial Administration, 20, pp. 39 - 39

Boniface D; Legg M, 2010, 'Cost, Delay and Justice: The High Court of Australia Recognizes the Importance of Case Management in Civil Litigation— Aon Risk Services Australia Limited v Australian National University', Common Law World Review, 39, pp. 157 - 180,

Legg , 2010, 'Funding a Class Action through Limiting the Group: What does Part IVA of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) permit?', Australian Bar Review, 33, pp. 17 - 34

Legg , 2010, 'Mediation of complex commercial disputes prior to litigation: The Delaware Court of Chancery approach', Australian Dispute Resolution Journal, 21, pp. 44 - 52

Legg MJ, 2009, 'The Aristocrat Leisure Ltd shareholder class action settlement', Australian Business Law Review, 37, pp. 399 - 399

Legg MJ; Mavrakis N, 2009, 'ASIC v Citigroup: Fiduciary Duties, Managing Conflicts and Chinese Walls', Macquarie Journal of Business Law, 6, pp. 181 - 181

Legg MJ, 2009, 'The Extra-territorial Application of US Securities Class Actions', Australian Law Journal, 83, pp. 373 - 373

Legg , 2009, 'Entrepreneurs and Figureheads – Addressing Multiple Class Actions and Conflicts of Interest', UNSW Law Journal, 15, pp. 909

Legg ; Harris J, 2009, 'How the American Dream Became a Global Nightmare: An Analysis of the Causes of the Global Financial Crisis', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 32, pp. 350

Legg ; Travers L, 2009, 'Necessity is the mother of invention - the adoption of third party litigation funding and the closed class in australian class actions', Common Law World Review, 38, pp. 245 - 267

Legg , 2009, 'Replacement of the responsibile entity of a managed investment scheme by members', Company and Securities Law Journal, 27, pp. 299 - 309,

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