Select Publications
Journal articles
2018, 'Interactions between wildfire and drought drive population responses of mammals in coastal woodlands', Journal of Mammalogy,
,2018, 'Reversing functional extinction of mammals prompts a rethink of paradigms about seed fate in arid Australia', Royal Society Open Science,
,2018, 'Not all predators are equal: a continent-scale analysis of the effects of predator control on Australian mammals', Mammal Review,
,2018, 'Invasive cane toads might initiate cascades of direct and indirect effects in a terrestrial ecosystem', Biological Invasions, 20, pp. 1833 - 1847,
,2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, 217, pp. 213 - 221,
,2018, 'Rediscovery of the plains mouse (Pseudomys australis) (Rodentia:Muridae) in New South Wales', Australian Mammalogy, 40, pp. 127 - 130,
,2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, 217, pp. 213 - 221,
,2017, 'Reprint of: The case for a dingo reintroduction in Australia remains strong: A reply to Morgan et al., 2016', Food Webs, 13, pp. 40 - 42,
,2017, 'Rewilded mammal assemblages reveal the missing ecological functions of granivores', Functional Ecology,
,2017, 'Predator exposure improves anti-predator responses in a threatened mammal', Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, pp. 147 - 156,
,2017, 'In the absence of an apex predator, irruptive herbivores suppress grass seed production: Implications for small granivores', Biological Conservation, 213, pp. 13 - 18,
,2017, 'Top predators constrain mesopredator distributions', Nature Communications, 8,
,2017, 'Removal of an apex predator initiates a trophic cascade that extends from herbivores to vegetation and the soil nutrient pool', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B,
,2017, 'Strength of a trophic cascade between an apex predator, mammalian herbivore and grasses in a desert ecosystem does not vary with temporal fluctuations in primary productivity', Ecosystems,
,2017, 'Large scale responses of herbivore prey to canid predators and primary productivity'', Global Ecology and Biogeography: a journal of macroecology, 26, pp. 860 - 866,
,2017, 'Conserving the World's Megafauna and Biodiversity: The Fierce Urgency of Now', BIOSCIENCE, 67, pp. 197 - 200,
,2017, 'The case for a dingo reintroduction in Australia remains strong: A reply to Morgan et al., 2016', Food Webs, 10, pp. 39 - 41,
,2017, 'Temporal and spatial trends in the abundances of an apex predator, introduced mesopredator and ground-nesting bird are consistent with the mesopredator release hypothesis', Biodiversity and Conservation, 26, pp. 1445 - 1462,
,2017, 'Conserving the world's megafauna and biodiversity: The fierce urgency of now', BioScience, 67, pp. 197 - 200,
,2016, 'Shrub encroachment is linked to extirpation of an apex predator.', Journal of Animal Ecology, 86, pp. 147 - 157,
,2016, 'Saving the World’s Terrestrial Megafauna', Bioscience,
,2016, 'Deep evolutionary experience explains mammalian responses to predators', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70, pp. 1755 - 1763,
,2016, 'Reintroduction of Tasmanian devils to mainland Australia can restore top-down control in ecosystems where dingoes have been extirpated: A response to Baker et al. 2016 and Fancourt & Mooney 2016', Biological Conservation, 196, pp. 20 - 21,
,2016, 'Cranial Shape and the Modularity of Hybridization in Dingoes and Dogs; Hybridization Does Not Spell the End for Native Morphology', Evolutionary Biology, 43, pp. 171 - 187,
,2016, 'Ecological Allometries and Niche Use Dynamics Across Komodo Dragon Ontogeny', Naturwissenschaften,
,2016, 'The crest-tailed mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda) in the south-eastern Strzelecki Desert', Australian Mammalogy, 38, pp. 241 - 245,
,2015, 'Macroecological patterns in mammal abundances provide evidence that an apex predator shapes forest ecosystems by suppressing herbivore and mesopredator abundance', Journal of Biogeography, 42, pp. 1975 - 1985,
,2015, 'Ecosystem structure, function and composition in rangelands are negatively affected by livestock grazing', Ecological Applications
,2015, 'Functional extinction of a desert rodent: implications for seed fate and vegetation dynamics.', Ecography: pattern and diversity in ecology, 39, pp. 815 - 824,
,2015, 'Harnessing natural selection to tackle the problem of prey naïveté', Evolutionary Applications: evolutionary approaches to environmental, biomedical and socio-economic issues, 9, pp. 334 - 343,
,2015, 'Interference competition: odours of an apex predator and conspecifics influence resource acquisition by red foxes', Oecologia, 179, pp. 1033 - 1040,
,2015, 'Reintroduction of Tasmanian devils to mainland Australia can restore top-down control in ecosystems where dingoes have been extirpated', Biological Conservation,
,2015, 'Correlates of recent declines of rodents in northern and southern Australia: habitat structure is critical', PLoS One, 10, pp. e0130626 - e0130626,
,2015, 'Macro-ecological patterns in mammal abundances provide evidence that an apex predator shapes forest ecosystems by suppressing herbivore and mesopredator abundance', Journal of Biogeography
,2015, 'Ravens are a key threat to beach-nesting birds', Australian Field Ornithologist, 32, pp. 100 - 107
,2015, 'Resolving the value of the dingo in ecological restoration', Restoration Ecology, 23, pp. 201 - 208,
,2015, 'Species level traits determine positive and negative population impacts of invasive cane toads on native squamates', Biodiversity and Conservation, 24, pp. 1017 - 1029,
,2015, 'Invasive cane toads’ predatory impact on dung beetles is mediated by reservoir type at artificial water points', Ecosystems,
,2015, 'Resolving the value of the dingo in ecological restoration', Restoration Ecology,
,2015, 'Divergent foraging behavior of a desert rodent, Notomys fuscus, in cover and open microhabitats revealed using GUDs and video analysis', Australian Mammalogy,
,2015, 'Mesopredator suppression by an apex predator alleviates the risk of predation perceived by small prey', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 20142870,
,2015, 'Restricting access to invasion hubs enabes sustained control of an invasive vertebrate', Journal of Applied Ecology, 52, pp. 341 - 347,
,2015, 'Artificial watering points are focal points for activity by an invasive herbivore but not native herbivores in conservation reserves in arid Australia', Biodiversity and Conservation, 24, pp. 1 - 16,
,2014, 'Species level traits determine positive and negative population impacts of invasive cane toads on native squamates', Biodiversity and Conservation, 24, pp. 1 - 16,
,2014, 'Response to Allen ‘An alternative hypothesis to the conclusion of Colman et al. (2014)’', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B,
,2014, 'Response to commentary by Woinarski (Critical-weight-range marsupials in northern Australia are declining: a commentary on Fisher et al. (2014) ‘The current decline of tropical marsupials in Australia: is history repeating?’)', Global Ecology and Biogeography: a journal of macroecology,
,2014, 'Interplay among nocturnal activity, melatonin, corticosterone and performance in the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marinus)', General and Comparative Endocrinology, 206, pp. 43 - 50,
,2014, 'Fire type and hemisphere determine fire effects on alpha and beta diversity: A global meta-analysis', Global Ecology and Biogeography: a journal of macroecology, 23, pp. 1146 - 1156,
,2014, 'Carrion subsidies provided by fishermen increase predation of beach-nesting bird nests by facultative scavengers', Animal Conservation, 17 (2014),
,2014, 'An updated description of the Australian Dingo (Canis dingo Meyer, 1793)', Journal of Zoology, 293, pp. 192 - 203,