Select Publications

Journal articles

Jessop TS; Letnic M; Webb JK; Dempster T, 2013, 'Adrenocortical stress responses influence an invasive vertebrate's fitness in an extreme environment.', Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 280, pp. 20131444

Pastro L; Dickman C; Letnic M, 2013, 'Effects of wildfire, rainfall and region on desert lizard assemblages: The importance of multi-scale processes', Oecologia, 173, pp. 603 - 614,

Jessop T; Letnic M; Webb JK; Dempster T, 2013, 'Adrenocortical stress responses influence an invasive vertebrate's fitness in an extreme environment', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280,

Hu Y; Urlus J; Gillespie G; Letnic M; Jessop TS, 2013, 'Evaluating the role of fire disturbance in structuring small reptile communities in temperate forests', Biodiversity and Conservation, 22, pp. 1949 - 1963,

Letnic M; Baker L; Nesbitt B, 2013, 'Ecologically functional landscapes and the role of dingoes as trophic regulators in south-eastern Australia and other habitats', Ecological Management and Restoration, 14, pp. 101 - 105,

Fisher DO; Blomberg SP; Johnson CN; Frank A; Lawes MJ; Fritz SA; Mccallum H; Vanderwal J; Abbott B; Fisher A; Legge S; Gordon IJ; Letnic M; Thomas CR; Kutt A, 2013, 'The current decline of tropical marsupials in Australia: Is history repeating?', Global Ecology and Biogeography,

Ripple B; Wirsig A; Wilmers C; Letnic M, 2013, 'Widespread mesopredator Effects after Wolf Extirpation', Biological Conservation, 160, pp. 70 - 79,

Letnic M; Ritchie EG; Dickman CR, 2012, 'Top predators as biodiversity regulators: The dingo Canis lupus dingo as a case study', Biological Reviews, 87, pp. 390 - 413,

Fillios M; Crowther M; Letnic M, 2012, 'The impact of the dingo on the thylacine in Holocene Australia', World Archaeology, 44, pp. 118 - 134,

Radford C; Letnic M; Fillios M; Crowther M, 2012, 'An assessment of the taxonomic status of wild canids in south-eastern New South Wales: phenotypic variation in dingoes', Australian Journal of Zoology,

Letnic M; Fillios M; Crowther M, 2012, 'Could Direct Killing by Larger Dingoes Have Caused the Extinction of the Thylacine from Mainland Australia?', PLoS ONE, 7

Ritchie EG; Elmhagen B; Glen AS; Letnic M; Ludwig G; McDonald RA, 2012, 'Ecosystem restoration with teeth: What role for predators?', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27, pp. 265 - 271,

Tingley R; Phillips B; Letnic M; Brown G; Shine R; Baird S, 2012, 'Identifying optimal barriers to halt the invasion of cane toads Rhinella marina in arid Australia', Journal of Applied Ecology,

Letnic M; Crowther M, 2012, 'Patterns in the abundance of kangaroo populations in arid Australia are consistent with the exploitation ecosystems hypothesis', Oikos, 122, pp. 761 - 769,

Letnic M; Shine R; Webb J; Timothy D; Ruchira S, 2012, 'Why does vulnerability to toxic invasive cane toads vary among populations of Australian freshwater crocodiles?', Animal Conservation, 16, pp. 86 - 96,

Pastro L; Dickman C; Letnic M, 2011, 'Burning for biodiversity or burning biodiversity? Prescribed burn vs. wildfire impacts on plants, lizards, and mammals', Ecological Applications, 21, pp. 3238 - 3253,

Letnic M; Story P; Story G; Field J; Brown O; Dickman CR, 2011, 'Resource pulses, switching trophic control, and the dynamics of small mammal assemblages in arid Australia', Journal of Mammalogy, 92, pp. 1210 - 1222,

Letnic M; Crowther MS; Dickman CR; Ritchie EG, 2011, 'Demonising the dingo: How much wild dogma is enough?', Current Zoology, 57, pp. 668 - 670

Fukuda Y; Letnic M; Manolis C; Lindner G; Webb G, 2011, 'Recovery of saltwater crocodiles following unregulated hunting in tidal rivers of the Northern Territory, Australia', Journal of Wildlife Management, 75, pp. 1253 - 1266,

Russell B; Fleming P; Letnic M, 2011, 'Managing feral goat impacts by manipulating their access to water in the rangelands', Rangeland Journal, 33, pp. 143 - 152,

Cupples J; Crowther M; Letnic M, 2011, 'Dietary overlap and prey selectivity among sympatric carnivores: Could dingoes suppress foxes through competition for prey?', Journal of Mammalogy, 92, pp. 590 - 600,

Walther BD; Dempster T; Letnic M; McCulloch MT, 2011, 'Movements of Diadromous Fish in Large Unregulated Tropical Rivers Inferred from Geochemical Tracers', PLoS ONE, 6,

Letnic M; Greenville A; Denny E; Dickman CR; Tischler M; Gordon C; Koch F, 2011, 'Does a top predator suppress the abundance of an invasive mesopredator at a continental scale?', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20, pp. 343 - 353,

Florance D; Webb J; Dempster T; Worthing A; Letnic M, 2011, 'Excluding access to invasion hubs can contain the spread of an invasive vertebrate', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278, pp. 2900 - 2908,

Carmody P; Burke J; Letnic M, 2011, 'Problem crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) in the freshwater, Katherine River, Northern Territory, Australia', Australian Zoologist, 35, pp. 858 - 863,

Letnic M; Dworjanyn SA, 2011, 'Does a top predator reduce the predatory impact of an invasive mesopredator on an endangered rodent?', Ecography, 34, pp. 827 - 835,

Letnic M; Story P; Story G; Field J; Brown O; Dickman CR, 2011, 'Resource pulses, Switching trophic control, and the dynamics of desert small-mammal assemblages in arid Australia: test of a conceptual model', Journal of Mammalogy, 92, pp. 1210 - 1222

Letnic M; Dickman CR, 2010, 'Resource pulses and mammalian dynamics: Conceptual models for hummock grasslands and other Australian desert habitats', Biological Reviews, 85, pp. 501 - 521,

Letnic M; Koch F, 2010, 'Are dingoes a trophic regulator in arid Australia? A comparison of mammal communities on either side of the dingo fence', Austral Ecology, 35, pp. 167 - 175,

Fillios M; Gordon C; Koch F; Letnic M, 2010, 'The effect of a top predator on kangaroo abundance in arid Australia and its implications for archaeological faunal assemblages', Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, pp. 986 - 993,

Letnic M; Koch F; Gordon C; Crowther MS; Dickman CR, 2009, 'Keystone effects of an alien top-predator stem extinctions of native mammals', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276, pp. 3249 - 3256,

Letnic M; Crowther MS; Koch F, 2009, 'Does a top-predator provide an endangered rodent with refuge from an invasive mesopredator?', Animal Conservation, 12, pp. 302 - 312,

Greenville AC; Dickman CR; Wardle GM; Letnic M, 2009, 'The fire history of an arid grassland: the influence of antecedent rainfall and ENSO', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18, pp. 631 - 631,

Letnic M, 2008, 'A comparison of saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) populations in freshwater-floodplain and tidal river habitats of the adelaide river catchment, Northern Territory, Australia', Applied Herpetology, 5, pp. 243 - 252,

Letnic M; Webb JK; Shine R, 2008, 'Invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) cause mass mortality of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) in tropical Australia', Biological Conservation, 141, pp. 1773 - 1782,

LETNIC M; DICKMAN CR, 2008, 'The responses of small mammals to patches regenerating after fire and rainfall in the Simpson Desert, central Australia', Austral Ecology, 30, pp. 24 - 39,

Doody JS; Sims RA; Letnic M, 2007, 'Environmental manipulation to avoid a unique predator: Drinking hole excavation in the agile wallaby, Macropus agilis', Ethology, 113, pp. 128 - 136,

Phillips P; Hauser P; Letnic M, 2007, 'Displacement of black flying-foxes Pteropus alecto from Batchelor, Northern Territory', Australian Zoologist, 34, pp. 119 - 124,

Letnic M; Connors G, 2006, 'Changes in the distribution and abundance of saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) in the upstream, freshwater reaches of rivers in the Northern Territory, Australia', Wildlife Research, 33, pp. 529 - 538,

Letnic M; Dickman CR, 2006, 'Boom means bust: Interactions between the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), rainfall and the processes threatening mammal species in arid Australia', Biodiversity and Conservation, 15, pp. 3847 - 3880,

Holmgren M; Stapp P; Dickman CR; Gracia C; Graham S; Gutiérrez JR; Hice C; Jaksic F; Kelt DA; Letnic M; Lima M; López BC; Meserve PL; Milstead WB; Polis GA; Previtali MA; Richter M; Sabaté S; Squeo FA, 2006, 'Extreme climatic events shape arid and semiarid ecosystems', Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4, pp. 87 - 95,[0087:ECESAA]2.0.CO;2

Brown OJF; Field J; Letnic M, 2006, 'Variation in the taphonomic effect of scavengers in semi-arid Australia linked to rainfall and the El Niño southern oscillation', International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 16, pp. 165 - 176,

Holmgren M; Stapp P; Dickman CR; Gracia C; Graham S; Gutiérrez JR; Hice C; Jaksic F; Kelt DA; Letnic M; Lima M; López BC; Meserve PL; Milstead WB; Polis GA; Previtali MA; Richter M; Sabaté S; Squeo FA, 2006, 'A synthesis of ENSO effects on drylands in Australia, North America and South America', Advances in Geosciences, 6, pp. 69 - 72,

Letnic M; Connors G, 2006, 'Changes in the distribution and abundance of saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) in the upstream, freshwater reaches of rivers in the Northern Territory, Australia', WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 33, pp. 529 - 538,

Bradshaw CJA; Fukuda Y; Letnic M; Brook BW, 2006, 'Incorporating known sources of uncertainty to determine precautionary harvests of saltwater crocodiles', Ecological Applications, 16, pp. 1436 - 1448,[1436:IKSOUT]2.0.CO;2

Brown O; Field JH; Letnic M, 2006, 'Variation in the taphonomic effect of scavengers in semi-arid NSW linked to rainfall and the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).', International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 16, pp. 165 - 176


Letnic M; Dickman CR, 2005, 'The responses of small mammals to patches regenerating after fire and rainfall in the Simpson Desert, central Australia', Austral Ecology, 30, pp. 24 - 39,

Letnic M; Dickman CR; Tischler MK; Tamayo B; Beh CL, 2004, 'The responses of small mammals and lizards to post-fire succession and rainfall in arid Australia', Journal of Arid Environments, 59, pp. 85 - 114,

Letnic M, 2004, 'Cattle grazing in a hummock grassland regenerating after fire: The short-term effects of cattle exclusion on vegetation in south-western Queensland', Rangeland Journal, 26, pp. 34 - 48,

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