Select Publications

Journal articles

Schilling HT; Everett JD; Smith JA; Stewart J; Hughes JM; Roughan M; Kerry C; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Multiple spawning events promote increased larval dispersal of a predatory fish in a western boundary current', Fisheries Oceanography, 29, pp. 309 - 323,

Phillips LR; Carroll G; Jonsen I; Harcourt R; Roughan M, 2020, 'A Water Mass Classification Approach to Tracking Variability in the East Australian Current', Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,

Lara-Lopez A; Moltmann T; Jones E; Lowe R; Melbourne-Thomas J; Proctor R; Roughan M, 2020, 'Building multidisciplinary collaboration in coastal and ocean modelling and observation in Australasia', Journal of Marine Systems, 206,

Kerry C; Roughan M, 2020, 'Downstream Evolution of the East Australian Current System: Mean Flow, Seasonal, and Intra-annual Variability', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125,

Archer M; Schaeffer A; Keating S; Roughan M; Holmes R; Siegelman L, 2020, 'Observations of submesoscale variability and frontal subduction within the mesoscale eddy field of the tasman sea', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, pp. 1509 - 1529,

Schaeffer A; Archer MR; Baumard Q; Roughan M; Kerry C, 2020, 'An assessment of the East Australian Current as a renewable energy resource', Journal of Marine Systems, 204,

García-Echauri LL; Liggins G; Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; Coleman MA; Jeffs A, 2020, 'Future ocean temperature impacting the survival prospects of post-larval spiny lobsters', Marine Environmental Research, 156,

Kerry C; Roughan M; Powell B, 2020, 'Predicting the submesoscale circulation inshore of the East Australian Current', Journal of Marine Systems, 204,

Malan N; Archer M; Roughan M; Cetina-Heredia P; Hemming M; Rocha C; Schaeffer A; Suthers I; Queiroz E, 2020, 'Eddy-Driven Cross-Shelf Transport in the East Australian Current Separation Zone', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125,

Norrie C; Dunphy B; Roughan M; Weppe S; Lundquist C, 2020, 'Spill-over from aquaculture may provide a larval subsidy for the restoration of mussel reefs', Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 12, pp. 231 - 249,

Oke PR; Roughan M; Cetina-Heredia P; Pilo GS; Ridgway KR; Rykova T; Archer MR; Coleman RC; Kerry CG; Rocha C; Schaeffer A; Vitarelli E, 2019, 'Revisiting the circulation of the East Australian Current: Its path, separation, and eddy field', Progress in Oceanography, 176,

Lee KA; Smoothey AF; Harcourt RG; Roughan M; Butcher PA; Peddemors VM, 2019, 'Environmental drivers of abundance and residency of a large migratory shark, Carcharhinus leucas, inshore of a dynamic western boundary current', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 622, pp. 121 - 137,

Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; Liggins G; Coleman MA; Jeffs A, 2019, 'Correction: Mesoscale circulation determines broad spatio-temporal settlement patterns of lobster (PLoS ONE (2019) 14: 2 (e0211722) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211722)', PLoS ONE, 14,

Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; van Sebille E; Keating S; Brassington GB; Cetina Heredia P, 2019, 'Retention and Leakage of Water by Mesoscale Eddies in the East Australian Current System', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, pp. 2485 - 2500,

Xiao Z; Wang XH; Roughan M; Harrison D, 2019, 'Numerical modelling of the Sydney Harbour Estuary, New South Wales: Lateral circulation and asymmetric vertical mixing', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 217, pp. 132 - 147,

Cetina Heredia P, 2019, 'mesoscale circulation determines broad spatio-temporal settlement patterns of lobster', PLoS ONE,

Rocha C; Edwards CA; Roughan M; Cetina-Heredia P; Kerry C, 2019, 'A high-resolution biogeochemical model (ROMS 3.4+bio-Fennel) of the East Australian current system', Geoscientific Model Development, 12, pp. 441 - 456,

Bailey K; Steinberg C; Davies C; Galibert G; Hidas M; McManus MA; Murphy T; Newton J; Roughan M; Schaeffer A, 2019, 'Coastal mooring observing networks and their data products: Recommendations for the next decade', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, pp. 180,

O'Callaghan J; Stevens C; Roughan M; Cornelisen C; Sutton P; Garrett S; Giorli G; Smith RO; Currie KI; Suanda SH; Williams M; Bowen M; Fernandez D; Vennell R; Knight BR; Barter P; McComb P; Oliver M; Livingston M; Tellier P; Meissner A; Brewer M; Gall M; Nodder SD; Decima M; Souza J; Forcén-Vazquez A; Gardiner S; Paul-Burke K; Chiswell S; Roberts J; Hayden B; Biggs B; Macdonald H, 2019, 'Developing an integrated ocean observing system for New Zealand', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6,

Savage C, 2019, 'Editorial', NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH, 53, pp. 1 - 2,

Todd RE; Chavez FP; Clayton S; CRAVATTE SE; Goes MP; Graco MI; Lin X; Sprintall J; Zilberman NV; Archer M; Arístegui J; Balmaseda MA; Bane JM; Baringer MO; Barth JA; Beal LM; Brandt P; Calil PH; Campos E; Centurioni LR; Chidichimo MP; Cirano M; Cronin MF; Curchitser EN; Davis RE; Dengler M; DeYoung B; Dong S; Escribano R; Fassbender AJ; Fawcett SE; Feng M; Goni GJ; Gray AR; Gutiérrez D; Hebert D; Hummels R; Ito SI; Krug M; Lacan F; Laurindo L; Lazar A; Lee CM; Lengaigne M; Levine N; Middleton J; Montes I; Muglia M; Nagai T; Palevsky HI; Palter JB; Phillips HE; Piola AR; Plueddemann AJ; Qiu B; Rodrigues RR; Rossby T; Roughan M; Rudnick DL; Rykaczewski RR; Saraceno M; Seim H; Gupta AS; Shannon L; Sloyan BM; Sutton AJ; Thompson LA; van der Plas AK; Volkov D; Wilkin J; Zhang D; Zhang L, 2019, 'Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, pp. 423,

Testor P; DeYoung B; Rudnick DL; Glenn S; Hayes D; Lee C; Pattiaratchi CB; Hill KL; Heslop E; Turpin V; Alenius P; Barrera C; Barth J; Beaird N; Becu G; Bosse A; Bourrin F; Brearley A; Chao Y; Chen S; Chiggiato J; Coppola L; Crout R; Cummings J; Curry B; Curry R; Davis R; Desai K; DiMarco S; Edwards C; Fielding S; Fer I; Frajka-Williams E; Gildor H; Goni G; Gutierrez D; Hanson S; Haugan P; Hebert D; Heiderich J; Heywood KJ; Hogan P; Houpert L; Huh S; Inall ME; Ishii M; Ito SI; Itoh S; Jan S; Kaiser J; Karstensen J; Kirkpatrick B; Klymak J; Kohut J; Krahmann G; Krug M; McClatchie S; Marin F; Mauri E; Mehra A; Meredith MP; Miles T; Morell J; Mortier L; Nicholson S; O'Callaghan J; O'Conchubhair D; Oke PR; Sanz EP; Palmer M; Park JJ; Perivoliotis L; Poulain PM; Perry R; Queste B; Rainville L; Rehm E; Roughan M; Rome N; Ross T; Ruiz S; Saba G; Schaeffer A; Schonau M; Schroeder K; Shimizu Y; Sloyan BM; Smeed D; Snowden DP; Song Y; Swart S; Tenreiro M; Thompson AF; Tintore J; Todd RE; Toro C; Venables H; Waterman S; Watlington R; Wilson D, 2019, 'OceanGliders: A component of the integrated GOOS', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, pp. 422,

Kaiser BA; Hoeberechts M; Maxwell KH; Eerkes-Medrano L; Hilmi N; Safa A; Horbel C; Juniper SK; Roughan M; Lowen NT; Short K; Paruru D, 2019, 'The importance of connected ocean monitoring knowledge systems and communities', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6,

Kerry C; Roughan M; Powell B, 2018, 'Observation Impact in a Regional Reanalysis of the East Australian Current System', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, pp. 7511 - 7528,

Lee KA; Roughan M; Malcolm HA; Otway NM, 2018, 'Assessing the use of area- and time-averaging based on known de-correlation scales to provide satellite derived sea surface temperatures in coastal areas', Frontiers in Marine Science, 5,

Lee KA; Roughan M; Harcourt RG; Peddemors VM, 2018, 'Environmental correlates of relative abundance of potentially dangerous sharks in nearshore areas, southeastern Australia', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 599, pp. 157 - 179,

Archer MR; Keating SR; Roughan M; Johns WE; Lumpkin R; Beron-Vera FJ; Shay LK, 2018, 'The Kinematic Similarity of Two Western Boundary Currents Revealed by Sustained High-Resolution Observations', Geophysical Research Letters, 45, pp. 6176 - 6185,

Wyatt LR; Mantovanelli A; Heron ML; Roughan M; Steinberg CR, 2018, 'Assessment of Surface Currents Measured with High-Frequency Phased-Array Radars in Two Regions of Complex Circulation', IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 43, pp. 484 - 505,

Cetina-Heredia P; van Sebille E; Matear RJ; Roughan M, 2018, 'Nitrate Sources, Supply, and Phytoplankton Growth in the Great Australian Bight: An Eulerian-Lagrangian Modeling Approach', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, pp. 759 - 772,

Archer MR; Roughan M; Keating SR; Schaeffer A, 2017, 'On the Variability of the East Australian Current: Jet Structure, Meandering, and Influence on Shelf Circulation', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, pp. 8464 - 8481,

Coleman MA; Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; Feng M; van Sebille E; Kelaher BP, 2017, 'Anticipating changes to future connectivity within a network of marine protected areas', Global Change Biology, 23, pp. 3533 - 3542,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M, 2017, 'Subsurface intensification of marine heatwaves off southeastern Australia: The role of stratification and local winds', Geophysical Research Letters, 44, pp. 5025 - 5033,

Schaeffer A; Gramoulle A; Roughan M; Mantovanelli A, 2017, 'Characterizing frontal eddies along the East Australian Current from HF radar observations', Journal Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, pp. 3964 - 3980,

Mantovanelli A; Keating SR; Wyatt LR; Roughan M; Schaeffer A, 2017, 'Lagrangian and Eulerian characterization of two counter-rotating submesoscale eddies in a western boundary current', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, pp. 4902 - 4921,

Roughan M; Keating SR; Schaeffer A; Cetina Heredia P; Rocha C; Griffin D; Robertson R; Suthers IM, 2017, 'A tale of two eddies: The biophysical characteristics of two contrasting cyclonic eddies in the East Australian Current System', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, pp. 2494 - 2518,

Kerry C; Powell B; Roughan M; Oke P, 2016, 'Development and evaluation of a high-resolution reanalysis of the East Australian Current region using the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS 3.4) and Incremental Strong-Constraint 4-Dimensional Variational (IS4D-Var) data assimilation', Geoscientific Model Development, 9, pp. 3779 - 3801,

Oke PR; Proctor R; Rosebrock U; Brinkman R; Cahill ML; Coghlan I; Divakaran P; Freeman J; Pattiaratchi C; Roughan M; Sandery PA; Schaeffer A; Wijeratne S, 2016, 'The Marine Virtual Laboratory (version 2.1): Enabling efficient ocean model configuration', Geoscientific Model Development, 9, pp. 3297 - 3307,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Austin T; Everett JD; Griffin D; Hollings B; King E; Mantovanelli A; Milburn S; Pasquer B; Pattiaratchi C; Robertson R; Stanley D; Suthers I; White D, 2016, 'Mean hydrography on the continental shelf from 26 repeat glider deployments along Southeastern Australia', Scientific Data, 3, pp. 160070,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M; M Jones E; White D, 2016, 'Physical and biogeochemical spatial scales of variability in the East Australian Current separation from shelf glider measurements', Biogeosciences, 13, pp. 1967 - 1975,

Cetina-Heredia P; van Sebille E; Matear R; Roughan M, 2016, 'Lagrangian characterization of nitrate supply and episodes of extreme phytoplankton blooms in the Great Australian Bight', ,

Macdonald HS; Roughan M; Baird ME; Wilkin J, 2016, 'The formation of a cold-core eddy in the East Australian Current', Continental Shelf Research, 114, pp. 72 - 84,

Wood JE; Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Tate PM, 2016, 'Seasonal variability in the continental shelf waters off southeastern Australia: Fact or fiction?', Continental Shelf Research, 112, pp. 92 - 103,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Jones E; White D, 2015, 'Physical and biogeochemical spatial scales of variability in the East Australian Current separation zone from shelf glider measurements', ,

Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; van Sebille E; Feng M; Coleman MA; Cetina Heredia P, 2015, 'Strengthened currents override the effect of warming on lobster larval dispersal and survival', Global Change Biology, 21, pp. 4377 - 4386,

Armbrecht LH; Thompson PA; Wright SW; Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Henderiks J; Armand LK, 2015, 'Comparison of the cross-shelf phytoplankton distribution of two oceanographically distinct regions off Australia', Journal of Marine Systems, 148, pp. 26 - 38,

Armbrecht LH; Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Armand LK, 2015, 'Interactions between seasonality and oceanic forcing drive the phytoplankton variability in the tropical-temperate transition zone (~30°S) of Eastern Australia', Journal of Marine Systems, 144, pp. 92 - 106,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M, 2015, 'Influence of a western boundary current on shelf dynamics and upwelling from repeat glider deployments', Geophysical Research Letters, 42, pp. 121 - 128,

Everett JD; MacDonald H; Baird ME; Humphries J; Roughan M; Suthers IM, 2015, 'Cyclonic entrainment of preconditioned shelf waters into a frontal eddy', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, pp. 677 - 691,

Mayer-Pinto M; Johnston EL; Hutchings PA; Marzinelli EM; Ahyong ST; Birch G; Booth DJ; Creese RG; Doblin MA; Figueira W; Gribben PE; Pritchard T; Roughan M; Steinberg PD; Hedge LH; Mayer Pinto M, 2015, 'Sydney Harbour: A review of anthropogenic impacts on the biodiversity and ecosystem function of one of the world's largest natural harbours', Marine and Freshwater Research, 66, pp. 1088 - 1105,

Johnston EL; Mayer-Pinto M; Hutchings PA; Marzinelli EM; Ahyong ST; Birch G; Booth DJ; Creese RG; Doblin MA; Figueira W; Gribben PE; Pritchard T; Roughan M; Steinberg PD; Hedge LH; Mayer Pinto M, 2015, 'Sydney Harbour: What we do and do not know about a highly diverse estuary', Marine and Freshwater Research, 66, pp. 1073 - 1087,

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