Select Publications

Journal articles

Lynch TP; Morello EB; Evans K; Richardson AJ; Rochester W; Steinberg CR; Roughan M; Thompson P; Middleton JF; Feng M; Sherrington R; Brando V; Tilbrook B; Ridgway K; Allen S; Doherty P; Hill K; Moltmann TC, 2014, 'IMOS National Reference Stations: A continental-wide physical, chemical and biological coastal observing system', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e113652,

Vergés A; Steinberg PD; Hay ME; Poore AGB; Campbell AH; Ballesteros E; Heck KL; Booth DJ; Coleman MA; Feary DA; Figueira W; Langlois T; Marzinelli EM; Mizerek T; Mumby PJ; Nakamura Y; Roughan M; van Sebille E; Gupta ASE; Smale DA; Tomas F; Wernberg T; Wilson SK, 2014, 'The tropicalization of temperate marine ecosystems: climate-mediated changes in herbivory and community phase shifts', Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 281, pp. 20140846,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Wood JE, 2014, 'Observed bottom boundary layer transport and uplift on the continental shelf adjacent to a western boundary current', JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 119, pp. 4922 - 4939,

Macdonald HS; Roughan M; Baird ME; Wilkin J, 2014, 'The formation of a cold-core eddy in the East Australian Current', Continental Shelf Research,

Armbrecht LH; Roughan M; Rossi V; Schaeffer A; Davies PL; Waite AM; Armand LK, 2014, 'Phytoplankton composition under contrasting oceanographic conditions: Upwelling and downwelling (Eastern Australia)', Continental Shelf Research, 75, pp. 54 - 67,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Morris BD, 2014, 'Corrigendum to Cross-shelf dynamics in a western boundary current regime: Implications for upwelling [J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, (2013) 1042-1059] DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-12-0177.1', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44, pp. 2812 - 2813,

Everett JD; Baird ME; Roughan M; Suthers IM; Doblin MA, 2014, 'Relative impact of seasonal and oceanographic drivers on surface chlorophyll a along a Western Boundary Current', Progress in Oceanography, 120, pp. 340 - 351,

Rossi V; Schaeffer A; Wood J; Galibert G; Morris B; Sudre J; Roughan M; Waite AM, 2014, 'Seasonality of sporadic physical processes driving temperature and nutrient high-frequency variability in the coastal ocean off southeast Australia', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119, pp. 445 - 460,

Cetina-Heredia P; Roughan M; van Sebille E; Coleman MA; Cetina Heredia P, 2014, 'Long-term trends in the East Australian Current separation latitude and eddy driven transport', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119, pp. 4351 - 4366,

Waite AM; Rossi V; Roughan M; Tilbrook B; Thompson PA; Feng M; Wyatt ASJ; Raes EJ, 2013, 'Formation and maintenance of high-nitrate, low pH layers in the eastern Indian Ocean and the role of nitrogen fixation', Biogeosciences, 10, pp. 5691 - 5702,

Wood JE; Roughan M; Tate PM, 2013, 'Annual cycling in wind, temperature and along shore currents on the Sydney shelf', Coasts and Ports 2013, pp. 866 - 871

Roughan M; Schaeffer A; Kioroglou S, 2013, 'Assessing the design of the NSW-IMOS moored observation array from 2008-2013: Recommendations for the future', OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE - San Diego: An Ocean in Common

Rossi V; Feng M; Pattiaratchi C; Roughan M; Waite AM, 2013, 'On the factors influencing the development of sporadic upwelling in the Leeuwin Current system', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, pp. 3608 - 3621,

Macdonald HS; Roughan M; Baird ME; Wilkin J, 2013, 'A numerical modeling study of the East Australian Current encircling and overwashing a warm-core eddy', Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, pp. 301 - 315,

Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Morris BD, 2013, 'Cross-shelf dynamics in a western boundary current regime: Implications for upwelling', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, pp. 1042 - 1059,

Rossi V; Feng M; Pattiaratchi C; Roughan M; Waite A, 2013, 'Linking synoptic forcing and local mesoscale processes with biological dynamics off Ningaloo Reef', Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, pp. 1211 - 1225,

Coleman MA; Feng M; Roughan M; Cetina‐Heredia P; Connell SD; Cetina Heredia P, 2013, 'Temperate shelf water dispersal by Australian boundary currents: Implications for population connectivity', Limnology & Oceanography Fluids & Environments, 3, pp. 295 - 309,

Wood JE; Roughan M; Tate PM, 2012, 'Finding a proxy for wind stress over the coastal ocean', Marine and Freshwater Research, 63, pp. 528 - 544,

Colella M; Parkinson A; Evans T; Robertson J; Roux C, 2011, 'The effect of ionizing gamma radiation on natural and synthetic fibers and its implications for the forensic examination of fiber evidence', Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56, pp. 591 - 605,

Suthers I; Young J; Roughan M; Baird M; Ridgway K, 2011, 'Appreciation', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, pp. 537,

Syahailatua A; Roughan M; Suthers IM, 2011, 'Characteristic ichthyoplankton taxa in the separation zone of the East Australian Current: Larval assemblages as tracers of coastal mixing', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, pp. 678 - 690,

Roughan M; Macdonald HS; Baird ME; Glasby T, 2011, 'Modelling coastal connectivity in a Western Boundary Current: Seasonal and inter-annual variability', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, pp. 628 - 644,

Baird M; Suthers IM; Griffin D; Hollings B; Pattiaratchi C; Everett JD; Roughan M; Oubelkheir K; Doblin MD, 2011, 'The effect of surface flooding on the physical-biogeochemical dynamics of a warm-core eddy off southeast Australia', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, pp. 592 - 605,

Suthers IM; Young JW; Baird M; Roughan M; Everett JD; Brassington GB; Byrne M; Condie SA; Hartog JR; Hassler C; Hobday AJ; Holbrook NJ; Malcolm HA; Oke P; Thompson PA; Ridgway K, 2011, 'The strengthening East Australian current, its eddies and biological effects - an introduction and overview', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 258, pp. 538 - 546,

Roughan M; Morris BD, 2011, 'Using high-resolution ocean timeseries data to give context to long term hydrographic sampling off Port Hacking, NSW, Australia', OCEANS'11 - MTS/IEEE Kona, Program Book, pp. 1 - 4

Coleman MA; Roughan M; Macdonald HS; Connell SD; Gillanders BM; Kelaher B; Steinberg PD, 2011, 'Variation in the strength of continental boundary currents determines continent-wide connectivity in kelp', Journal of Ecology, 99, pp. 1026 - 1032,

McCabe R; Estrade P; Middleton JH; Melville W; Roughan M; Lenain L, 2010, 'Temperature variability in a shallow, tidally isolated coral reef lagoon', Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. C12011 (17pp),

Largier JL; Lawrence CA; Roughan M; Kaplan DM; Dever EP; Dorman CE; Kudela RM; Bollens SM; Wilkerson FP; Dugdale RC; Botsford LW; Garfield N; Kuebel Cervantes B; Koračin D, 2006, 'WEST: A northern California study of the role of wind-driven transport in the productivity of coastal plankton communities', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53, pp. 2833 - 2849,

Roughan MM; Garfield N; Largier JL; Dever E; Dorman C; Peterson D; Dorman J, 2006, 'Transport and retention in an upwelling region: The role of across-shelf structure', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53, pp. 2931 - 2955

Roughan M; Mace AJ; Largier JL; Morgan SG; Fisher JL; Carter ML, 2005, 'Subsurface recirculation and larval retention in the lee of a small headland: A variation on the upwelling shadow theme', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 110, pp. 1 - 18,

Roughan M; Terrill EJ; Largier JL; Otero MP, 2005, 'Observations of divergence and upwelling around Point Loma, California', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 110, pp. 1 - 11,

Baird ME; Roughan M; Brander R; Middleton JH; Nippard GJ, 2004, 'Mass-transfer-limited nitrate uptake on a coral reef flat, Warraber Island, Torres Strait, Australia', Coral Reefs, 23, pp. 386 - 396

Roughan MM; Middleton JH, 2004, 'On the East Australian Current: Variability, encroachment, and upwelling', Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, pp. C07003 - C07003

Brix H; Hench JL; Johnson HL; Johnston TMS; Polton JA; Roughan M; Testor P, 2003, 'An international perspective on graduate education in Physical Oceanography', Oceanography, 16, pp. 128 - 133,

Anonymous , 2003, 'Outstanding student paper awards', Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 84, pp. 283 - 283,

Roughan MM; Oke PR; Middleton JH, 2003, 'A modeling study of the climatological current field and thetrajectories of upwelled particles in the East Australian Current', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33, pp. 2551 - 2564

Roughan MM; Oke P; Middleton JH, 2003, 'A modelling study of the climatological current field and the trajectories of upwelled particles in the East Australian current', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33, pp. 2551 - 2564

Chernys M; Roughan M, 2002, 'Kick-off symposium series to help new Ph.D.S is a success', Eos, 83, pp. 512,

Roughan M; Middleton JH, 2002, 'A comparison of observed upwelling mechanisms off the east coast of Australia', Continental Shelf Research, 22, pp. 2551 - 2572

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