Select Publications

Book Chapters

Heslin PA, 2024, 'Self-regulation and Heroism', in Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 6,

Heslin PA; Mellish LB, 2021, 'Being in Learning Mode', in The Age of Agility, Oxford University PressNew York, pp. 282 - 300,

Heslin PA; Latzke M, 2019, 'Individual difference antecedents of career outcomes', in The Routledge Companion to Career Studies, Routledge, pp. 162 - 179,

Heslin PA; Latzke M, 2019, 'Individual difference antecedents of career outcomes', in Gunz H; Lazarova M; Mayrhofer W (ed.), ROUTLEDGE COMPANION TO CAREER STUDIES, ROUTLEDGE, New York, NY, pp. 162 - 179,

Heslin PA; Latzke M, 2017, 'Intrapersonal antecedents of career outcomes.', in Mayrhofer M; Gunz HP; Lazarova M (ed.), Routledge Companion to Career Studies., Routledge

Heslin PA; Mortimore G; Keating LA, 2017, 'Rockstar vs Ringmaster: Balancing Complementary Teaching Roles to Develop Management Skills', in Brown KG (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Training and Employee Development, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, pp. 495 - 518,

Heslin PA; Klehe U-C; Keating LA, 2017, 'Self-efficacy', in Rogelberg SG; Shockley KM; Tonidandel S (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, pp. 1402 - 1406,

Heslin PA; Wang K, 2013, 'Determinants of goals', in Locke EA; Latham GP (ed.), New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance, Routledge, New York, pp. 133 - 146

Heslin PA; Caprar DV, 2013, 'Goals and self-efficacy as mediators', in Locke EA; Latham GP (ed.), New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance, Routledge, New York, pp. 213 - 230

Heslin PA, 2012, 'Conceptualizing and evaluating career success.', in Inkson K; Savickas M (ed.), Career Studies, SAGE Publications Limited

Heslin PA, 2010, 'Mindsets and employee engagement: Theoretical linkages and practical interventions', in Handbook of Employee Engagement: Perspectives, Issues, Research and Practice, pp. 218 - 228

Heslin PA, 2009, 'Practical applications of goal setting theory to performance management.', in Performance management: Putting research into practice, Jossey Bass., pp. 89 - 114

Heslin PA; Klehe UC, 2006, 'Self-efficacy', in Rogelberg SG (ed.), Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, SAGE Publications, pp. 705 - 708

Journal articles

Keating LA; Heslin PA, 2024, 'Is the devil in the details? A qualitative exploration of differentiated mindsets during job search', Applied Psychology, 74,

Li H; Ozdemir SZ; Heslin PA, 2023, 'Merely Folklore? The Role of a Growth Mindset in the Taking and Timing of Entrepreneurial Actions', Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 47, pp. 2077 - 2120,

Heslin PA; Klehe U-C, 2023, 'Goal enablers: Evidence-based ways to turn your goals into reality', Organizational Dynamics, 52, pp. 100944 - 100944,

Keating LA; Heslin PA, 2022, 'A Lay Theory Perspective on Age-Based Stereotyping', Work, Aging and Retirement, 8, pp. 375 - 378,

Heslin PA; Burnette J; Ryu NG, 2021, 'Does a Growth Mindset Enable Successful Aging?', Work, Aging and Retirement, 7, pp. 79 - 89,

Heslin PA; Keating LA; Ashford SJ, 2020, 'How Being In Learning Mode May Enable a Sustainable Career Across the Lifespan', Journal of Vocational Behavior, 117, pp. 1 - 17,

Heslin PA; Keating LA; Minbashian A, 2019, 'How Situational Cues and Mindset Dynamics Shape Personality Effects on Career Outcomes', Journal of Management, 45, pp. 2101 - 2131,

Keating LA; Heslin PA; Ashford SJ, 2018, 'Good leaders are good learners', Harvard Business Review OnPoint, 2018, pp. 46 - 47,

Heslin PA; Keating LA, 2017, 'In Learning Mode? The Role of Mindsets in Derailing and Enabling Experiential Leadership Development', The Leadership Quarterly, 28, pp. 367 - 384,

Heslin PA; Keating LA, 2016, 'Stuck in the Muck? The role of mindsets in self-regulation when stymied during job search', Journal of Employment Counseling, 53, pp. 146 - 161,

Heslin PA; Turban DB, 2016, 'Enabling career success as an emergent process', Organizational Dynamics, 43, pp. 155 - 164,

Seibert SE; Kraimer ML; Heslin PA, 2016, 'Developing career resilience and adaptability.', Organizational Dynamics, 45, pp. 245 - 257,

Keating LA; Heslin P, 2015, 'The potential role of mindsets in unleashing employee engagement', Human Resource Management Review, 25, pp. 329 - 341,

Klehe U; Kleinmann M; Hartstein T; Melchers K; Konig CJ; Heslin PA; Lievens F, 2012, 'Responding to personality tests in a selection context: The role of the ability to identify criteria and the ideal-employee factor', Human Performance, 25, pp. 273 - 302,

Heslin PA, 2012, 'The devil without and within: A conceptual model of social cognitive processes whereby discrimination leads stigmatized minorities to become discouraged workers', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, pp. 840 - 862,

Heslin PA; Vandewalle D, 2011, 'Performance appraisal procedural justice: The role of a manager's implicit person theory', Journal of Management, 37, pp. 1694 - 1718,

Heslin PA, 2011, 'Social entrepreneurship: How to start successful corporate social responsibility and community-based initiatives for advocacy and change.', Academy of Management Learning and Education, 10, pp. 164 - 166,

Heslin PA, 2011, 'Social Entrepreneurship: How to Start Successful Corporate Social Responsibility and Community-Based Initiatives for Advocacy and ChangeSocial Entrepreneurship: How to Start Successful Corporate Social Responsibility and Community-Based Initiatives for Advocacy and Change, by LondonManual and MorfopoulosRichard G.. New York, NY: Routledge, 2010. 237 pages, soft cover.', Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10, pp. 164 - 166,

Heslin PA, 2010, 'Boost engagement: Cultivate a growth mindset', Leadership Excellence

Heslin PA, 2009, '"Potential" in the Eye of the Beholder: The Role of Managers Who Spot Rising Stars', INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-PERSPECTIVES ON SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 2, pp. 420 - 424,

Heslin PA, 2009, '"Potential" in the eye of the beholder: The role of managers who spot rising stars', Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2, pp. 420 - 424,

Heslin PA, 2009, 'Better than brainstorming? Potential contextual boundary conditions to brainwriting for idea generation in organizations', Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, pp. 129 - 145,

Heslin PA; VandeWalle D, 2008, 'Managers' implicit assumptions about personnel', Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, pp. 219 - 223,

Heslin PA; Ochoa JD, 2008, 'Understanding and developing strategic corporate social responsibility', Organizational Dynamics, 37, pp. 125 - 144,

Heslin PA; VandeWalle D; Latham GP, 2006, 'Keen to help? Managers' implicit person theories and their subsequent employee coaching', Personnel Psychology, 59, pp. 871 - 902,

Heslin PA; Latham GP; VandeWalle D, 2005, 'The effect of implicit person theory on performance appraisals', Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, pp. 842 - 856,

Gunz HP; Heslin PA, 2005, 'Reconceptualizing career success', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, pp. 105 - 111,

Heslin PA, 2005, 'Conceptualizing and evaluating career success', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, pp. 113 - 136,

Heslin PA, 2005, 'Experiencing career success', ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS, 34, pp. 376 - 390,

Heslin PA; Latham GP, 2004, 'The Effect of Upward Feedback on Managerial Behavior', Applied Psychology, 53, pp. 23 - 37,

Heslin PA, 2003, 'Self- and other-referent criteria of career success', Journal of Career Assessment, 11, pp. 262 - 286,

Latham GP; Heslin PA, 2003, 'Training the trainee as well as the trainer: Lessons to be learned from clinical psychology', Canadian Psychology, 44, pp. 218 - 231,

Heslin PA, 1999, 'Boosting empowerment by developing self-efficacy', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 37, pp. 52 - 64,

Heslin P; Donaldson L, 1999, 'An organizational portfolio theory of board composition', Corporate Governance, 7, pp. 81 - 88,

Heslin PA; Donaldson DA, 1999, 'Organizational portfolio theory of board composition', Corporate Governance - An International Review, 7, pp. 81 - 88

Conference Papers

Bell MP; Heslin PA; Fletcher PO, 2010, 'Daring to care about hidden unemployment: Discrimination and discouragement in minority communities', in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings,

Conference Abstracts

Keating LA; Heslin PA; Minbashian A, 2022, 'TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? THE EFFECT OF GROWTH MINDSETS DURING PERSONNEL SELECTION', in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings,

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