Select Publications

Journal articles

Case RJ; Longford SR; Campbell AH; Low A; Tujula NA; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S, 2011, 'Temperature induced bacterial virulence and bleaching disease in a chemically defended marine macroalga', Environmental Microbiology, 13, pp. 529 - 537,

Coleman MA; Roughan M; Macdonald HS; Connell SD; Gillanders BM; Kelaher B; Steinberg PD, 2011, 'Variation in the strength of continental boundary currents determines continent-wide connectivity in kelp', Journal of Ecology, 99, pp. 1026 - 1032,

Steinberg PD; Marshall D; McDougald D; Kjelleberg S, 2010, 'Bacteria are more like corals than bees', Science, e-letter published 25 August,

Thomas T; Rusch D; Demaere MZ; Yung PY; Lewis M; Halpern A; Heidelberg KB; Egan SG; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S, 2010, 'Functional genomic signatures of sponge bacteria reveal unique and shared features of symbiosis', ISME Journal, 4, pp. 1557 - 1567,

Gribben PE; Byers J; Clements M; McKenzie LA; Steinberg PD; Wright JT, 2009, 'Behavioural interactions between ecosystem engineers control community species richness', Ecology Letters, 12, pp. 1127 - 1136

Gribben PE; Wright JT; O Connor W; Steinberg PD, 2009, 'Larval settlement preference of a native bivalve:the influence of an invasive alga versus native substrata', Aquatic Biology, 7, pp. 217 - 227,

Poore AG; Campbell AH; Steinberg PD, 2009, 'Natural densities of mesograzers fail to limit growth of macroalgae or their epiphytes in a temperate algal bed', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 164 - 175,

Gribben PE; Wright JT; O Connor W; Doblin M; Eyre B; Steinberg PD, 2009, 'Reduced performance of native infauna following recruitment to a habitat-forming invasive marine alga', Oecologia, 158, pp. 733 - 745

Zhu H; Kumar A; Ozkan J; Bandara R; Ding A; Perera I; Steinberg P; Kumar N; Lao W; Griesser SS; Britcher L; Griesser HJ; Willcox MDP, 2008, 'Erratum: Fimbrolide-coated antimicrobial lenses: their in vitro and in vivo effects (Optometry and Vision Science (2008) 85 (292-300)', Optometry and Vision Science, 85, pp. 609,

Kelaher B; Steinberg PD; Millar A; Coleman M, 2008, 'Absence of a large brown macroalga on urbanized rocky reefs around Sydney, Australia, and evidence for historical decline', Journal of Phycology, 44, pp. 897 - 901,

Dolman G; Kelaher B; Steinberg PD; Coleman M, 2008, 'Characterisation of microsatellite loci in the subtidal habitat-forming alga, Phyllospora comosa (Phaeophyceae, Fucales)', Conservation Genetics, 9, pp. 1015 - 1017

Zhu H; Kumar A; Ozkan J; Bandara R; Ding A; Perera I; Steinberg PD; Kumar N; Lao W; Griesser S; Britcher L; Griesser HJ; Willcox MD, 2008, 'Fimbrolide-coated antimicrobial lenses: Their in vitro and in vivo effects', Optometry and Vision Science, 85, pp. 292 - 300,

Matz C; Webb JS; Schupp P; Phang SY; Penesyan A; Egan SG; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S, 2008, 'Marine Biofilm Bacteria Evade Eukaryotic Predation by Targeted Chemical Defense', PLoS One, 3, pp. e2744 - e2744

Huggett MJ; Crocetti GR; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD, 2008, 'Recruitment of the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma and the distribution and abundance of inducing bacteria in the field', Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 53, pp. 161 - 171

Nylund G; Cervin G; Persson F; Hermansson M; Steinberg PD; Pavia H, 2008, 'Seaweed defence against bacteria: a poly-brominated 2-heptanone from the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera inhibits bacterial colonisation', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 369, pp. 39 - 50

Verges A; Paul NA; Steinberg PD, 2008, 'Sex and life-history stage alter herbivore responses to a chemically defended red alga', Ecology, 89, pp. 1334 - 1343

Longford SR; Tujula NA; Crocetti GR; Holmes A; Holmstrom CG; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD; Taylor MW, 2007, 'Comparisons of diversity of bacterial communities associated with three sessile marine eukaryotes', Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 48, pp. 217 - 229

Yee LH; Holmstrom CG; Fuary E; Lewin NC; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD, 2007, 'Inhibition of fouling by marine bacteria immobilised in k-carrageenan beads', Biofouling, 23, pp. 287 - 294

Khou M; Paul NA; Wright JT; Steinberg PD, 2007, 'Intrinsic factors influence the attachment of fragments of the freen alga Caulerpa filiformis', Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 352, pp. 331 - 342

Swanson RL; Marshall D; Steinberg PD, 2007, 'Larval desperation and histamine: how simple responses can lead to complex changes in larval behaviour', The Journal of Experimental Biology, 219, pp. 3228 - 3235

Rao D; Webb JS; Holmstrom CG; Case RJ; Low A; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S, 2007, 'Low densities of epiphytic bacteria from the marine alga Ulva australis inhibit settlement of fouling organisms', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73, pp. 7844 - 7852

Weinberger F; Beltran J; Correa J; Lion U; Pohnert G; Kumar N; Steinberg PD; Kloareg B; Potin P, 2007, 'Spore release in Acrochaetium sp (Rhodophyta) is bacterially controlled', Journal of Phycology, 43, pp. 235 - 241

Nylund G; Gribben PE; Steinberg PD; Pavia H, 2007, 'Surface chemistry versus whole-cell extracts: antifouling tests with seaweed metabolites', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 329, pp. 73 - 84

Paul NA; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Chemical defence against bacteria in the red alga Asparagopsis armata: linking structure with function', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 306, pp. 87 - 101

Dworjanyn SA; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Chemically mediated antifouling in the red alga Delisea pulchra', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 318, pp. 153 - 163

Dworjanyn SA; Wright JT; Paul NA; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Cost of chemical defence in the red alga Delisea pulchra', Oikos, 113, pp. 13 - 22

Swanson RL; De Nys R; Huggett MJ; Green JK; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'In situ quantification of a natural settlement cue and recruitment of the Australian sea urchin Holopneustes purpurascens', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 314, pp. 1 - 14

Huggett MJ; Williamson JE; De Nys R; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S, 2006, 'Larval settlement of the common Australian sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma in response to bacteria from the surface of coralline algae', Oecologia, 149, pp. 604 - 619,

Gribben PE; Marshall DJ; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Less inhibited with age? Larval age modifies responses to natural settlement inhibitors', Biofouling, 22, pp. 101 - 106

Paul NA; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Seaweed-herbivore interactions at a small scale: direct tests of feeding deterrence by filamentous algae', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 323, pp. 1 - 9

Paul NA; Cole L; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Ultrastructure of the gland cells of the red alga Asparagopsis armata (Bonnemaisoniaceae)', Journal of Phycology, 42, pp. 637 - 645

Taylor MW; Schupp PJ; De Nys R; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD; Schupp P, 2005, 'Biogeography of bacteria associated with the marine sponge Cymbastela concentrica', Environmental Microbiology, 7, pp. 419 - 433

Wright JT; Dworjanyn SA; Rogers CN; Steinberg PD; Williamson JE; Poore AG, 2005, 'Density-dependent sea urchin grazing: differential removal of species, changes in community composition and alternative community states', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 298, pp. 143 - 156

Taylor RB; Steinberg PD, 2005, 'Host use by Australasian seaweed mesograzers in relation to feeding preferences of larger grazers', Ecology, 86, pp. 2955 - 2967

Huggett MJ; King CK; Williamson JE; Steinberg PD, 2005, 'Larval development and metamorphosis of the Australian diadematid sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii', Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 47, pp. 197 - 204

Huggett MJ; De Nys R; Williamson JE; Heasman M; Steinberg PD, 2005, 'Settlement of larval blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra, in response to green and red macroalgae', Marine Biology, 147, pp. 1153 - 1163

Schupp P; Charlton TS; Taylor MW; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD, 2005, 'Use of solid-phase extraction to enable enhanced detection of acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) in environmental samples', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 383, pp. 132 - 137

Wright JT; De Nys R; Poore AG; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Chemical defense in a marine alga:heritability and the potential for selection by herbivores', Ecology, 85, pp. 2946 - 2959

Estes JA; Danner E; Doak D; Konar B; Springer A; Steinberg PD; Tinker M; Williams TM, 2004, 'Complex trophic interactions in kelp forest ecosystems', Bulletin of Marine Science, 74, pp. 621 - 638

Williamson JE; Carson D; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Demographic consequences of an ontogenetic shift by a sea urchin inresponse to host plant chemistry', Ecology, 85, pp. 1355 - 1371

Rogers CN; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Ecology of the sea hare Aplysia parvula (Opisthobranchia) in New South Wales, Australia', Mulluscan Research, 23, pp. 185 - 198

Taylor MW; Schupp PJ; Baillie HJ; Charlton TS; De Nys R; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Evidence for acyl homoserine lactone signal production in bacteria associated with marine sponges', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70, pp. 4387 - 4389

Taylor MW; Schupp PJ; Dahllof I; Kjelleberg S; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Host specificity in marine sponge-associated bacteria, and potential implications for marine microbial diversity', Environmental Microbiology, 6, pp. 121 - 130

Swanson RL; Williamson JE; De Nys R; Kumar N; Bucknall MP; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Induction of settlement of larvae of the sea urchin Holopneustes purpurascens by histamine from a host alga', Biological Bulletin, 206, pp. 161 - 172

Watson MJ; Lowry J; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Revision of the Iciliidae (Crustacea:Amphipoda)', Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 52, pp. 467 - 495

Marshall DJ; Steinberg PD; Evans JP, 2004, 'The early sperm gets the good egg: mating order effects in free spawners', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences, 271, pp. 1585 - 1589

Steinberg PD; Rillig MC, 2003, 'Differential decomposition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal hyphae and glomalin', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35, pp. 191 - 194,

Hentzer M; Wu HM; Andersen JB; Riedel K; Rasmussen TB; Bagge N; Kumar N; Schembri M; Song Z; Kristoffersen P; Manefield M; Costerton JW; Molin S; Eberl L; Steinberg PD; Kjelleberg S; Hoiby N; Givskov M, 2003, 'Attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence by quorum sensing inhibitors', European Molecular Biology Organization, 22, pp. 3803 - 3815

Hill NA; Blount C; Poore AG; Worthington D; Steinberg PD, 2003, 'Grazing effects of the sea urchin Centeoststephanus rodgersii in two contrasting rocky habitata: effects of urchin density and its implications for the fishery', Marine and Freshwater Research, 54, pp. 691 - 700

Scardino A; De Nys R; Unkown O; O Connor W; Steinberg PD, 2003, 'Microtopography and antifouling properties of the shell surface of the bivalve molluscs Mytilus galloprovincialis and Pinctada imbricata', Biofouling, 19, pp. 221 - 230

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