Select Publications

Journal articles

Ostuzzi G; Papola D; Gastaldon C; Schoretsanitis G; Bertolini F; Amaddeo F; Cuomo A; Emsley R; Fagiolini A; Imperadore G; Kishimoto T; Michencigh G; Nosé M; Purgato M; Serdar D; Stubbs B; Taylor D; Thornicroft G; Ward PB; Hiemke C; Correll CU; Barbui C, 2020, 'Safety of psychotropic medications in people with COVID-19: Evidence review and practical recommendations', BMC Medicine, 18,

Fibbins H; Ward PB; Curtis J; Watkins A; Lederman O; Morell R; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Effectiveness of a brief lifestyle intervention targeting mental health staff: Analysis of physical fitness and activity in the Keeping Our Staff in Mind study', BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 6, pp. e000761,

Teasdale SB; Burrows TL; Hayes T; Hsia CY; Watkins A; Curtis J; Ward PB, 2020, 'Dietary intake, food addiction and nutrition knowledge in young people with mental illness', Nutrition and Dietetics, 77, pp. 315 - 322,

Vancampfort D; Byansi P; Namutebi H; Lillian N; Kinyanda E; Bbosa RS; Ward PB; Lukwata H; Mugisha J, 2020, 'The efficacy of physical activity counseling in Ugandan patients with HIV and a co-morbid mental disorder: a pilot study', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 32, pp. 758 - 761,

Chen A; Rosenbaum S; Wells R; Gould K; Ward PB; Steel Z, 2020, 'Obesity, physical activity and sleep quality in patients admitted to a posttraumatic stress inpatient ward', Australasian Psychiatry, 28, pp. 270 - 273,

Watkins A; Denney-Wilson E; Curtis J; Teasdale S; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Stein-Parbury J, 2020, 'Keeping the body in mind: A qualitative analysis of the experiences of people experiencing first-episode psychosis participating in a lifestyle intervention programme', International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 29, pp. 278 - 289,

Rosenbaum S; Morell R; Abdel-Baki A; Ahmadpanah M; Anilkumar TV; Baie L; Bauman A; Bender S; Boyan Han J; Brand S; Bratland-Sanda S; Bueno-Antequera J; Camaz Deslandes A; Carneiro L; Carraro A; Castañeda CP; Castro Monteiro F; Chapman J; Chau JY; Chen LJ; Chvatalova B; Chwastiak L; Corretti G; Dillon M; Douglas C; Egger ST; Gaughran F; Gerber M; Gobbi E; Gould K; Hatzinger M; Holsboer-Trachsler E; Hoodbhoy Z; Imboden C; Indu PS; Iqbal R; Jesus-Moraleida FR; Kondo S; Ku PW; Lederman O; Lee EHM; Malchow B; Matthews E; Mazur P; Meneghelli A; Mian A; Morseth B; Munguia-Izquierdo D; Nyboe L; O'Donoghue B; Perram A; Richards J; Romain AJ; Romaniuk M; Sadeghi Bahmani D; Sarno M; Schuch F; Schweinfurth N; Stubbs B; Uwakwe R; Van Damme T; Van Der Stouwe E; Vancampfort D; Vetter S; Waterreus A; Ward PB, 2020, 'Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the simple physical activity questionnaire (SIMPAQ)', BMC Psychiatry, 20,

Carraro A; Gobbi E; Solmi M; Watkins A; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Test–retest reliability of the Italian version of the M-BACK questionnaire to assess the barriers, attitudes, confidence, and knowledge of mental health staff regarding metabolic health of psychiatric patients', Brain and Behavior, 10,

Teasdale SB; Morell R; Lappin JM; Curtis J; Watkins A; Ward PB, 2020, 'Prevalence and correlates of food insecurity in community-based individuals with severe mental illness receiving long-acting injectable antipsychotic treatment', British Journal of Nutrition, 124, pp. 470 - 477,

Ostuzzi G; Papola D; Gastaldon C; Schoretsanitis G; Bertolini F; Amaddeo F; Cuomo A; Emsley R; Fagiolini A; Imperadore G; Kishimoto T; Michencigh G; Nosé M; Purgato M; Serdar D; Stubbs B; Taylor D; Thornicroft G; Ward PB; Hiemke C; Correll CU; Barbui C, 2020, 'Safety of Psychotropic Medications in People With COVID-19: Evidence Review and Practical Recommendations.', Focus (Am Psychiatr Publ), 18, pp. 466 - 481,

Rosenbaum S; Morell R; Abdel-Baki A; Ahmadpanah M; Anilkumar TV; Baie L; Bauman A; Bender S; Han JB; Brand S; Bratland-Sanda S; Bueno-Antequera J; Deslandes AC; Carneiro L; Carraro A; Castaneda CP; Monteiro FC; Chapman J; Chau J; Chen L-J; Chvatalova B; Chwastiak L; Corretti G; Dillon M; Douglas C; Egger S; Gaughran F; Gerber M; Gobbi E; Gould K; Hatzinger M; Holsboer-Tracksler E; Hoodbhoy Z; Imboden C; Indu PS; Iqbal R; de Jesus-Moraleida FR; Kondo S; Ku P-W; Lederman O; Lee EHM; Malchow B; Matthews E; Mazur P; Meneghelli A; Mian A; Morseth B; Munguia-Izquierdo D; Nyboe L; O'Donoghue B; Perram A; Richards J; Romain AJ; Romaniuk M; Sadeghi-Bahmani D; Sarno M; Schuch F; Schweinfurth N; Stubbs B; Uwakwe R; Damme TV; Stouwe EVD; Vancampfort D; Vetter S; Waterreus A; Ward PB, 2019, 'Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ)', ,

Morell R; Curtis J; Watkins A; Poole J; Fibbins H; Rossimel E; Gerrard M; White A; Teasdale S; Ward PB; Lappin J, 2019, 'Cardio-metabolic risk in individuals prescribed long-acting injectable antipsychotic medication', Psychiatry Research, 281,

Costa R; Teasdale S; Abreu S; Bastos T; Probst M; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Corredeira R, 2019, 'Dietary Intake, Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle-Related Factors in People with Schizophrenia', Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40, pp. 851 - 860,

Vancampfort D; Byansi P; Kinyanda E; Namutebi H; Nalukenge L; Bbosa RS; Ward PB; Mugisha J, 2019, 'Associations between physical inactivity, major depressive disorder, and alcohol use disorder in people living with HIV in a Ugandan fishing community', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 30, pp. 1177 - 1184,

Fibbins H; Ward PB; Stanton R; Czsonek L; Cudmore J; Michael S; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Embedding an exercise professional within an inpatient mental health service: A qualitative study', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 17,

Vancampfort D; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2019, 'Physical activity and sedentary levels among people living with epilepsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Epilepsy and Behavior, 99,

Vancampfort D; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2019, 'Physical fitness levels and moderators in people with epilepsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Epilepsy and Behavior, 99,

Vancampfort D; Watkins A; Ward PB; Probst M; De Hert M; Van Damme T; Mugisha J, 2019, 'Barriers, attitudes, confidence, and knowledge of nurses regarding metabolic health screening and intervention in people with mental illness: A pilot study from Uganda', African Health Sciences, 19, pp. 2546 - 2554,

Schuch FB; Stubbs B; Meyer J; Heissel A; Zech P; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Deenik J; Firth J; Ward PB; Carvalho AF; Hiles SA, 2019, 'Physical activity protects from incident anxiety: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies', Depression and Anxiety, 36, pp. 846 - 858,

Firth J; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2019, 'Editorial: Lifestyle Psychiatry', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10,

Rosenbaum S; Morell R; Abdel-Baki A; Ahmadpanah M; Anilkumar TV; Baie L; Bauman A; Bender S; Han JB; Brand S; Bratland-Sanda S; Bueno-Antequera J; Deslandes AC; Carneiro L; Carraro A; Castaneda CP; Monteiro FC; Chapman J; Chau J; Chen L-J; Chvatalova B; Chwastiak L; Corretti G; Dillon M; Douglas C; Egger S; Gaughran F; Gerber M; Gobbi E; Gould K; Hatzinger M; Holsboer-Tracksler E; Hoodbhoy Z; Imboden C; Indu PS; Iqbal R; de Jesus-Moraleida FR; Kondo S; Ku P-W; Lederman O; Lee EHM; Malchow B; Matthews E; Mazur P; Meneghelli A; Mian A; Morseth B; Munguia-Izquierdo D; Nyboe L; O'Donoghue B; Perram A; Richards J; Romain AJ; Romaniuk M; Sadeghi-Bahmani D; Sarno M; Schuch F; Schweinfurth N; Stubbs B; Uwakwe R; Damme TV; Stouwe EVD; Vancampfort D; Vetter S; Waterreus A; Ward PB, 2019, 'Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ)', ,

Firth J; Siddiqi N; Koyanagi A; Siskind D; Rosenbaum S; Galletly C; Allan S; Caneo C; Carney R; Carvalho AF; Chatterton ML; Correll CU; Curtis J; Gaughran F; Heald A; Hoare E; Jackson SE; Kisely S; Lovell K; Maj M; McGorry PD; Mihalopoulos C; Myles H; O'Donoghue B; Pillinger T; Sarris J; Schuch FB; Shiers D; Smith L; Solmi M; Suetani S; Taylor J; Teasdale SB; Thornicroft G; Torous J; Usherwood T; Vancampfort D; Veronese N; Ward PB; Yung AR; Killackey E; Stubbs B, 2019, 'The Lancet Psychiatry Commission: a blueprint for protecting physical health in people with mental illness', The Lancet Psychiatry, 6, pp. 675 - 712,

Poon AWC; Curtis J; Howard A; Ward PB; Lappin JM, 2019, 'Health of Carers of Young People with Early Psychosis: A Biopsychosocial Approach', Australian Social Work, 72, pp. 260 - 273,

Vancampfort D; Probst M; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Van Damme T; Mugisha J, 2019, 'Sedentary Behavior and Quality of Life in People with Psychotic Disorders from a Low Income Country: A Study from Uganda', Community Mental Health Journal, 55, pp. 714 - 720,

Teasdale SB; Ward PB; Samaras K; Firth J; Stubbs B; Tripodi E; Burrows TL, 2019, 'Dietary intake of people with severe mental illness: Systematic review and meta-analysis', British Journal of Psychiatry, 214, pp. 251 - 259,

Matar E; Shine JM; Gilat M; Ehgoetz Martens KA; Ward PB; Frank MJ; Moustafa AA; Naismith SL; Lewis SJG, 2019, 'Identifying the neural correlates of doorway freezing in Parkinson's disease', Human Brain Mapping, 40, pp. 2055 - 2064,

Teasdale SB; Curtis J; Ward PB; Watkins A; Lederman O; Rosenbaum S; Kalucy M; Lappin J; Samaras K, 2019, 'The effectiveness of the Keeping the Body in Mind Xtend pilot lifestyle program on dietary intake in first-episode psychosis: Two-year outcomes', Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, 13, pp. 214 - 216,

Lederman O; Ward PB; Firth J; Maloney C; Carney R; Vancampfort D; Stubbs B; Kalucy M; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Does exercise improve sleep quality in individuals with mental illness? A systematic review and meta-analysis', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 109, pp. 96 - 106,

Teasdale SB; Ward PB; Jarman R; Wade T; Rossimel E; Curtis J; Lappin J; Watkins A; Samaras K, 2018, 'Is Obesity in Young People With Psychosis a Foregone Conclusion? Markedly Excessive Energy Intake Is Evident Soon After Antipsychotic Initiation', FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY, 9,

Curtis J; Zhang C; McGuigan B; Pavel-Wood E; Morell R; Ward PB; Watkins A; Lappin J, 2018, 'y-QUIT: Smoking Prevalence, Engagement, and Effectiveness of an Individualized Smoking Cessation Intervention in Youth With Severe Mental Illness', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, pp. 683,

Firth J; Stubbs B; Vancampfort D; Schuch FB; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Firth JA; Sarris J; Yung AR, 2018, 'The validity and value of self-reported physical activity and accelerometry in people with schizophrenia: A population-scale study of the UK biobank', Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44, pp. 1293 - 1300,

Firth J; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Curtis J; Teasdale SB; Yung AR; Sarris J, 2018, 'Adjunctive nutrients in first-episode psychosis: A systematic review of efficacy, tolerability and neurobiological mechanisms', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 12, pp. 774 - 783,

Firth J; Stubbs B; Teasdale SB; Ward PB; Veronese N; Shivappa N; Hebert JR; Berk M; Yung AR; Sarris J, 2018, 'Diet as a hot topic in psychiatry: a population-scale study of nutritional intake and inflammatory potential in severe mental illness', World Psychiatry, 17, pp. 365 - 367,

Matthews E; Cowman M; Brannigan M; Sloan D; Ward PB; Denieffe S, 2018, 'Examining the barriers to physical activity between active and inactive people with severe mental illness in Ireland', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 15, pp. 139 - 144,

Boydell KM; Ball J; Curtis J; De Jager A; Kalucy M; Lappin J; Rosenbaum S; Tewson A; Vaughan P; Ward PB; Watkins A, 2018, 'A Novel Landscape for Understanding Physical and Mental Health: Body Mapping Research with Youth Experiencing Psychosis', Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 3, pp. 236 - 261,

Costa R; Bastos T; Probst M; Seabra A; Abreu S; Vilhena E; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Corredeira R, 2018, 'Association of lifestyle-related factors and psychological factors on quality of life in people with schizophrenia', Psychiatry Research, 267, pp. 382 - 393,

Lappin JM; Wijaya M; Watkins A; Morell R; Teasdale S; Lederman O; Rosenbaum S; Dick S; Ward P; Curtis J, 2018, 'Cardio-metabolic risk and its management in a cohort of clozapine-treated outpatients', Schizophrenia Research, 199, pp. 367 - 373,

Maselli M; Ward PB; Gobbi E; Carraro A, 2018, 'Promoting Physical Activity Among University Students: A Systematic Review of Controlled Trials', American Journal of Health Promotion, 32, pp. 1602 - 1612,

Schilling R; Schärli E; Fischer X; Donath L; Faude O; Brand S; Pühse U; Zahner L; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Carraro A; Gerber M, 2018, 'The utility of two interview-based physical activity questionnaires in healthy young adults: Comparison with accelerometer data', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0203525,

Schuch FB; Vancampfort D; Firth J; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Silva ES; Hallgren M; De Leon AP; Dunn AL; Deslandes AC; Fleck MP; Carvalho AF; Stubbs B, 2018, 'Physical activity and incident depression: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies', American Journal of Psychiatry, 175, pp. 631 - 648,

Firth J; Stubbs B; Vancampfort D; Firth JA; Large M; Rosenbaum S; Hallgren M; Ward PB; Sarris J; Yung AR, 2018, 'Grip Strength Is Associated with Cognitive Performance in Schizophrenia and the General Population: A UK Biobank Study of 476559 Participants', Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44, pp. 728 - 736,

Curtis J; Watkins A; Teasdale S; Lederman O; Kalucy M; Lappin J; Samaras K; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB, 2018, '2-year follow-up: Still keeping the body in mind', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 52, pp. 602 - 603,

Rosenbaum S; Hobson-Powell A; Davison K; Stanton R; Craft LL; Duncan M; Elliot C; Ward PB, 2018, 'The Role of Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity in Closing the Life Expectancy Gap for People with Mental Illness: An International Consensus Statement by Exercise and Sports Science Australia, American College of Sports Medicine, British Association of Sport and Exercise Science, and Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand', Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 3, pp. 72 - 73,

Cacciotti-Saija C; Langdon R; Ward PB; Hickie IB; Guastella AJ, 2018, 'Clinical symptoms predict concurrent social and global functioning in an early psychosis sample', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 12, pp. 177 - 184,

Fibbins H; Ward PB; Watkins A; Curtis J; Rosenbaum S, 2018, 'Improving the health of mental health staff through exercise interventions: a systematic review', Journal of Mental Health, 27, pp. 184 - 191,

Stubbs B; Vancampfort D; Firth J; Hallgren M; Schuch F; Veronese N; Solmi M; Gaughran F; Kahl KG; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Carvalho AF; Koyanagi A, 2018, 'Physical activity correlates among people with psychosis: Data from 47 low- and middle-income countries', Schizophrenia Research, 193, pp. 412 - 417,

Vancampfort D; Probst M; Basangwa D; De Hert M; Myin-Germeys I; van Winkel R; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S; Mugisha J, 2018, 'Adherence to physical activity recommendations and physical and mental health risk in people with severe mental illness in Uganda', Psychiatry Research, 260, pp. 236 - 240,

Firth J; Stubbs B; Vancampfort D; Schuch F; Lagopoulos J; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB, 2018, 'Effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis', NeuroImage, 166, pp. 230 - 238,

Poon AWC; Curtis J; Ward P; Loneragan C; Lappin J, 2018, 'Physical and psychological health of carers of young people with first episode psychosis', Australasian Psychiatry, 26, pp. 184 - 188,

Salomon C; Whittle E; Bellamy J; Evans E; Teasdale S; Samaras K; Ward PW; Hsu M; Trollor J, 2018, '“It just slips away”: a qualitative exploration of barriers and enablers of physical activity and healthy eating for older Australians with intellectual disability', Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 6, pp. 182 - 191,

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