Select Publications

Journal articles

Schuch F; Vancampfort D; Firth J; Rosenbaum S; Ward P; Reichert T; Carvalho Bagatini N; Bgeginski R; Stubbs B, 2018, 'Corrigendum to “Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (J. Affect. Disord. (2017) 210 (139–150] (S0165032716314355) (10.1016/j.jad.2016.10.050))', Journal of Affective Disorders, 225, pp. 79,

Watkins A; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Patching J; Denney-Wilson E; Stein-Parbury J, 2017, 'The validity and reliability characteristics of the M-BACK questionnaire to assess the barriers, attitudes, confidence, and knowledge of mental health staff regarding metabolic health of mental health service users', Frontiers in Public Health, 5, pp. 321,

Firth J; Carney R; Stubbs B; Teasdale SB; Vancampfort D; Ward PB; Berk M; Sarris J, 2017, 'Nutritional Deficiencies and Clinical Correlates in First-Episode Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.', Schizophr Bull, 44, pp. 1 - 18,

Vancampfort D; Stubbs B; Richards J; Ward PB; Firth J; Schuch FB; Rosenbaum S, 2017, 'Physical fitness in people with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review', Disability and Rehabilitation, 39, pp. 2461 - 2467,

Lederman O; Rosenbaum S; Maloney C; Curtis J; Ward PB, 2017, 'Modifiable cardiometabolic risk factors in youth with at-risk mental states: A cross-sectional pilot study', Psychiatry Research, 257, pp. 424 - 430,

Vancampfort D; Koyanagi A; Ward PB; Veronese N; Carvalho AF; Solmi M; Mugisha J; Rosenbaum S; De Hert M; Stubbs B, 2017, 'Perceived Stress and Its Relationship with Chronic Medical Conditions and Multimorbidity among 229,293 Community-Dwelling Adults in 44 Low- and Middle-Income Countries', American Journal of Epidemiology, 186, pp. 979 - 989,

Vancampfort D; Stubbs B; Firth J; Hallgren M; Schuch F; Lahti J; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Mugisha J; Carvalho AF; Koyanagi A, 2017, 'Physical activity correlates among 24,230 people with depression across 46 low- and middle-income countries', Journal of Affective Disorders, 221, pp. 81 - 88,

Teasdale SB; Samaras K; Wade T; Jarman R; Ward PB, 2017, 'A review of the nutritional challenges experienced by people living with severe mental illness: a role for dietitians in addressing physical health gaps', Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30, pp. 545 - 553,

Lederman O; Suetani S; Stanton R; Chapman J; Korman N; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Siskind D, 2017, 'Embedding exercise interventions as routine mental health care: implementation strategies in residential, inpatient and community settings', Australasian Psychiatry, 25, pp. 451 - 455,

Vancampfort D; Firth J; Schuch FB; Rosenbaum S; Mugisha J; Hallgren M; Probst M; Ward PB; Gaughran F; De Hert M; Carvalho AF; Stubbs B, 2017, 'Sedentary behavior and physical activity levels in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: a global systematic review and meta-analysis', World Psychiatry, 16, pp. 308 - 315,

Ward PB, 2017, 'Addressing the scandal of early death among people with schizophrenia', CMAJ, 189, pp. E1175 - E1176,

Langdon R; Seymour K; Williams T; Ward PB, 2017, 'Automatic attentional orienting to other people’s gaze in schizophrenia', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, pp. 1549 - 1558,

Ward PB; Firth J; Rosenbaum S; Samaras K; Stubbs B; Curtis J, 2017, 'Lifestyle interventions to reduce premature mortality in schizophrenia', The Lancet Psychiatry, 4, pp. e14,

Correll CU; Solmi M; Veronese N; Bortolato B; Rosson S; Santonastaso P; Thapa-Chhetri N; Fornaro M; Gallicchio D; Collantoni E; Pigato G; Favaro A; Monaco F; Kohler C; Vancampfort D; Ward PB; Gaughran F; Carvalho AF; Stubbs B, 2017, 'Prevalence, incidence and mortality from cardiovascular disease in patients with pooled and specific severe mental illness: a large-scale meta-analysis of 3,211,768 patients and 113,383,368 controls', World Psychiatry, 16, pp. 163 - 180,

Schuch F; Vancampfort D; Firth J; Rosenbaum S; Ward P; Reichert T; Bagatini NC; Bgeginski R; Stubbs B, 2017, 'Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Journal of Affective Disorders, 210, pp. 139 - 150,

Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Schuch F; Ward PB; Richards J; Mugisha J; Probst M; Stubbs B, 2017, 'Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Severe Mental Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', Sports Medicine, 47, pp. 343 - 352,

Teasdale SB; Ward PB; Samaras K, 2017, 'Dietary intervention in the dystopian world of severe mental illness: measure for measure, then manage', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 135, pp. 180,

Atkinson RJ; Fulham WR; Michie PT; Ward PB; Todd J; Stain H; Langdon R; Thienel R; Paulik G; Cooper G; Anthes L; Bowen D; Case V; Clark S; Collins-Langworthy J; Curtis J; Ehlkes T; Haddow T; Lawrence C; Logan S; Loneragan C; Loughland C; Mathersul D; O'Donnell M; Paine K; Sharp T; Scott R; Sculley A; Seal M; Thompson P; Tooney M; Tooney P; Treen L; Whitton A; Rasser P; Carr V; Weickert TW; Schall U, 2017, 'Electrophysiological, cognitive and clinical profiles of at-risk mental state: The longitudinal minds in transition (MinT) study', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0171657,

Teasdale SB; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S; Samaras K; Stubbs B, 2017, 'Solving a weighty problem: Systematic review and meta-analysis of nutrition interventions in severe mental illness', British Journal of Psychiatry, 210, pp. 110 - 118,

Vancampfort D; Koyanagi A; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S; Schuch FB; Mugisha J; Richards J; Firth J; Stubbs B, 2017, 'Chronic physical conditions, multimorbidity and physical activity across 46 low and middle income countries', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, pp. 6,

Carneiro L; Rosenbaum S; Mota MP; Schuch F; Ward PB; Vasconcelos-Raposo J, 2017, 'Exercise as an essential therapeutic tool in mental health: Closing the gap from research to practice, a Portuguese perspective', Acta Medica Portuguesa, 30, pp. 354 - 355,

Schuch FB; Vancampfort D; Sui X; Rosenbaum S; Firth J; Richards J; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Are lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness associated with incident depression? A systematic review of prospective cohort studies', Preventive Medicine, 93, pp. 159 - 165,

Vancampfort D; Firth J; Schuch FB; Rosenbaum S; Probst M; Ward PB; Van Damme T; De Hert M; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Dropout from physical activity interventions in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 11, pp. 46 - 52,

Rosenbaum S; Lederman O; Stubbs B; Vancampfort D; Stanton R; Ward PB, 2016, 'How can we increase physical activity and exercise among youth experiencing first-episode psychosis? A systematic review of intervention variables', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 10, pp. 435 - 440,

Boydell K; Curtis J; de Jager A; Kalucy M; Khut G; Lappin J; Rosenbaum S; Tewson A; Ward P; Watkins A, 2016, 'Keeping the Body in Mind over Time: Mapping Experiences of Young People with Psychosis', EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY, 10, pp. 107 - 107,

Schuch FB; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Richards J; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Exercise improves physical and psychological quality of life in people with depression: A meta-analysis including the evaluation of control group response', Psychiatry Research, 241, pp. 47 - 54,

Schuch FB; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Richards J; Ward PB; Veronese N; Solmi M; Cadore EL; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Exercise for depression in older adults: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials adjusting for publication bias', Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 38, pp. 247 - 254,

Teasdale SB; Rosenbaum S; Watkins A; Curtis J; Kalucy M; Samaras K; Ward PB, 2016, 'Preventing antipsychotic-induced weight gain in first-episode psychosis: Transitioning dietitians into routine care', Nutrition and Dietetics, 73, pp. 303 - 304,

Teasdale SB; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S; Watkins A; Curtis J; Kalucy M; Samaras K, 2016, 'A nutrition intervention is effective in improving dietary components linked to cardiometabolic risk in youth with first-episode psychosis', British Journal of Nutrition, 115, pp. 1987 - 1993,

Suetani S; Rosenbaum S; Scott JG; Curtis J; Ward PB, 2016, 'Bridging the gap: What have we done and what more can we do to reduce the burden of avoidable death in people with psychotic illness?', Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 25, pp. 205 - 210,

Vancampfort D; Correll CU; Galling B; Probst M; De Hert M; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S; Gaughran F; Lally J; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Diabetes mellitus in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: A systematic review and large scale meta-analysis', World Psychiatry, 15, pp. 166 - 174,

Curtis J; Watkins A; Rosenbaum S; Teasdale S; Kalucy M; Samaras K; Ward PB, 2016, 'Evaluating an individualized lifestyle and life skills intervention to prevent antipsychotic-induced weight gain in first-episode psychosis', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 10, pp. 267 - 276,

Schuch FB; Vancampfort D; Richards J; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Exercise as a treatment for depression: A meta-analysis adjusting for publication bias', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 77, pp. 42 - 51,

Rosenbaum S; Watkins A; Ward PB; Pearce D; Fitzpatrick K; Curtis J, 2016, 'Psychiatry HeAL thyself!', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 600,

Stubbs B; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Richards J; Ussher M; Schuch FB, 2016, 'Challenges Establishing the Efficacy of Exercise as an Antidepressant Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Control Group Responses in Exercise Randomised Controlled Trials', Sports Medicine, 46, pp. 699 - 713,

Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Steel Z; Lederman O; Lamwaka AV; Richards JW; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Type 2 Diabetes among People with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, pp. 465 - 473,

Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Schuch FB; Ward PB; Probst M; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Prevalence and predictors of treatment dropout from physical activity interventions in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis', General Hospital Psychiatry, 39, pp. 15 - 23,

Rosenbaum S; Watkins A; Ward PB; Pearce D; Fitzpatrick K; Curtis J, 2016, 'Psychiatry heal thyself: a lifestyle intervention targeting mental health staff to enhance uptake of lifestyle interventions for people prescribed antipsychotic medication', EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY, 33, pp. S619 - S619,

Rosenbaum S; Tiedemann A; Stanton R; Parker A; Waterreus A; Curtis J; Ward PB, 2016, 'Implementing evidence-based physical activity interventions for people with mental illness: An Australian perspective', Australasian Psychiatry, 24, pp. 49 - 54,

Vancampfort D; Stubbs B; Probst M; De Hert M; Schuch FB; Mugisha J; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S, 2016, 'Physical activity as a vital sign in patients with schizophrenia: Evidence and clinical recommendations', Schizophrenia Research, 170, pp. 336 - 340,

Stubbs B; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Richards J; Soundy A; Veronese N; Solmi M; Schuch FB, 2016, 'Dropout from exercise randomized controlled trials among people with depression: A meta-analysis and meta regression', Journal of Affective Disorders, 190, pp. 457 - 466,

Stubbs B; Rosenbaum S; Vancampfort D; Ward PB; Schuch FB, 2016, 'Exercise improves cardiorespiratory fitness in people with depression: A meta-analysis of randomized control trials', Journal of Affective Disorders, 190, pp. 249 - 253,

Vancampfort D; Richards J; Stubbs B; Akello G; Gbiri CA; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S, 2016, 'Physical activity in people with posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review of correlates', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13, pp. 910 - 918,

Trollor J; Salomon C; Curtis J; Watkins A; Rosenbaum S; Samaras K; Ward PB, 2016, 'Positive cardiometabolic health for adults with intellectual disability: An early intervention framework', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 22, pp. 288 - 293,

Rosenbaum S; Ward PB, 2016, 'The Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire', The Lancet Psychiatry, 3, pp. e1,

Schuch FB; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Richards J; Ward PB; Veronese N; Solmi M; Cadore EL; Stubbs B, 2016, 'Exercise for depression in older adults: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials adjusting for publication bias.', Braz J Psychiatry, 38, pp. 247 - 254,

Rosenbaum S; Vancampfort D; Steel Z; Newby J; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2015, 'Physical activity in the treatment of Post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Psychiatry Research, 230, pp. 130 - 136,

Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Stubbs B, 2015, 'Exercise improves cardiorespiratory fitness in people with schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Schizophrenia Research, 169, pp. 453 - 457,

Rosenbaum S; Tiedemann A; Ward PB; Curtis J; Sherrington C, 2015, 'Physical activity interventions: An essential component in recovery from mental illness', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49, pp. 1544 - 1545,

Guastella AJ; Ward PB; Hickie IB; Shahrestani S; Hodge MAR; Scott EM; Langdon R, 2015, 'A single dose of oxytocin nasal spray improves higher-order social cognition in schizophrenia', Schizophrenia Research, 168, pp. 628 - 633,

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