Select Publications

Journal articles

Kapsalyamov A; Brown NAT; Goecke R; Jamwal PK; Hussain S, 2025, 'Velocity control of a Stephenson III six-bar linkage-based gait rehabilitation robot using deep reinforcement learning', Neural Computing and Applications,

Khan NA; Hussain S; Spratford W; Goecke R; Kotecha K; Jamwal PK, 2025, 'Deep Learning-Driven Analysis of a Six-Bar Mechanism for Personalized Gait Rehabilitation', JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING, 25,

Aziz S; Joseph C; Hirachan N; Murtagh L; Chetty G; Goecke R; Fernandez-Rojas R, 2025, 'A two-stage architecture for identifying and locating the source of pain using novel multi-domain binary patterns of EDA', Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 104, pp. 107454 - 107454,

Tao J; Ghosh S; Lian Z; Cai Z; Schuller BW; Dhall A; Zhao G; Kollias D; Cambria E; Goecke R; Gedeon T, 2024, 'MRAC '24 Chairs' Welcome', MRAC 2024 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimodal and Responsible Affective Computing, pp. III

Shah MF; Jamwal PK; Goecke R; Niyetkaliyev AS; Hussain S, 2024, 'A parallel mechanism-based virtual biomechanical shoulder robot model: Mechanism design optimization and motion planning', Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, ahead-of-print,

Kapsalyamov A; Hussain S; Brown NAT; Goecke R; Jamwal PK, 2024, 'A Novel Underactuated Robotic Orthosis for Individualized Gait Rehabilitation', IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 6, pp. 213 - 223,

Kapsalyamov A; Hussain S; Goecke R; Brown NAT; Jamwal PK, 2024, 'Customized stiffness control strategy for a six-bar linkage-based gait rehabilitation robot', Robotica,

Jin Y; Jamwal PK; Goecke R; Ghayesh MH; Hussain S, 2024, 'Design and analysis of a multi-DOF compliant gait rehabilitation robot', Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 52, pp. 4009 - 4034,

Khan MU; Sousani M; Hirachan N; Joseph C; Ghahramani M; Chetty G; Goecke R; Fernandez-Rojas R, 2024, 'Multilevel Pain Assessment with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Evaluating ΔHBO2 and ΔHHB Measures for Comprehensive Analysis', Sensors, 24, pp. 458,

Parameshwara R; Narayana S; Murugappan M; Radwan I; Goecke R; Subramanian R, 2024, 'RESEARCH ARTICLE Exploring Electroencephalography-Based Affective Analysis and Detection of Parkinson’s Disease', Intelligent Computing, 3,

Hussain F; Mohammadian M; Goecke R, 2024, 'Topology and material optimization of an underactuated robot for gait rehabilitation', Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 52, pp. 5308 - 5325,

Fernandez Rojas R; Brown N; Waddington G; Goecke R, 2023, 'A systematic review of neurophysiological sensing for the assessment of acute pain', npj Digital Medicine, 6, pp. 76,

Shah MF; Hussain S; Goecke R; Jamwal PK, 2023, 'Mechanism Design and Control of Shoulder Rehabilitation Robots: A Review', IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 5, pp. 780 - 792,

Aziz S; Khan MU; Hirachan N; Chetty G; Goecke R; Fernandez-Rojas R; Fernandez Rojas R, 2023, '"Where does it hurt?": Exploring EDA Signals to Detect and Localise Acute Pain', Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 00, pp. 1 - 5,

Baradaran Y; Rojas RF; Goecke R; Ghahramani M; Fernandez Rojas R, 2023, 'A Systematic Review on Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Concurrent With Quantitative Balance Assessment', IEEE Access, 11, pp. 66641 - 66671,

Alghowinem S; Gedeon T; Goecke R; Cohn JF; Parker G, 2023, 'Interpretation of Depression Detection Models via Feature Selection Methods', IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 14, pp. 133 - 152,

Fernandez Rojas R; Hirachan N; Brown N; Waddington G; Murtagh L; Seymour B; Goecke R, 2023, 'Multimodal physiological sensing for the assessment of acute pain', Frontiers in Pain Research, 4, pp. 1150264,

Kapsalyamov A; Hussain S; Brown NAT; Goecke R; Hayat M; Jamwal PK, 2023, 'Synthesis of a six-bar mechanism for generating knee and ankle motion trajectories using deep generative neural network', Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 117, pp. 105500,

Field B; Waddington G; McKune A; Goecke R; Gardner AJ, 2023, 'Validation of an instrumented mouthguard in rugby union—a pilot study comparing impact sensor technology to video analysis', Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, pp. 1230202,

O'Riordan M; Ma JS; Mazzer K; Batterham P; Kõlves K; Woodward A; Klein B; Larsen M; Goecke R; Gould M; Rickwood D, 2022, 'Help-seeker expectations and outcomes of a crisis support service: Comparison of suicide-related and non-suicide-related contacts to lifeline Australia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e4535 - e4544,

Huang X; Dhall A; Goecke R; Pietikainen M; Zhao G, 2022, 'Analyzing Group-Level Emotion with Global Alignment Kernel based Approach', IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 13, pp. 713 - 728,

Hussain F; Goecke R; Mohammadian M, 2021, 'Exoskeleton robots for lower limb assistance: A review of materials, actuation, and manufacturing methods', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 235, pp. 1375 - 1385,

Mustafa A; Khan SH; Hayat M; Goecke R; Shen J; Shao L, 2021, 'Deeply Supervised Discriminative Learning for Adversarial Defense', IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 43, pp. 3154 - 3166,

Ghahramani M; Ismail H; Goecke R, 2021, 'A Multidimensional Approach to Develop Sway Index Using Gaussian Mixture Model: A Way of Postural Sway Measurement and Analysis in Different Age Groups', IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, pp. 1 - 11,

Etxebarria N; Clark B; Ross ML; Hui T; Goecke R; Rattray B; Burke LM, 2021, 'Quinine ingestion during the latter stages of a 3,000-m time trial fails to improve cycling performance', International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 31, pp. 9 - 12,

Stasak B; Epps J; Goecke R, 2019, 'Automatic depression classification based on affective read sentences: Opportunities for text-dependent analysis', Speech Communication, 115, pp. 1 - 14,

Alghowinem S; Goecke R; Wagner M; Alwabil A, 2019, 'Evaluating and validating emotion elicitation using english and arabic movie clips on a saudi sample', Sensors (Switzerland), 19, pp. 2218,

Stasak B; Epps J; Goecke R, 2019, 'An investigation of linguistic stress and articulatory vowel characteristics for automatic depression classification', Computer Speech and Language, 53, pp. 140 - 155,

Radwan I; Moustafa N; Keating B; Choo KKR; Goecke R, 2019, 'Hierarchical Adversarial Network for Human Pose Estimation', IEEE Access, 7, pp. 103619 - 103628,

Bozorgtabar B; Goecke R, 2018, 'MSMCT: Multi-State Multi-Camera Tracker', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 28, pp. 3361 - 3376,

Alghowinem S; Goecke R; Wagner M; Epps J; Hyett M; Parker G; Breakspear M, 2018, 'Multimodal Depression Detection: Fusion Analysis of Paralinguistic, Head Pose and Eye Gaze Behaviors', IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 9, pp. 478 - 490,

Huang X; Dhall A; Goecke R; Pietikainen M; Zhao G, 2018, 'Multimodal Framework for Analyzing the Affect of a Group of People', IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20, pp. 2706 - 2721,

Miles KH; Clark B; Périard JD; Goecke R; Thompson KG, 2018, 'Facial feature tracking: a psychophysiological measure to assess exercise intensity?', Journal of Sports Sciences, 36, pp. 934 - 941,

Oruganti VRM; Goecke R, 2016, 'Dimensionality reduction of Fisher vectors for human action recognition', IET Computer Vision, 10, pp. 392 - 397,

Dhall A; Goecke R; Gedeon T; Sebe N, 2016, 'Emotion recognition in the wild', Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 10, pp. 95 - 97,

Bozorgtabar B; Goecke R, 2016, 'Efficient multi-target tracking via discovering dense subgraphs', Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 144, pp. 205 - 216,

Ramana Murthy OV; Goecke R, 2015, 'Ordered trajectories for human action recognition with large number of classes', Image and Vision Computing, 42, pp. 22 - 34,

Dhall A; Goecke R; Gedeon T, 2015, 'Automatic group happiness intensity analysis', IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 6, pp. 13 - 26,

Sharma N; Dhall A; Gedeon T; Goecke R, 2014, 'Thermal spatio-temporal data for stress recognition', Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2014, pp. 1 - 12,

Alghowinem S; Alshehri M; Goecke R; Wagner M, 2014, 'Exploring eye activity as an indication of emotional states using an eye-tracking sensor', Studies in Computational Intelligence, 542, pp. 261 - 276,

Joshi J; Goecke R; Alghowinem S; Dhall A; Wagner M; Epps J; Parker G; Breakspear M, 2013, 'Multimodal assistive technologies for depression diagnosis and monitoring', Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 7, pp. 217 - 228,

Joshi J; Goecke R; Parker G; Breakspear M, 2013, 'Can body expressions contribute to automatic depression analysis?', 2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2013,

Alghowinem S; Goecke R; Wagner M; Epps J; Parker G; Breakspear M, 2013, 'Characterising depressed speech for classification', Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, pp. 2534 - 2538

Alghowinem S; Goecke R; Wagner M; Parker G; Breakspear M, 2013, 'Eye movement analysis for depression detection', 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013 - Proceedings, pp. 4220 - 4224,

Alghowinem S; Goecke R; Wagner M; Parkerx G; Breakspear M, 2013, 'Head pose and movement analysis as an indicator of depression', Proceedings - 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2013, pp. 283 - 288,

Dhall A; Goecke R; Lucey S; Gedeon T, 2012, 'Collecting large, richly annotated facial-expression databases from movies', IEEE Multimedia, 19, pp. 34 - 41,

Asthana A; De La Hunty M; Dhall A; Goecke R, 2012, 'Facial performance transfer via deformable models and parametric correspondence', IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18, pp. 1511 - 1519,

Asthana A; Lucey S; Goecke R, 2011, 'Regression based automatic face annotation for deformable model building', Pattern Recognition, 44, pp. 2598 - 2613,

McIntyre G; Göcke R; Hyett M; Green M; Breakspear M, 2009, 'An approach for automatically measuring facial activity in depressed subjects', Proceedings - 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, ACII 2009,

Saragih J; Göcke R, 2009, 'Learning AAM fitting through simulation', Pattern Recognition, 42, pp. 2628 - 2636,

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