Select Publications
Journal articles
2010, 'A static network level model for the information propagation in vehicular ad hoc networks', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 18, pp. 393 - 407,
,2010, 'Approximate analytical expressions for transportation network performance under demand uncertainty', Transportation Letters, 2, pp. 111 - 123,
,2010, 'Congestion pricing under operational, supply-side uncertainty', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 18, pp. 519 - 535,
,2010, 'Estimation and application of a Bayesian network model for discrete travel choice analysis', Transportation Letters, 2, pp. 125 - 144,
,2010, 'Relaxing the multivariate normality assumption in the simulation of transportation system dependencies: An old technique in a new domain', Transportation Letters, 2, pp. 63 - 74,
,2010, 'Reliable evacuation planning via demand inflation and supply deflation', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46, pp. 1086 - 1094,
,2010, 'A computationally efficient methodology to characterize travel time reliability using the fast Fourier transform', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 44, pp. 1202 - 1219,
,2010, 'Solution Methods for Robust Pricing of Transportation Networks under Uncertain Demand', Transportation Research Part C - Emerging Technologies, 18, pp. 656 - 667,
,2009, 'Freight transportation network design problem for maximizing throughput under uncertainty', Transportation Research Record, pp. 105 - 114,
,2009, 'User equilibrium with recourse', Networks and Spatial Economics, 9, pp. 575 - 593,
,2009, 'Optimal long-term infrastructure maintenance planning accounting for traffic dynamics', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 24, pp. 459 - 469,
,2009, 'Design and management strategies for mixed public private transportation networks: A meta-heuristic approach', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 24, pp. 266 - 279,
,2009, 'Stochastic and dynamic shipper carrier network design proble', Networks and Spatial Economics, 9, pp. 525 - 550,
,2009, 'A genetic algorithm for bi-level linear programming dynamic network design problem', Transportation Letters, 1, pp. 281 - 294,
,2009, 'A quantum-inspired genetic algorithm for dynamic continuous network design problem', Transportation Letters, 1, pp. 81 - 93,
,2009, 'Application of reactive tabu search for combined dynamic user equilibrium and traffic signal optimization problem', Transportation Research Record, pp. 29 - 41,
,2009, 'Evacuation planning using the integrated system of activity-based modeling and dynamic traffic assignment', Transportation Research Record, pp. 69 - 77,
,2009, 'Reliable system-optimal network design: Convex mean variance model with implicit chance constraints', Transportation Research Record, pp. 68 - 74,
,2009, 'The evacuation optimal network design problem: Model formulation and comparisons', Transportation Letters, 1, pp. 111 - 119,
,2008, 'Incorporating Environmental Justice Measures into Equilibrium-Based Network Design', Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2089, pp. 58 - 65,
,2008, 'Linear programming models for the user and system optimal dynamic network design problem: Formulations, comparisons and extensions', Networks and Spatial Economics, 8, pp. 383 - 406,
,2008, 'Valuation of strategic network flexibility in development of toll road projects', Construction Management and Economics, 26, pp. 979 - 990,
,2008, 'Integration of activity-based modeling and dynamic traffic assignment', Transportation Research Record, pp. 52 - 61,
,2008, 'Two-phase model of ramp closure for incident management', Transportation Research Record, pp. 83 - 90,
,2007, 'Daniel B. Fambro Student Paper Award: A stochastic delay prediction model for real-time incident management', ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers), 77, pp. 18 - 24
,2007, 'Optimizing the design of railway tank cars to minimize accident-caused releases', Computers and Operations Research, 34, pp. 1266 - 1286,
,2007, 'Environmental justice analysis: Challenges for metropolitan transportation planning', Transportation Research Record, pp. 8 - 12,
,2007, 'Integrated traffic simulation-statistical analysis framework for online prediction of freeway travel time', Transportation Research Record, pp. 24 - 31,
,2007, 'Robust dynamic continuous network design problem', Transportation Research Record, pp. 58 - 71,
,2007, 'Robust Transportation Network Design Under Demand Uncertainty', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 22, pp. 6 - 18,
,2006, 'A linear model for the continuous network design problem', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 21, pp. 334 - 345,
,2006, 'Bi-level programming formulation and heuristic solution approach for dynamic traffic signal optimization', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 21, pp. 321 - 333,
,2006, 'A combinatorial user optimal dynamic traffic assignment algorithm', Annals of Operations Research, 144, pp. 249 - 261,
,2006, 'Single-point approximations for traffic equilibrium problem under uncertain demand', Transportation Research Record, pp. 169 - 175,
,2006, 'A chance-constrained based stochastic dynamic traffic assignment model: Analysis, formulation and solution algorithms', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 14, pp. 418 - 427,
,2006, 'Dynamic Continuous Network Design Problem', Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1964, pp. 104 - 117,
,2006, 'Selectorecombinative Genetic Algorithm to Relax Computational Complexity of Discrete Network Design Problem', Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1964, pp. 91 - 103,
,2006, 'Single-Point Approximations for Traffic Equilibrium Problem under Uncertain Demand', Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1964, pp. 169 - 175,
,2005, 'Modeling of pedestrian gap acceptance for improving safety at uncontrolled mid-block crosswalks', Advances in Transportation Studies, pp. 57 - 71
,2005, 'Comparison of system- and user-optimal stochastic dynamic network design models using Monte Carlo bounding techniques', Transportation Research Record, pp. 91 - 102,
,2005, 'Comparison of System- and User-Optimal Stochastic Dynamic Network Design Models Using Monte Carlo Bounding Techniques', Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1923, pp. 91 - 102,
,2004, 'Fuzzy logic based online collision prediction system for signalized intersections', Advances in Transportation Studies, pp. 71
,2004, 'Large-scale dynamic traffic assignment: Implementation issues and computational analysis', Journal of Transportation Engineering, 130, pp. 585 - 593,
,2004, 'Large-scale dynamic traffic assignment: Implementation issues and computational analysis', JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING, 130, pp. 585 - 593,
,2003, 'Multi-objective traffic signal timing optimization using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2724, pp. 2420 - 2421,
,2003, '', Networks and Spatial Economics, 3, pp. 441 - 455,
,2002, 'On the online shortest path problem with limited arc cost dependencies', Networks, 40, pp. 216 - 227,
,2001, 'Stochastic Dynamic Network Design Problem', Transportation Research Record, 1771, pp. 106 - 113,
,2000, 'An Internet-based geographic information system that integrates data, models and users for transportation applications', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 8, pp. 427 - 444,
,1999, 'Linear programming formulations for system optimum dynamic traffic assignment with arrival time-based and departure time-based demands', Transportation Research Record, pp. 52 - 59,