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Paul A; Levin MW; Waller ST; Rey D, 2024, Data-driven Optimization for Drone Delivery Service Planning with Online Demand,

Waller ST; Polydoropoulou A; Tassiulas L; Ziliaskopoulos A; Jian S; Wagenknecht S; Hirte G; Ukkusuri S; Ramadurai G; Bednarz T, 2023, Mobility as a Resource (MaaR) for resilient human-centric automation: a vision paper,

Wei L; Waller ST; Mei Y; Chen P; Wang Y; Wang M, 2023, A Link-Based Flow Model with Turn-Level Queue Transmission and Time-Varying Free-Flow Speed for Urban Road Networks,

Li C; Bai L; Yao L; Waller ST; Liu W, 2022, A Bibliometric Analysis and Review on Reinforcement Learning for Transportation Applications,

Waller ST; Qurashi M; Sotnikova A; Karva L; Chand S, 2022, Analyzing and modeling network travel patterns during the Ukraine invasion using crowd-sourced pervasive traffic data,

Li C; Bai L; Liu W; Yao L; Waller ST, 2022, Unsupervised Knowledge Adaptation for Passenger Demand Forecasting,

Xi H; Aussel D; Liu W; Waller ST; Rey D, 2021, Single-leader multi-follower games for the regulation of two-sided Mobility-as-a-Service markets,

Dong X; Chow JY; Waller ST; Rey D, 2020, A chance-constrained dial-a-ride problem with utility-maximizing demand and multiple pricing structures,

Mansourianfar M; Gu Z; Waller ST; Saberi M, 2020, Joint routing and pricing control in congested mixed autonomy networks,

Xi H; Liu W; Rey D; Waller ST; Kilby P, 2020, Incentive-compatible mechanisms for online resource allocation in mobility-as-a-service systems,

Li C; Bai L; Liu W; Yao L; Waller ST, 2020, Knowledge Adaption for Demand Prediction based on Multi-task Memory Neural Network,

Chakraborty S; Rey D; Levin MW; Waller ST, 2019, Freeway network design with exclusive lanes for automated vehicles under endogenous mobility demand,

Najmi A; Rey D; Rashidi TH; Waller ST, 2019, Integrating Travel Demand and Network Modelling: a Myth or Future of Transport Modelling,

Saberi M; Ashfaq M; Hamedmoghadam H; Hosseini SA; Gu Z; Shafiei S; Nair DJ; Dixit V; Gardner L; Waller ST; González MC, 2019, A simple contagion process describes spreading of traffic jams in urban networks,

Gu Z; Waller ST; Saberi M, 2019, Surrogate-based toll optimization in a large-scale heterogeneously congested network,

Wei B; Zhang X; Liu W; Saberi M; Waller ST, Capacity Allocation and Tolling-Rewarding Schemes for the Morning Commute with Carpooling,

Zhang T; Niu C; Jayakumar Nair D; Dixit V; Waller T, Equity analysis and improvement in transportation resilience optimisation from an economic perspective at the pre-event stage,

Najmi A; Waller TS; Rashidi T, Equity in Network Design and Pricing: A Discretely-Constrained Mpec Problem,

Xie C; Hou J; Zhang T; Waller ST; Chen X, Modeling and Evaluating the Impact of Electricity Price on Commute Network Flows of Battery Electric Vehicles,

Wan Y; Xie C; Waller ST; Xu M; Chen X, On the Primal and Dual Formulations of Stochastic Traffic Assignment with Elastic Demand,

Najmi A; Nair D; Waller TS; Rashidi T, Psychological and Societal Factors of Decision Making in a Transport Context,

Dixit V; Rey D; Waller TS; Levin M, Quantum Computing to Solve Scenario-Based Stochastic Time-Dependent Shortest Path Routing,

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