Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ostwald MJ; Waller ST, 2024, 'Rehearsing Emergency Scenarios: Using Space Syntax and Intelligent Mobility Modelling for Scenario Visualisation and Disaster Preparedness', in Climate Disaster Preparedness, Springer Nature, pp. 151 - 165,

Kezunovic M; Waller ST, 2013, 'PHEVs and BEVs in Coupled Power and Transportation Systems', in Ehsani M; Wang FY; Brosch GL (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer, New York, pp. 851 - 869,

Kezunovic M; Waller ST, 2012, 'PHEVs and BEVs in Coupled Power and Transportation Systems', in Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer New York, pp. 7847 - 7865,

Kezunovic M; Waller ST, 2012, 'PHEVs and BEVs in Coupled Power and Transportation Systems', in Electric, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell Vehicles, Springer New York, pp. 159 - 178,

Kezunovic M; Waller ST, 2012, 'Vehicle-Power Grid Interaction for Multi-fueling (EV, PHEV)', in Meyers RA (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer, New York,

Xie C; Turnquist MA; Waller ST, 2011, 'A hybrid Lagrangian relaxation and tabu search method for interdependent-choice network design problems', in Hybrid Algorithms for Service, Computing and Manufacturing Systems: Routing and Scheduling Solutions, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 294 - 325,

Boyles SD; Waller ST, 2011, 'Traffic Network Analysis and Design', in Cochran JJ; Cox Jr LA; Keskinocak P; Kharoufeh JP; Smith JC (ed.), Wiley Encyclopaedia of Operations Research and Management Science, John Wiley & Sons,

Boyles SD; Waller ST, 2011, 'Traffic Network Analysis and Design', in , Wiley,

Ukkusuri SV; Karoonsoontawong A; Waller ST; Kockelman KM, 2008, 'Congestion pricing technologies: A comparative evaluation', in New Transportation Research Progress, pp. 121 - 142

Thayer CA, 1996, 'Introduction', in Following Ho Chi Minh: memoirs of a North Vietnamese Colonel,, Crawford House, Bathurst, Australia

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