Select Publications

Working Papers

Karunanayake I; Ahmed N; Malaney R; Islam R; Jha S, 2020, De-anonymisation attacks on Tor: A Survey [v3], http://dx.doi.org10.48550/arXiv.2009.13018

Michelin RA; Ahmed N; Kanhere SS; Seneviratne A; Jha S, 2020, Leveraging lightweight blockchain to establish data integrity for surveillance cameras, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), http://dx.doi.org10.1109/ICBC48266.2020.9169429

Karunanayake I; Ahmed N; Malaney RA; Islam R; Jha SK, 2020, Anonymity with Tor: A Survey on Tor Attacks [v1, v2],,

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