Select Publications

Journal articles

Zlatanova S; Yan J; Wang Y; Diakité A; Isikdag U; Sithole G; Barton J; Diakite A, 2020, 'Spaces in spatial science and urban applications—state of the art review', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9, pp. 58,

Li W; Zlatanova S; Diakite AA; Aleksandrov M; Yan J, 2020, 'Towards integrating heterogeneous data: A spatial DBMS solution from a CRC-LCL project in Australia', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9, pp. 63,

Mortari F; Clementini E; Zlatanova S; Liu L, 2019, 'An indoor navigation model and its network extraction', Applied Geomatics, 11, pp. 413 - 427,

Liu Y; Aleksandrov M; Zlatanova S; Zhang J; Mo F; Chen X, 2019, 'Classification of power facility point clouds from unmanned aerial vehicles based on adaboost and topological constraints', Sensors (Switzerland), 19, pp. 4717,

Staats BR; Diakité AA; Voûte RL; Zlatanova S; Diakite A, 2019, 'Detection of doors in a voxel model, derived from a point cloud and its scanner trajectory, to improve the segmentation of the walkable space', International Journal of Urban Sciences, 23, pp. 369 - 390,

Lee J; Jung HS; Zlatanoya S; Pradhan B, 2019, 'Editorial', International Journal of Urban Sciences, 23, pp. 301 - 302,

Yan J; Diakite A; Zlatanova S, 2019, 'A Generic Space Definition Framework to Support Seamless Indoor/Outdoor Navigation Systems', Transactions in GIS, 23, pp. 1273 - 1295,

Yan J; Diakité AA; Zlatanova S; Aleksandrov M; Diakite A, 2019, 'Top-bounded spaces formed by the built environment for navigation systems', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8, pp. 224,

Liu L; Zlatanova S; Li B; van Oosterom P; Liu H; Barton J, 2019, 'Indoor routing on logical network using space semantics', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8, pp. 126,

Scholtenhuis LO; Vahdatikhaki F; Zlatanova S; Beetz J; Pauwels P, 2019, 'Excasafezone synthesizing expert based ‘on-the-fly’ safety risk heat maps', Spool, 6, pp. 17 - 20,

olde Scholtenhuis LL; den Duijn X; Zlatanova S, 2018, 'Representing geographical uncertainties of utility location data in 3D', Automation in Construction, 96, pp. 483 - 493,

Li F; Zlatanova S; Koopman M; Bai X; Diakité A; Diakite A, 2018, 'Universal path planning for an indoor drone', Automation in Construction, 95, pp. 275 - 283,

Trinder J; Zlatanova S; Jiang J, 2018, 'Editorial to theme section on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)', ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 142, pp. 342 - 343,

Xu W; Liu L; Zlatanova S; Penard W; Xiong Q, 2018, 'A pedestrian tracking algorithm using grid-based indoor model', Automation in Construction, 92, pp. 173 - 187,

Fichtner FW; Diakité AA; Zlatanova S; Voûte R; Diakite A, 2018, 'Semantic enrichment of octree structured point clouds for multi-story 3D pathfinding', Transactions in GIS, 22, pp. 233 - 248,

Diakité AA; Zlatanova S; Diakite A, 2018, 'Spatial subdivision of complex indoor environments for 3D indoor navigation', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32, pp. 213 - 235,

Alattas A; Zlatanova S; Oosterom PV; Chatzinikolaou E; Lemmen C; Li KJ, 2017, 'Supporting indoor navigation using access rights to spaces based on combined use of IndoorGML and LADM models', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6,

Wang Z; Zlatanova S; Van Oosterom P, 2017, 'Path Planning for First Responders in the Presence of Moving Obstacles With Uncertain Boundaries', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18, pp. 2163 - 2173,

Wang Z; Steenbruggen J; Zlatanova S, 2017, 'Integration of traffic information into the path planning among moving obstacles', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6,

Xiong Q; Zhu Q; Du Z; Zlatanova S; Zhang Y; Zhou Y; Li Y, 2017, 'Free multi-floor indoor space extraction from complex 3D building models', Earth Science Informatics, 10, pp. 69 - 83,

Zhu Q; Li Y; Xiong Q; Zlatanova S; Ding Y; Zhang Y; Zhou Y, 2016, 'Indoor multi-dimensional location GML and its application for ubiquitous indoor location services', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5,

Zlatanova S; Isikdag U, 2016, 'The need to integrate BIM and geoinformation', GIM International, 30, pp. 27 - 29

van der Ham MFS; Zlatanova S; Verbree E; Voûte R, 2016, 'REAL TIME LOCALIZATION OF ASSETS IN HOSPITALS USING QUUPPA INDOOR POSITIONING TECHNOLOGY', ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, III-4/W1, pp. 105 - 110,

Alam N; Coors V; Zlatanova S; Oosterom PJM, 2016, 'RESOLUTION IN PHOTOVOLTAIC POTENTIAL COMPUTATION', ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, III-4/W1, pp. 89 - 96,

Wang Z; Zlatanova S; Steenbruggen J, 2016, 'TRAFFIC INCIDENT MANAGEMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF HAZARDS', ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, III-4/W1, pp. 45 - 49,

Zhou K; Gorte B; Zlatanova S, 2016, 'EXPLORING REGULARITIES FOR IMPROVING FAÇADE RECONSTRUCTION FROM POINT CLOUDS', The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B5, pp. 749 - 755,

Xu M; Wei S; Zlatanova S, 2016, 'AN INDOOR NAVIGATION APPROACH CONSIDERING OBSTACLES AND SPACE SUBDIVISION OF 2D PLAN', The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B4, pp. 339 - 346,

Gorte B; Zlatanova S, 2016, 'RASTERIZATION AND VOXELIZATION OF TWO- AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL SPACE PARTITIONINGS', The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B4, pp. 283 - 288,

Demir Ozbek E; Zlatanova S; Ates Aydar S; Yomralioglu T, 2016, '3D GEO-INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS FOR DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT', The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B2, pp. 101 - 108,

Khoshelham K; Zlatanova S, 2016, 'Sensors for indoor mapping and navigation', Sensors (Switzerland), 16, pp. 655,

Wang Z; Zlatanova S, 2016, 'Multi-agent based path planning for first responders among moving obstacles', Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 56, pp. 48 - 58,

Nourian P; Gonçalves R; Zlatanova S; Ohori KA; Vu Vo A, 2016, 'Voxelization algorithms for geospatial applications: Computational methods for voxelating spatial datasets of 3D city models containing 3D surface, curve and point data models', MethodsX, 3, pp. 69 - 86,


Diakité AA; Zlatanova S, 2016, 'Valid space description in BIM for 3D indoor navigation', International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM), 5, pp. 1 - 17

Boeters R; Arroyo Ohori K; Biljecki F; Zlatanova S, 2015, 'Automatically enhancing CityGML LOD2 models with a corresponding indoor geometry', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29, pp. 2248 - 2268,

Liu L; Zlatanova S, 2015, 'An approach for indoor path computation among obstacles that considers user dimension', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, pp. 2821 - 2841,

Biljecki F; Stoter J; Ledoux H; Zlatanova S; Çöltekin A, 2015, 'Applications of 3D city models: State of the art review', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, pp. 2842 - 2889,

Billen R; Cutting-Decelle A-F; Métral C; Falquet G; Zlatanova S; Marina O, 2015, 'Challenges of Semantic 3D City Models', International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling, 4, pp. 68 - 76,

Mortari F; Zlatanova S; Liu L; Clementini E, 2014, '"Improved Geometric Network Model" (IGNM): a novel approach for deriving Connectivity Graphs for Indoor Navigation', ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II-4, pp. 45 - 51,

Tegtmeier W; Zlatanova S; van Oosterom PJM; Hack HRGK, 2014, '3D-GEM: Geo-technical extension towards an integrated 3D information model for infrastructural development', Computers and Geosciences, 64, pp. 126 - 135,

Wang Z; Zlatanova S; Moreno A; van Oosterom P; Toro C, 2014, 'A data model for route planning in the case of forest fires', Computers and Geosciences, 68, pp. 1 - 10,

Isikdag U; Zlatanova S; Underwood J, 2013, 'A BIM-Oriented Model for supporting indoor navigation requirements', Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 41, pp. 112 - 123,

van den Brink L; Stoter J; Zlatanova S, 2013, 'Establishing a national standard for 3D topographic data compliant to CityGML', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27, pp. 92 - 113,

Van den Brink L; Stoter J; Zlatanova S, 2013, 'UML-based approach to developing a citygml application domain extension', Transactions in GIS, 17, pp. 920 - 942,

Moreno A; Segura A; Zlatanova S; Posada J; García-Alonso A, 2012, 'Benefit of the integration of semantic 3D models in a fire-fighting VR simulator', Applied Geomatics, 4, pp. 143 - 153,

Moreno A; Segura A; Zlatanova S; Posada J; García-Alonso A, 2012, 'Introducing GIS-based simulation tools to support rapid response in wildland fire fighting', WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 158, pp. 163 - 176,

Hijazi IH; Ehlers M; Zlatanova S, 2012, 'Nibu: A new approach to representing and analysing interior utility networks within 3D geo-information systems', International Journal of Digital Earth, 5, pp. 22 - 42,

Stoter J; Vosselman G; Goos J; Zlatanova S; Verbree E; Klooster R; Reuvers M, 2011, 'Towards a national 3D spatial data infrastructure: Case of the Netherlands', Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation, 2011, pp. 405 - 420,

Girard G; Côté S; Zlatanova S; Barette Y; St-Pierre J; van Oosterom P, 2011, 'Indoor pedestrian navigation using foot-mounted IMU and portable ultrasound range sensors', Sensors, 11, pp. 7606 - 7624,

Stoter J; Thijssen T; Verbree E; Zlatanova S, 2011, 'Van het 3D-3D testbed-Pilot: This is not CityGML', Geo-Info, 8, pp. 19 - 22

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