Select Publications


Fraser S; Seear K, 2016, Making Disease, Making Citizens: The Politics of Hepatitis C,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, Habits: Remaking Addiction,

Fraser S; Seear K, 2013, Making disease, making citizens: The politics of Hepatitis C

Tanner C; Maher JM; Fraser S, 2013, Vanity: 21st century selves,

Fraser S; Seear K, 2011, Making disease, making citizens: The politics of hepatitis C

Fraser S; valentine K, 2008, Substance and substitution: methadone subjects in liberal society, Palgrave, Basingtoke

Fraser S, 2004, Changing community, changing practice? Young gay men, HIV and gay community, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Sydney

Fraser S, 2003, Cosmetic Surgery, Gender and Culture, PALGRAVE,

Fraser S, 2003, Cosmetic Surgery, Gender and Culture Conclusion, PALGRAVE,

Fraser S, 2003, Cosmetic Surgery, Gender and Culture Introduction, PALGRAVE,

Book Chapters

Fraser S; Moore D; Farrugia A; Fomiatti R, 2022, 'Passion, Reason and the Politics of Intoxication', in Routledge Handbook of Intoxicants and Intoxication, Routledge, pp. 342 - 357,

Fraser S; Moore D; Farrugia A; Fomiatti R, 2022, 'PASSION, REASON AND THE POLITICS OF INTOXICATION: Ontopolitically-oriented approaches to alcohol and other drug intoxication', in Routledge Handbook of Intoxicants and Intoxication, pp. 342 - 357,

Fraser S, 2016, 'Agency Made Over? Cosmetic Surgery and Femininity in Women’s Magazines and Makeover Television', in Cosmetic Surgery: A Feminist Primer, pp. 99 - 116,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'A Field in Disarray? The Constitution of Alcohol Addiction in Expert Debates', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 128 - 164,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'Assembling Alcohol Problems: Young People and Drinking', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 165 - 187,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'Introduction', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 1 - 25,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'Junk: The Neuroscience of Food Addiction and Obesity', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 188 - 212,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'Making Methamphetamine in Drug Policy and Consumer Accounts', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 91 - 127,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'Models of Addiction', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 26 - 59,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'Stabilising Stimulants: Amphetamine Dependence and Methamphetamine Addiction', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 60 - 90,

Fraser S; Moore D; Keane H, 2014, 'Stepping to the Side of Addiction: Everyday Realities of Overeating and Obesity', in Habits: Remaking Addiction, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 213 - 233,

Fraser S, 2012, 'Agency made over? Cosmetic surgery and femininity in women‘s magazines and makeover television', in Cosmetic Surgery: A Feminist Primer, pp. 99 - 116

Fraser S; Moore D, 2011, 'Introduction', in The Drug Effect, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1 - 16,

Fraser S, 2009, 'Agency made over? Cosmetic surgery and femininity in women's magazines and makeover television', in Cosmetic Surgery: A Feminist Primer, pp. 99 - 115


Fraser S; Valentine K, 2008, 'Repetition and Rupture: The Gender of Agency', in SUBSTANCE AND SUBSTITUTION: METHADONE SUBJECTS IN LIBERAL SOCIETIES, PALGRAVE, pp. 142 - +,

Fraser S; Valentine K, 2008, 'Substitution, Metaphor and Authenticity', in SUBSTANCE AND SUBSTITUTION: METHADONE SUBJECTS IN LIBERAL SOCIETIES, PALGRAVE, pp. 35 - +,

Fraser S; Valentine K, 2008, 'The Chronotope of the Queue', in SUBSTANCE AND SUBSTITUTION: METHADONE SUBJECTS IN LIBERAL SOCIETIES, PALGRAVE, pp. 91 - +,

Fraser S; Valentine K, 2008, 'Treatment Identities', in SUBSTANCE AND SUBSTITUTION: METHADONE SUBJECTS IN LIBERAL SOCIETIES, PALGRAVE, pp. 113 - +,

Fraser S, 2003, 'Feminist Imaginary Bodies', in COSMETIC SURGERY, GENDER AND CULTURE, PALGRAVE, pp. 97 - +,

Fraser S, 2003, 'Glossing Femininity: Women's Magazines', in COSMETIC SURGERY, GENDER AND CULTURE, PALGRAVE, pp. 61 - +,

Journal articles

Moore D; Fraser S; Farrugia A; Fomiatti R; Edwards M; Birbilis E; Treloar C, 2024, 'Countering ‘the moral science of biopolitics’: Understanding hepatitis C treatment ‘non-compliance’ in the antiviral era', Sociology of Health and Illness, 46, pp. 399 - 417,

Farrugia A; Lenton E; Seear K; Kagan D; valentine K; Fraser S; Mulcahy S; Edwards M; Jeffcote D, 2024, ''We've got a present for you’: Hepatitis C elimination, compromised healthcare subjects and treatment as a gift', Social Science and Medicine, 340,

Fraser S, 2024, '“Staying with the Trouble” in Ontopolitical Research on Drugs: Keynote presentation delivered at the 2023 Contemporary Drug Problems Conference, Paris', Contemporary Drug Problems,

Nourse G; Fraser S; Moore D, 2024, 'Masculine enhancement as health or pathology: gender and optimisation discourses in health promotion materials on performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs)', Health Sociology Review,

Ferguson N; Farrugia A; Moore D; Fraser S, 2024, 'Remaking the ‘angry Narcanned subject’: Affording new subject positions through take-home naloxone training', International Journal of Drug Policy, 123,

Nourse G; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Moore D; Treloar C, 2023, 'Optimism and eternal vigilance: Gathering disease, responsible subjects and the hope of elimination in the new hepatitis C treatment era', International Journal of Drug Policy, 119,

Kagan D; Seear K; Lenton E; Farrugia A; valentine K; Mulcahy S; Fraser S, 2023, 'The trouble with normalisation: Transformations to hepatitis C health care and stigma in an era of viral elimination', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 1421 - 1440,

Seear K; Fraser S; Mulcahy S; Kagan D; Lenton E; Farrugia A; valentine K, 2023, 'Echoes and Antibodies: Legal Veridiction and the Emergence of the Perpetual Hepatitis C Subject', Social and Legal Studies, 32, pp. 216 - 236,

Waling A; Farrugia A; Fraser S, 2023, 'Embarrassment, Shame, and Reassurance: Emotion and Young People’s Access to Online Sexual Health Information', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20, pp. 45 - 57,

Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Moore D; Edwards M; Treloar C, 2023, 'Post-crisis imaginaries in the time of direct-acting antiviral hepatitis C treatment', Time and Society, 32, pp. 50 - 74,

Seear K; Mulcahy S; Kagan D; Lenton E; Fraser S; Valentine K; Farrugia A, 2023, 'Complicating cure: How Australian criminal law shapes imagined post-hepatitis C futures', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 179 - 195,

valentine K; Lenton E; Seear K; Fraser S; Kagan D; Farrugia A; Mulcahy S; Edwards M; Jeffcote D, 2023, 'Hepatitis C data justice: the implications of data-driven approaches to the elimination of hepatitis C', Critical Public Health, 33, pp. 803 - 813,

Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Hocking S, 2023, 'Improving the effectiveness and inclusiveness of alcohol and other drug outreach models for young people: a literature review', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 30, pp. 105 - 114,

Seear K; Fraser S, 2023, 'Making Australian institutions in newspaper coverage of the #MeToo movement: exceptionalism, co-production and agency', Feminist Media Studies, 23, pp. 836 - 851,

Mulcahy S; Seear K; Fraser S; Farrugia A; Kagan D; Lenton E; Valentine K, 2023, 'Performing Hepatitis C, Problematising “Cure”: The Construction of Hepatitis C (Cure) in Social Security and Migration Law', Law and Literature,

Shaw F; Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S, 2023, 'Proper distance in the age of social distancing: Hepatitis C treatment, telehealth and questions of care and responsibility', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 19 - 36,

Fomiatti R; Shaw F; Fraser S, 2022, '‘It's a different way to do medicine’: Exploring the affordances of telehealth for hepatitis C healthcare', International Journal of Drug Policy, 110,

Fraser S; Moore D; Farrugia A; Fomiatti R; Edwards M; Birbilis E; Treloar C, 2022, 'Exhausted practical sovereignty and lateral agency: Non-uptake of treatment for hepatitis C in the antiviral era', International Journal of Drug Policy, 107,

Farrugia A; Fomiatti R; Fraser S; Moore D; Edwards M; Birbilis E; Treloar C, 2022, 'Hepatitis C cure as a ‘gathering’: Attending to the social and material relations of hepatitis C treatment', Sociology of Health and Illness, 44, pp. 830 - 847,

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