Select Publications

Book Chapters

Milstein T; Marras Tate J; Miller G; Oyama Thomas M; Yildiz D, 2024, '16 The more-than-human world in environmental communication: Attunement for transformation', in Environmental Communication, De Gruyter, pp. 323 - 342,

Lin S; Sherry C; Milstein T; Mihrshahi S; Grafenauer S, 2024, 'The Potential of Campus Food Gardens to Achieve Student Food Literacy and Security in Australia', in Higher Education and SDG2: Zero Hunger, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 117 - 136,

Milstein T; Mocatta G; Castro-Sotomayor J, 2023, 'Media and Ecocultural Identity', in The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), pp. 231 - 243,

Milstein T, 2022, '"Blooming in the doom and gloom: Bringing regenerative pedagogy to the rebellion": From journal of sustainability education (2020)', in The Sustainable Urban Development Reader, pp. 407 - 410,

Milstein T; Mocatta G, 2022, 'Environmental Communication Theory and Practice for Global Transformation: An Ecocultural Approach', in Handbook of Global Interventions in Communication Theory,

Milstein T; Mocatta G, 2022, 'Environmental Communication Theory and Practice for Global Transformation', in The Handbook of Global Interventions in Communication Theory, Routledge, pp. 474 - 490,

Carr J; Milstein T, 2021, 'Manatees and fossil fuel power plants: The paradox of endangered species laws', in Freedman E; Shipley Hiles S; Sachsman D (ed.), Communicating Endangered Species: Extinction, News, and Public Policy,

Milstein T; Carr J; Castro Sotomayor J; Thomas M, 2021, 'Rewilding Environmental Communication through Transformative Teaching', in Takahashi B; Metag J; Thaker J; Evans Comfort S (ed.), ICA-Routledge Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication, Routledge, London,

Milstein T; Weder F, 2021, 'Revolutionaries needed! Environmental Communication as a Transformative Discipline', in Takahashi B; Metag J; Thaker J; Comfort SE (ed.), ICA-Routledge Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication, Routledge, London, UK,

Carr J; Milstein T, 2020, 'Political Identity as Ecocultural Survival Strategy', in Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, Routledge, London,

Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J, 2020, 'Afterword: Surviving and thriving: The ecocultural identity invitation', in , pp. 475 - 477,

Milstein T, 2020, 'Ecocultural identity boundary patrol and transgression', in Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, pp. 26 - 52,

Abram D; Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J, 2020, 'Interbreathing ecocultural identity in the humilocene', in Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, pp. 5 - 25,

Carr J; Milstein T, 2020, 'Political identity as ecocultural survival strategy', in Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, pp. 311 - 332,

Milstein T, 2020, 'Ecocultural identity boundary patrol and transgression', in Routledge International Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, Routledge, London, UK,

Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J, 2020, 'Ecocultural Identity: An Introduction', in Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, Routledge, London, UK,

Abram D; Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J, 2020, 'Interbreathing ecocultural identity in the Humilocene', in Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, Routledge, London, UK,

Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J, 2020, 'Surviving and thriving: The ecocultural identity invitation', in Milstein T; Castro-Sotomayor J (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Ecocultural Identity, Routledge, London, UK,

Cerulli T; Milstein T, 2018, '“Fellow hunters” and “humans of the ocean:” Identity and relations across species', in Engaging and Transforming Global Communication Through Cultural Discourse Analysis A Tribute to Donal Carbaugh, Fairleigh Dickinson University, pp. 163 - 184

Milstein T; Tovar C, 2018, '“Fellow hunters” and “humans of the ocean:” Identity and relations across species', in Engaging and Transforming Global Communication through Cultural Discourse Analysis: A Tribute to Donal Carbaugh, University Press Copublishing Division / Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, New Jersey, pp. 163 - 184,

Milstein T; Alhinai M; Castro J; Griego S; Hoffmann J; Parks MM; Siebert M; Thomas M, 2017, 'Breathing life into learning: Ecocultural pedagogy and the inside-out classroom', in Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice, pp. 45 - 61,

Milstein T; Griego S, 2017, 'Environmental privilege walk: Unpacking the invisible knapsack', in Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice, pp. 212 - 216,

Milstein T; Pileggi M; Morgan E, 2017, 'Introducing environmental communication pedagogy and practice', in Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice, pp. 1 - 8,

Milstein T, 2017, 'From the Source (featured scholar)', in Littlejohn S; Foss K; Oetzel J (ed.), Theories of Human Communication, Waveland Press, Long Grove, IL

Milstein T, 2013, 'Banging on the divide: Cultural reflection and refraction at the zoo', in Perspectives on Human-Animal Communication: Internatural Communication, pp. 162 - 181,

Milstein T, 2012, 'Greening communication', in Greening the Academy: Ecopedagogy Through the Liberal Arts, pp. 161 - 173,

Milstein T; Hall D; Bernacchi L; Peterson TR, 2009, 'Calling all artists: Moving climate change from my space to my place', in Social movement to address climate change: Local steps for global action, Cambria Press, Amherst, NY, pp. 53 - 79

Hall D; Bernacchi L; Milstein T; Peterson TR, 2009, 'Calling all artists: Moving climate change from my space to my place', in Social Movement to Address Climate Change Local Steps for Global Action, Cambria Press, pp. 53 - 80

Milstein T, 2009, 'Environmental communication theories', in Littlejohn S; Foss K (ed.), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 344 - 349

Milstein T; Norton T; Sprain L, 2009, 'Step It Up! and image politics in the Pacific Northwest', in Social Movement to Address Climate Change Local Steps for Global Action, Cambria Press, pp. 281 - 308

Sprain L; Norton T; Milstein T, 2009, 'Step It Up! and image politics in the Pacific Northwest', in Social Movement to Address Climate Change Local Steps for Global Action, Cambria Press, pp. 281 - 308

Milstein T, 2007, 'Human communication’s effects on relationships with animals', in Bekoff M (ed.), Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships [4 Volumes]: A Global Exploration of Our Connections with Animals, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT, pp. 1044 - 1054

Howard P; Milstein T, 2004, 'Spiders, spam, and spyware: New media and the market for political information', in Internet Research Annual Selected Papers from the Association of Internet Researchers Conferences 2000-2002, Peter Lang, pp. 18 - 26

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