Select Publications

Journal articles

Milstein T; Sherry C; Carr J; Siebert M, 2024, '“Got to get ourselves back to the garden”: Sustainability transformations and the power of positive environmental communication', Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67, pp. 2116 - 2134,

Milstein T, 2024, 'Cultivating Care through Culture and Education', Environmental Communication, 18, pp. 216 - 222,

Milstein T; Thomas MO; Hoffmann J; Carr J, 2023, '“Even I am a Part of Nature”: Unraveling the Human/Nature Binary to Enable Systems Change', Environmental Communication, 17, pp. 421 - 436,

Hawley E; Mocatta G; Milstein T, 2023, 'The Place of the Teacher: Environmental Communication and Transportive Pedagogy', Environmental Communication, 17, pp. 339 - 352,

Leimbach T; Milstein T, 2022, 'Learning to change: Climate action pedagogy', Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 62, pp. 414 - 423,

Carr J; Milstein T, 2021, '“See nothing but beauty”: The shared work of making anthropogenic destruction invisible to the human eye', Geoforum, 122, pp. 183 - 192,

Milstein T; McGaurr L; Lester L, 2021, 'Make love, not war?: Radical environmental activism’s reconfigurative potential and pitfalls', Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 4, pp. 296 - 316,

Milstein T, 2020, 'Blooming in the doom and gloom: Bringing regenerative pedagogy to the rebellion', Journal of Sustainability Education, 23,

Alhinai M; Milstein T, 2019, 'From kin to commodity: ecocultural relations in transition in Oman', Local Environment, 24, pp. 1078 - 1096,

Milstein T; Thomas M; Hoffmann J, 2019, 'Dams and Flows: Immersing in Western Meaning Systems in Search of Ecocultural Reflexivity', Environmental Communication, 13, pp. 104 - 117,

Carr J; Milstein T, 2018, 'Keep Burning Coal or the Manatee Gets It: Rendering the Carbon Economy Invisible through Endangered Species Protection', Antipode, 50, pp. 82 - 100,

Castro-Sotomayor J; Hoffmann J; Parks M; Siebert M; Thomas M; Milstein T, 2018, 'Embodying education: Performing environmental meanings, knowledges, and transformations', Journal of Sustainability Education,

Debelo AR; Legesse A; Milstein T; Oda O, 2017, '“Tree Is Life”: The Rising of Dualism and the Declining of Mutualism among the Gedeo of Southern Ethiopia', Frontiers in Communication, 2, pp. 7,

Milstein T, 2016, 'The Performer Metaphor: Mother Nature Never Gives Us the Same Show Twice', Environmental Communication, 10, pp. 227 - 248,

Milstein T; Pulos A, 2015, 'Culture Jam Pedagogy and Practice: Relocating Culture by Staying on One's Toes', Communication, Culture and Critique, 8, pp. 395 - 413,

Milstein T, 2013, 'Animals Erased: Discourse, Ecology, and Reconnection with the Natural World', DISCOURSE & SOCIETY, 24, pp. 504 - 506,

Milstein T, 2013, 'Communicating 'normalcy' in Israel: Intra/intercultural paradox and interceptions in tourism discourse', Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 11, pp. 73 - 91,

Chen YW; Milstein T; Anguiano C; Sandoval J; Knudsen L, 2012, 'Challenges and benefits of community-based participatory research for environmental justice: A case of collaboratively examining ecocultural struggles', Environmental Communication, 6, pp. 403 - 421,

Anguiano C; Milstein T; de Larkin I; Chen YW; Sandoval J, 2012, 'Connecting Community Voices: Using a Latino/a Critical Race Theory Lens on Environmental Justice Advocacy', Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 5, pp. 124 - 143,

Milstein T; Kroløkke C, 2012, 'Transcorporeal tourism: Whales, fetuses, and the rupturing and reinscribing of cultural constraints', Environmental Communication, 6, pp. 82 - 100,

Milstein T; Dickinson E, 2012, 'Gynocentric Greenwashing: The Discursive Gendering of Nature', Communication, Culture & Critique, 5, pp. 510 - 532,

Milstein T, 2012, 'Survive, critique, and create: Guiding radical pedagogy and critical public scholarship with the discursive guideposts of ecopedagogy', Green Theory and Praxis Journal, 6, pp. 3 - 16,

Milstein T; Anguiano C; Sandoval J; Chen YW; Dickinson E, 2011, 'Communicating a "new" environmental vernacular: A sense of relations-in-place', Communication Monographs, 78, pp. 486 - 510,

Peterson JC; Milstein T; Chen YW; Nakazawa M, 2011, 'Self-Efficacy in Intercultural Communication: The Development and Validation of a Sojourners' Scale', Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 4, pp. 290 - 309,

Milstein T, 2011, 'Nature identification: The power of pointing and naming', Environmental Communication, 5, pp. 3 - 24,

Tema M; Valerie M; Milstein T, 2009, 'Oppositional discourse in Israeli media: Reflections of multiple cultural identities in coverage of the Rabin-Arafat handshake', Howard Journal of Communications, 20, pp. 353 - 369,

Milstein T, 2009, '"Somethin' Tells Me It's All Happening at the Zoo": Discourse, Power, and Conservationism', Environmental Communication: a journal of nature and culture, 3, pp. 25 - 48,

Milstein T, 2008, 'The nature inside our heads: Exploring possibilities for widespread cultural paradigm shifts about nature', Drain: Journal of Contemporary Art and Culture,

Milstein T, 2008, 'When Whales "Speak for Themselves'': Communication as a Mediating force in Wildlife Tourism', Environmental Communication: a journal of nature and culture, 2, pp. 173 - 192,

Manusov V; Milstein T, 2005, 'Interpreting nonverbal behavior: Representation and transformation frames in Israeli and Palestinian media coverage of the 1993 Rabin-Arafat handshake', Western Journal of Communication, 69, pp. 183 - 201,

Howard PN; Carr JN; Milstein T, 2005, 'Digital technology and the market for political surveillance', Surveillance and Society, 3, pp. 59 - 73,

Milstein T, 2005, 'Transformation abroad: Sojourning and the perceived enhancement of self-efficacy', International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29, pp. 217 - 238,

Milstein T, 2004, 'Book Review: Howard Williams, The ethics of diet: A catena of authorities deprecatory of the practice of flesh-eating', Ethics, Place and Environment, pp. 216 - 219,

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