Select Publications


Ledger W, 2014, Chronic Pelvic Pain, Ledger W; Vancaille T; Schlaff W, (eds.),

Vancaillie T, 2007, Foreword

Book Chapters

Wang A, 2015, 'Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome', in CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, pp. 102 - 123,

Harpham ME; Abbott J, 2015, 'Investigating chronic pelvic pain: surgical approaches', in Chronic pelvic pain, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, pp. 40 - 50,

Petok WD, 2014, 'Chronic pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction: cause and effect', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 130 - 139,

Flower A; Lewith G; Quaghebeur J; Cheong Y, 2014, 'Complementary therapies for women with chronic pelvic pain', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 140 - 147,

Mavrelos D; Saridogan E, 2014, 'Endometriosis: surgical approaches to stages I and II', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 60 - 70,

Owers C; Adam I, 2014, 'Endometriosis: surgical approaches to stages III and IV', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 71 - 78,

Richardson A; Raine-Fenning N, 2014, 'Investigating chronic pelvic pain: ultrasound', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 27 - 39,

Schlaff WD, 2014, 'Management of idiopathic chronic pelvic pain', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 148 - 154,

Worly B; Schlaff WD, 2014, 'Medical treatments for endometriosis-related pain', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 51 - 59,

Robert R, 2014, 'Pelvic anatomy and neuroanatomy: relevance to chronic pelvic pain', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 11 - 26,

Nijjar JB; As-Sanie S, 2014, 'Pelvic inflammatory disease and chronic pelvic pain', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 124 - 129,

Braverman AM, 2014, 'Psychological considerations and therapies in patients with chronic pelvic pain', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Cambridge University Press, pp. 79 - 88,

Vancaillie TG, 2014, 'Chronic pelvic pain: Spectrum of the disorder', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, pp. 1 - 10,

Harpham ME; Abbott J, 2014, 'Investigating chronic pelvic pain: Surgical approaches', in Chronic Pelvic Pain, pp. 40 - 50,

Abbott J; Vancaillie TG, 2003, 'Control of menorrhagia by electrodesiccation', in Hysteroscopy, Resectoscopy and Endometral Ablation, edn. Original, Parthenon Publishing Group, USA/UK, pp. 139 - 148

Broome J-D; Vancaillie TG, 2003, 'Enterocele Repair', in Ultrasound and Endoscopic Surgery in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Springer London, pp. 105 - 109,

Abbott J; Vancaillie TG, 2003, 'Hysteroscopic Sterilisation', in Kossut M (ed.), Plasticity of Adult Barrel Cortex, edn. Original, FP Graham Publishing Co., Mountain Home, Tennessee, pp. 119 - 128

Davis G; Redwine DB; Perez JJ; Balmaceda JP; Manzur A; Reich H; Parker WH; Reich H; Kadar N; Reich H; Garry R; Reich H; Semm K; Semm I; Vancaillie TG; Liu CY; Adamyan LV; Kadar N; Kadar N; Childers JM, 1995, 'Gynecology', in Principles of Laparoscopic Surgery, Springer New York, pp. 537 - 679,

Vancaillie TG, 1993, 'Female Sterilization', in Clinical Perspectives in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Springer New York, pp. 169 - 180,

van der Pas H; Vancaillie T, 1992, 'Hysteroscopic Surgery in the Outpatient Clinic', in Lasers in Gynecology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 223 - 227,

Journal articles

Deans R; Moses D; Sach TA; Vancaillie T; Ledger B; Abbott JA, 2024, 'Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in Asherman syndrome', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 64, pp. 341 - 346,

Levesque A; Bautrant E; Quistrebert V; Valancogne G; Riant T; Beer Gabel M; Leroi AM; Jottard K; Bruyninx L; Amarenco G; Quintas L; Picard P; Vancaillie T; Leveque C; Mohy F; Rioult B; Ploteau S; Labat JJ; Guinet-Lacoste A; Quinio B; Cosson M; Haddad R; Deffieux X; Perrouin-Verbe MA; Garreau C; Robert R, 2022, 'Recommendations on the management of pudendal nerve entrapment syndrome: A formalised expert consensus', European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 26, pp. 7 - 17,

Georgius P; Vancaillie T; Mitchell B; Holthouse D; Monagle J; Green M; Russo M; Yu J; Lechleiter K; Chen L; Jain R, 2022, 'PO166 / #706 PAIN RELIEF OUTCOMES USING NEUROMODULATION SYSTEMS WITH MULTIPLE WAVEFORM AND PROGRAMMING MODALITIES: AN AUSTRALIAN CASE-SERIES', Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 25, pp. S291 - S291,

VANCAILLIE T; FRANZCOG ; FFPMANZCA , 2022, 'Uterine Surgery and Fertility', Fertility & Reproduction, 04, pp. 122 - 122,

Ruoss CM; Howard EA; Chan K; Stevenson PG; Vancaillie T, 2021, 'Topical treatment of vulvodynia, dyspareunia and pudendal neuralgia: A single clinic audit of amitriptyline and oestriol in organogel', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 61, pp. 270 - 274,

Vancaillie T; Chan K; Liu J; Deans R; Howard E, 2020, 'Asherman syndrome: Audit of a single-operator cohort of 423 cases', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60, pp. 574 - 578,

Black E; Khor KE; Kennedy D; Chutatape A; Sharma S; Vancaillie T; Demirkol A, 2019, 'Medication Use and Pain Management in Pregnancy: A Critical Review', Pain Practice, 19, pp. 875 - 899,

Behnia-Willison F; Nguyen TTT; Mohamadi B; Vancaillie TG; Lam A; Willison NN; Zivkovic J; Woodman RJ; Skubisz MM, 2019, 'Fractional CO 2 laser for treatment of stress urinary incontinence', European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology: X, 1,

Vancaillie T; Tan Y; Chow J; Kite L; Howard L, 2018, 'Pain after vaginal prolapse repair surgery with mesh is a post-surgical neuropathy which needs to be treated – and can possibly be prevented in some cases', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 58, pp. 696 - 700,

Levesque A; Riant T; Ploteau S; Rigaud J; Labat J-J; Convergences PP Network , 2018, 'Clinical Criteria of Central Sensitization in Chronic Pelvic and Perineal Pain (Convergences PP Criteria): Elaboration of a Clinical Evaluation Tool Based on Formal Expert Consensus.', Pain Med, 19, pp. 2009 - 2015,

Deans R; Vancaillie T; Ledger W; Liu J; Abbott JA, 2018, 'Live birth rate and obstetric complications following the hysteroscopic management of intrauterine adhesions including Asherman syndrome', Human Reproduction, 33, pp. 1847 - 1853,

Vancaillie T; Kite L; Howard E; Chow J, 2018, 'Sacral neuromodulation for pelvic pain and pelvic organ dysfunction: A case series', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 58, pp. 102 - 107,

Dean M; Stamatopoulos N; Vancaillie T, 2017, 'A severed ip ligament as a cause for trans-vaginal uterine bleeding post termination of pregnancy: A case report', Pan African Medical Journal, 27,

Ng A; Yang P; Wong S; Vancaillie T; Krishnan S, 2016, 'Medium to long-term gastrointestinal outcomes following disc resection of the rectum for treatment of endometriosis using a validated scoring questionnaire', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 56, pp. 408 - 413,

Armstrong GL; Vancaillie TG, 2016, 'Combined site-specific sacral neuromodulation and pudendal nerve release surgery in a patient with interstitial cystitis and persistent arousal', BMJ Case Reports, 2016,

Vancaillie TG, 2015, 'Pudendal neuralgia: Standing up to the problem', Medicine Today, 16, pp. 71 - 74

Garad R; Vancaillie TG; Farrell E, 2013, 'Pelvic pain: a diagnosis in itself', Australian nursing & midwifery journal, 21, pp. 36 - 39

Garad R; Vancaillie TG; Farrell E, 2013, 'Pelvic pain: a diagnosis in itself.', Australian nursing journal (July 1993), 21, pp. 36 - 39

Vancaillie TG, 2013, 'Emerging trends in female permanent contraception', Expert Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8, pp. 285 - 294,

Vancaillie TG; Garad R, 2013, 'Asherman's syndrome.', Australian nursing journal (July 1993), 20, pp. 34 - 36

Nesbitt-Hawes EM; Won HR; Jarvis SK; Lyons SD; Vancaillie TG; Abbott J, 2013, 'Improvement in pelvic pain with botulinum toxin type A - Single vs. repeat injections', Toxicon, 63, pp. 83 - 87,

Hewitt EA; Armstrong G; Beg N; Katz S; Vancaillie TG, 2012, 'Lignocaine plasma levels following topical gel application in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 40, pp. 292 - 296, id:

Vancaillie TG; Eggermont J; Armstrong G; Jarvis SK; Liu J; Beg N, 2012, 'Response to Pudendal Nerve Block in Women with Pudendal Neuralgia', Pain Medicine, 13, pp. 596 - 603,

Vancaillie TG; Harrington DC; Anderson JM, 2011, 'Mechanism of action of the Adiana® device: A histologic perspective', Contraception, 84, pp. 299 - 301,

Anderson T; Vancaillie TG, 2011, 'The Adiana System for Permanent Contraception: Safety and Efficacy at 3 Years', Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 18, pp. 612 - 616,

Beg N; Vancaillie T; Hewitt A; Eggermont J; Armstrong G, 2010, 'Lignocaine gel in minimally invasive surgery - A pilot cohort study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 50, pp. 382 - 384,

Jarvis SK; Won HR; Abbott JA; Vancaillie TG, 2010, 'Open Label Longitudinal Study Evaluating Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A (BOTOX®) Injected into the Pelvic Floor of Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain and Levator Hypertonicity', Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 17, pp. S8 - S8,

Costello MF; Abbott J; Katz S; Vancaille T; Wilson S, 2009, 'A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of multimodal intraoperative analgesia for laparoscopic excision of endometriosis', Fertility and Sterility, 94, pp. 436 - 443,

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