Select Publications

Journal articles

Vancaillie TG, 1989, '"Babylon-scopy" or the semantic confusion in gynecologic endoscopy.', International Journal of Fertility, 34, pp. 17 - 18

Vancaillie TG; Eddy CA; Laufe L, 1989, 'A new method of transcervical female sterilization: Preliminary results in rabbits', Fertility and Sterility, 51, pp. 335 - 338,

Vancaillie TG, 1989, 'Electrocoagulation of the endometrium with the ballend resectoscope', Obstetrics and Gynecology, 74, pp. 425 - 427

Vancaillie TG; Eddy CA; Schenken RS, 1989, 'Endosurgical electrocoagulation of the mesovarium as an alternative method of inducing surgical menopause in monkeys', Fertility and Sterility, 51, pp. 733 - 735,

Vancaillie TG; Hill RH; Riehl RM; Gilstad D; Schenken RS, 1989, 'Laser-induced fluorescence of ectopic endometrium in rabbits', Obstetrics and Gynecology, 74, pp. 225 - 230

De Wilde R; Bordt J; Hesseling M; Vancaillie T, 1989, 'Ovarian Cystostomy', Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 68, pp. 363 - 364,

Mencaglia L; Colafranceschi M; Gordon AG; Lindemann H; Van Herendael B; Perino A; De Placido G; Colacurci A; Van der Pas H; Tantini C; Labastida R; Fulop T; Vancaillie T; Scarselli G, 1988, 'Is hysteroscopy of value in the investigation of female infertility?', Acta Europaea Fertilitatis, 19, pp. 239 - 241

Mencaglia L; Colafranceschi M; Lindemann H; Van Herendael B; Perino A; De Placido G; Van der Pas H; Tantini C; Labastida R; Fulop T; Vancaillie T; Scarselli G, 1988, 'Hysteroscopic assessment of infertile women. A multicenter study from the European Society of Hysteroscopy', Cervix and the Lower Female Genital Tract, 6, pp. 245 - 251

Vancaillie TG, 1988, 'Microcolposcopy: Technique and basic diagnosis', Cervix and the Lower Female Genital Tract, 6, pp. 141 - 151

Vancaillie T; Schmidt EH, 1988, 'The uterotubal junction. A proposal for classifying its morphology as assessed with hysteroscopy', Journal of Reproductive Medicine for the Obstetrician and Gynecologist, 33, pp. 624 - 629

Vancaillie T; Schmidt EH; Bonk U; Beller FK, 1987, 'Standardizing microcolposcopy. Assessing the criteria for evaluating the presence and degree of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia', Journal of Reproductive Medicine for the Obstetrician and Gynecologist, 32, pp. 769 - 773

Vancaillie T; Schmidt EH, 1987, 'Therapeutic laparoscopy. An update on the instrumentation', Journal of Reproductive Medicine for the Obstetrician and Gynecologist, 32, pp. 891 - 894

Vancaillie T; Schmidt EH, 1987, 'Recovery of ovarian function after laparoscopic treatment of acute adnexal torsion. A case report', Journal of Reproductive Medicine for the Obstetrician and Gynecologist, 32, pp. 561 - 562

Schlegel W; Vancaillie T; Schneider HPG, 1986, 'The influence of continuous intrauterine infusion of enzyme-inhibitors of the arachidonic acid cascade on ovulation and tubal ovum transport in the hyperstimulated rabbit', Hormone and Metabolic Research, 18, pp. 386 - 390,

Bordt J; Belkien L; Vancaillie T; Stening C; Schneider HP, 1984, 'Results of hysteroscopies performed for diagnosis in an IVF/ET programme', Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 44, pp. 813 - 815,

Vancaillie T; Gordts S; Boeckx W; Vasquez G; Brosens I, 1984, 'Vasoepididymostomy to the head of the epididymis: a comparative study of two microsurgical techniques in the rabbit.', Acta Europaea fertilitatis, 15, pp. 25 - 29

Conference Papers

Dietz HP; Vancaillie TG; Jarvis S, 2000, 'A Comparison of three different techniques for the assessment of pelvic floor muscle strength', in Chapple CR (ed.), Neurourology and Urodynamics, New York : Alan R. Liss, United States, pp. 140 - 141, presented at 30th Annual Meeting International Continence Society, Tampere Finland, 28 August 2000 - 31 August 2000

Dietz HP; Wilson PJ; Gillies K; Vancaillie TG, 2000, 'How does the TVT achieve continence?', in Chapple CR (ed.), Neurourology and Urodynamics, New York : Alan R. Liss, United States, pp. 393 - 394, presented at Neurology and Urodynamics

Hill RH; Vancaillie TG, 1990, 'Quasi-resonance enhancement of laser-induced-fluorescence diagnosis of endometriosis', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. 275 - 284


Deans R; Hughes GJ; Steigrad SJ; Vancaillie TG, 2007, Pregnancy in a non communicating rudimentary horn, Royal Australian N Z College Obstetricians & Gynec

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