Select Publications

Book Chapters

Denson TF; Tan ECF, 2023, 'Anger, hostility, and anger management', in Encyclopedia of Mental Health, Elsevier, pp. 77 - 83,

Summerell E; Wong I; Denson TF, 2023, 'Caffeine and Aggression', in Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 20,

Summerell E; Wong I; Denson TF, 2023, 'Caffeine and Aggression', in Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1673 - 1692,

Denson T; Anderson C, 2023, 'Experimental Methods', in The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 333 - 356,

Blake KR; Denson TF, 2021, 'Contexts for Men’s Aggression Against Men', in Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1342 - 1350,

Blake KR; Denson T, 2019, 'Contexts for men’s aggression against men.', in Shackelford TK; Weekes-Shackelford VA (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer,

Beames JR; Schofield TP; Denson TF, 2018, 'A meta-analysis of improving self-control with practice', in Handbook of self-control in health and well-being, Routledge, pp. 405 - 417,

Fabiansson EC; Denson TF, 2016, 'Anger, Hostility, and Anger Management', in Encyclopedia of Mental Health: Second Edition, pp. 64 - 67,

Denson T; schofield ; fabiansson , 2015, 'Aggressive Desires', in The Psychology of Desire, Guilford Publications

Denson T, 2014, 'Psychological and biological mechanisms underlying control over anger and aggression.', in Forgas JP; Harmon-Jones E (ed.), The control within: Motivation and its regulation, Psychology Press, United States, pp. 193 - 210,

Denson T, 2013, 'Encyclopedia of Media Violence', in Eastin MS (ed.), Encyclopedia of Media Violence, SAGE Publications, Incorporated, pp. 22 - 24

Denson T, 2011, 'A Social Neuroscience Perspective on the Neurobiological Bases of Aggression', in Mikulincer M; Shaver PR (ed.), Human Aggression and Violence: Causes, Manifestations, and Consequences, American Psychological Association., Washington DC USA, pp. 105 - 120

Forgas JP; Tan , 2011, 'Affective influences on the perception, management and resolution of social conflicts', in Forgas JP; Kruglanski AW; Williams KD (ed.), The psychology of social conflict and aggression, Psychology Press, New York USA, pp. 119 - 139

Denson T; Fabiansson E, 2011, 'The effects of anger and anger regulation on negotiation', in Forgas JP; Kruglanski AW; Williams KD (ed.), The psychology of social conflict and aggression, Psychology Press, New York USA, pp. 139 - 151

Fabiansson E; Denson T, 2009, 'Anger regulation in negotiations', in Quin C; Tawse S (ed.), Handbook of Aggressive Behavior Research, edn. 1, Nova Science Pub Inc, United States, pp. 451 - 462

Denson T, 2009, 'Angry rumination and the self-regulation of aggression', in Forgas JP; Baumeister RF; Tice DM (ed.), Psychology of Self-Regulation, Psychology Press, USA, pp. 233 - 248

Denson T, 2008, 'Displaced aggression in children and adolescents.', in Bhave SY; Saini S (ed.), The AHA-Syndrome and cardiovascular disease, edn. 1, Anshan publishers, New Delhi, pp. 43 - 54

Denson T, 2008, 'Individual differences in displaced aggression as a risk factor for por cardiovascular health.', in Bhave SY; Saini S (ed.), The AHA-Syndrome and cardiovascular disease, edn. 1, Anshan publishers, New Delhi, pp. 110 - 118

Denson T; Pedersen WC; Ronquillo J; Miller N, 2008, 'Trait displaced aggression, physical health, and life satisfaction: A process model.', in Boag S (ed.), Personality down under: Perspectives from Australia, Nova, Hauppauge, NY, pp. 233 - 241

Denson T, 2008, 'Violence prevention.', in Encyclopedia of substance abuse. Prevention,treatment, and recovery., edn. 1, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 1 - 11

Journal articles

Chen W; Denson TF; Timpano KR; Kocol O; Grisham JR, 2024, 'An investigation of the multifaceted components of anger and hoarding symptoms', Personality and Individual Differences, 222,

Schiller D; Yu ANC; Alia-Klein N; Becker S; Cromwell HC; Dolcos F; Eslinger PJ; Frewen P; Kemp AH; Pace-Schott EF; Raber J; Silton RL; Stefanova E; Williams JHG; Abe N; Aghajani M; Albrecht F; Alexander R; Anders S; Aragón OR; Arias JA; Arzy S; Aue T; Baez S; Balconi M; Ballarini T; Bannister S; Banta MC; Barrett KC; Belzung C; Bensafi M; Booij L; Bookwala J; Boulanger-Bertolus J; Boutros SW; Bräscher AK; Bruno A; Busatto G; Bylsma LM; Caldwell-Harris C; Chan RCK; Cherbuin N; Chiarella J; Cipresso P; Critchley H; Croote DE; Demaree HA; Denson TF; Depue B; Derntl B; Dickson JM; Dolcos S; Drach-Zahavy A; Dubljević O; Eerola T; Ellingsen DM; Fairfield B; Ferdenzi C; Friedman BH; Fu CHY; Gatt JM; de Gelder B; Gendolla GHE; Gilam G; Goldblatt H; Gooding AEK; Gosseries O; Hamm AO; Hanson JL; Hendler T; Herbert C; Hofmann SG; Ibanez A; Joffily M; Jovanovic T; Kahrilas IJ; Kangas M; Katsumi Y; Kensinger E; Kirby LAJ; Koncz R; Koster EHW; Kozlowska K; Krach S; Kret ME; Krippl M; Kusi-Mensah K; Ladouceur CD; Laureys S; Lawrence A; Li CSR; Liddell BJ; Lidhar NK; Lowry CA; Magee K; Marin MF; Mariotti V; Martin LJ; Marusak HA; Mayer AV, 2024, 'The Human Affectome', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 158,

Denson TF; Watson P; Yeong A; Armstrong A; Beames JR; Bertsch K, 2024, 'Eye tracking shows no substantive relationships between individual differences related to aggression and visual attention to unambiguously violent stimuli', Personality and Individual Differences, 217,

Beames JR; Slavich E; Denson TF, 2023, 'Twelve weeks of self-control training does not reduce aggression', Aggressive Behavior, 49, pp. 384 - 395,

Summerell E; Fanous G; Denson TF, 2023, 'Would you let this guy into a bar? Identifying cues that signal a perceived increase in the propensity for violence of potential bar patrons', Journal of Experimental Criminology,

Tanno S; Urauchi S; Etchu K; Denson TF, 2023, 'Study Habits Cultivated with Homework Correlate with Academic Achievements', The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, 87,

Iancarelli A; Denson TF; Chou CA; Satpute AB, 2022, 'Using citation network analysis to enhance scholarship in psychological science: A case study of the human aggression literature', PLoS ONE, 17,

Summersby S; Harris B; Denson TF; White D, 2022, 'Tracking sexual dimorphism of facial width-to-height ratio across the lifespan: Implications for perceived aggressiveness', Royal Society Open Science, 9,

Denson TF; Kasumovic MM; Harmon-Jones E, 2022, 'Understanding the Desire to Play Violent Video Games: An Integrative Motivational Theory', Motivation Science, 8, pp. 161 - 173,

Smeijers D; Denson TF; Bulten EH; Brazil IA, 2021, 'Validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the displaced aggression questionnaire', WORLD JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 11, pp. 1288 - 1300,

Blake KR; O’Dean SM; Lian J; Denson TF; O'Dean S, 2021, 'Misogynistic Tweets Correlate With Violence Against Women', Psychological Science, 32, pp. 315 - 325,

Denson TF, 2021, 'Breaking the Cycle of Violent Crime and Punishment: The Promise of Neuronormalization', Social Issues and Policy Review, 15, pp. 237 - 276,

Kasumovic MM; Hatcher E; Blake KR; Denson TF, 2021, 'Performance in video games affects self-perceived mate value and mate preferences.', Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 15, pp. 191 - 207,

Earleywine M; Denson TF; Altman BR, 2021, 'Replicating the Dimensional Structure of Cannabis Problems: A Taxometric Analysis', Substance Use and Misuse, 56, pp. 81 - 86,

Li SH; Denson TF; Graham BM, 2020, 'Women With Generalized Anxiety Disorder Show Increased Repetitive Negative Thinking During the Luteal Phase of the Menstrual Cycle', Clinical Psychological Science, 8, pp. 1037 - 1045,

Beames JR; Gilam G; Schofield TP; Schira MM; Denson TF, 2020, 'The impact of self-control training on neural responses following anger provocation', Social Neuroscience, 15, pp. 558 - 570,

Summerell E; Harmon-Jones C; Denson TF; Harmon-Jones E, 2020, 'Humility is associated with less aggressive motivation', Personality and Individual Differences, 158, pp. 109837,

Blake KR; Brooks R; Arthur LC; Denson TF, 2020, 'In the context of romantic attraction, beautification can increase assertiveness in women', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0229162,

Denson TF; Dixson BJW; Tibubos AN; Zhang E; Harmon-Jones E; Kasumovic MM, 2020, 'Violent video game play, gender, and trait aggression influence subjective fighting ability, perceptions of men's toughness, and anger facial recognition', Computers in Human Behavior, 104, pp. 106175,

Kelber MS; Lickel B; Denson TF, 2020, 'Temporal focus, emotions, and support for intergroup aggression', Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 23, pp. 226 - 240,

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C; Denson TF, 2020, 'A novel way of responding to dissonance evoked by belief disconfirmation: making the wrongdoing of an opponent salient', Social Influence, 15, pp. 34 - 45,

Alia-Klein N; Gan G; Gilam G; Bezek J; Bruno A; Denson TF; Hendler T; Lowe L; Mariotti V; Muscatello MR; Palumbo S; Pellegrini S; Pietrini P; Rizzo A; Verona E, 2020, 'The feeling of anger: From brain networks to linguistic expressions', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 108, pp. 480 - 497,

Goulter N; Kimonis ER; Denson TF; Begg DP, 2019, 'Female primary and secondary psychopathic variants show distinct endocrine and psychophysiological profiles', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 104, pp. 7 - 17,

Steele RR; Rovenpor DR; Lickel B; Denson TF, 2019, 'Emotion regulation and prejudice reduction following acute terrorist events: The impact of reflection before and after the Boston Marathon bombings', Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22, pp. 43 - 56,

Siedlecka E; Denson TF, 2019, 'Experimental Methods for Inducing Basic Emotions: A Qualitative Review', Emotion Review, 11, pp. 87 - 97,

Beames JR; O'Dean SM; Grisham JR; Moulds ML; Denson TF, 2019, 'Anger regulation in interpersonal contexts: Anger experience, aggressive behavior, and cardiovascular reactivity', Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36, pp. 1441 - 1458,

Blake KR; Bastian B; Denson TF; Grosjean P; Brooks RC, 2018, 'Income inequality not gender inequality positively covaries with female sexualization on social media', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, pp. 8722 - 8727,

Dixson BJW; Blake KR; Denson TF; Gooda-Vossos A; O'Dean SM; Sulikowski D; Rantala MJ; Brooks RC, 2018, 'The role of mating context and fecundability in women's preferences for men's facial masculinity and beardedness', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 93, pp. 90 - 102,

Graham BM; Denson TF; Barnett J; Calderwood C; Grisham JR, 2018, 'Sex hormones are associated with rumination and interact with emotion regulation strategy choice to predict negative affect in women following a sad mood induction', Frontiers in Psychology, 9, pp. 937,

Denson TF; O’Dean SM; Blake KR; Beames JR, 2018, 'Aggression in women: Behavior, brain and hormones', Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12,

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