Select Publications

Journal articles

Denson TF; Blundell KA; Schofield TP; Schira MM; Krämer UM, 2018, 'The neural correlates of alcohol-related aggression', Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 18, pp. 203 - 215,

O’donnell M; Nelson LD; Ackermann E; Aczel B; Akhtar A; Aldrovandi S; Alshaif N; Andringa R; Aveyard M; Babincak P; Balatekin N; Baldwin SA; Banik G; Baskin E; Bell R; Bialobrzeska O; Birt AR; Boot WR; Braithwaite SR; Briggs JC; Buchner A; Budd D; Budzik K; Bullens L; Bulley RL; Cannon PR; Cantarero K; Cesario J; Chambers S; Chartier CR; Chekroun P; Chong C; Cleeremans A; Coary SP; Coulthard J; Cramwinckel FM; Denson TF; Díaz-Lago M; Didonato TE; Drummond A; Eberlen J; Ebersbach T; Edlund JE; Finnigan KM; Fisher J; Frankowska N; García-Sánchez E; Golom FD; Graves AJ; Greenberg K; Hanioti M; Hansen HA; Harder JA; Harrell ER; Hartanto A; Inzlicht M; Johnson DJ; Karpinski A; Keller VN; Klein O; Koppel L; Krahmer E; Lantian A; Larson MJ; Le´gal JB; Lucas RE; Lynott D; Magaldino CM; Massar K; McBee MT; McLatchie N; Melia N; Mensink MC; Mieth L; Moore-Berg S; Neeser G; Newell BR; Noordewier MK; Özdogru AA; Pantazi M; Parzuchowski M; Peters K; Philipp MC; Pollmann MMH; Rentzelas P; Rodríguez-Bailón R; Röer JP; Ropovik I; Roque NA; Rueda C; Rutjens BT; Sackett K; Salamon J; Sánchez-Rodríguez Á; Saunders B; Schaafsma J; Schulte-Mecklenbeck M; Shanks DR; Sherman MF; Steele KM, 2018, 'Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998)', Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13, pp. 268 - 294,

Yang Y; Tang C; Qu X; Wang C; Denson TF, 2018, 'Group facial width-to-height ratio predicts intergroup negotiation outcomes', Frontiers in Psychology, 9,

Blake KR; Bastian B; Denson TF, 2018, 'Heightened male aggression toward sexualized women following romantic rejection: The mediating role of sex goal activation', Aggressive Behavior, 44, pp. 40 - 49,

Kasumovic MM; Blake K; Denson TF, 2017, 'Using knowledge from human research to improve understanding of contest theory and contest dynamics', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284,

Hirst RB; Enriquez RH; Wickham RE; Gretler J; Sodos LM; Gade SA; Rathke LK; Han CS; Denson TF; Earleywine M, 2017, 'Marijuana stereotypes and the “jay-dar”: Perceptions of cannabis use and memory abilities based upon appearance', Personality and Individual Differences, 110, pp. 131 - 138,

Blake KR; Hopkins RE; Sprunger JG; Eckhardt CI; Denson TF, 2017, 'Relationship quality and cognitive reappraisal moderate the effects of negative urgency on behavioral inclinations toward aggression and intimate partner violence', Psychology of Violence, 8, pp. 218 - 228,

Blake KR; Dixson BJW; O'Dean SM; Denson TF, 2017, 'No compelling positive association between ovarian hormones and wearing red clothing when using multinomial analyses', Hormones and Behavior, 90, pp. 129 - 135,

Denson TF; Wilkowski BM; DeWall CN; Friese M; Hofmann W; Ferguson EL; Capper MM; Kasumovic MM, 2017, '“Thou Shalt Kill”: Practicing self-control supports adherence to personal values when asked to aggress', Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, pp. 71 - 78,

Schofield TP; Unkelbach C; Denson TF, 2017, 'Alcohol consumption increases bias to shoot at Middle Eastern but not White targets', Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20, pp. 202 - 215,

Schofield TP; Youssef H; Denson TF, 2017, 'Experimental evidence for visual prior entry of angry faces, even when feeling afraid', Emotion, 17, pp. 78 - 87,

Blake KR; Bastian B; O'Dean SM; Denson TF, 2017, 'High estradiol and low progesterone are associated with high assertiveness in women', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 75, pp. 91 - 99,

Blake KR; Bastian B; Denson TF, 2016, 'Perceptions of low agency and high sexual openness mediate the relationship between sexualization and sexual aggression', Aggressive behavior, 42, pp. 483 - 497,

Svetieva E; Zadro L; Denson TF; Dale E; O’Moore K; Zheng WY, 2016, 'Anger mediates the effect of ostracism on risk-taking', Journal of Risk Research, 19, pp. 614 - 631,

Blake KR; Dixson BJW; O'Dean SM; Denson TF, 2016, 'Standardized protocols for characterizing women's fertility: A data-driven approach', Hormones and Behavior, 81, pp. 74 - 83,

Schofield TP; Creswell JD; Denson TF, 2015, 'Brief mindfulness induction reduces inattentional blindness', Consciousness and Cognition, 37, pp. 63 - 70,

Kasumovic MM; Blake K; Dixson BJ; Denson TF, 2015, 'Why do people play violent video games? Demographic, status-related, and mating-related correlates in men and women', Personality and Individual Differences, 86, pp. 204 - 211,

Geniole SN; Denson TF; Dixson BJ; Carré JM; McCormick CM, 2015, 'Evidence from meta-analyses of the facial width-to-height ratio as an evolved cue of threat', PLoS ONE, 10,

Denson TF, 2015, 'Four promising psychological interventions for reducing reactive aggression', Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 3, pp. 136 - 141,

Kalokerinos EK; Greenaway KH; Denson TF, 2015, 'Reappraisal but not suppression downregulates the experience of positive and negative emotion', Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 15, pp. 271 - 275,

Harkness EL; Paterson HM; Denson T; Kemp RI; Mullan B; Sainsbury K, 2015, 'Can Ego Depletion and Post-event Discussion Change the Way We Remember a Crime?', Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 22, pp. 172 - 183,

Siedlecka E; Capper MM; Denson TF, 2015, 'Negative emotional events that people ruminate about feel closer in time', PLoS ONE, 10,

Schofield TP; Deckman T; Garris CP; DeWall CN; Denson TF, 2015, 'Brief report: Evidence of ingroup bias on the shooter task in a Saudi sample', SAGE Open, 5,

Denson T; schofield ; fabiansson , 2015, 'Evidence of Ingroup Bias on the Shooter Task in a Saudi Sample', SAGE Open,

Denson TF; Dobson-Stone C; Ronay R; von Hippel W; Schira MM, 2014, 'A functional polymorphism of the MAOA gene is associated with neural responses to induced anger control', Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, pp. 1418 - 1427,

Denson TF; Creswell JD; Terides MD; Blundell K, 2014, 'Cognitive reappraisal increases neuroendocrine reactivity to acute social stress and physical pain', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 49, pp. 69 - 78,

Yang Y; Read SJ; Denson TF; Xu Y; Zhang J; Pedersen WC, 2014, 'The Key Ingredients of Personality Traits: Situations, Behaviors, and Explanations', Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, pp. 79 - 91,

Mcdonald RI; Newell BR; Denson TF, 2014, 'Would you rule out going green? The effect of inclusion versus exclusion mindset on pro-environmental willingness', European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, pp. 507 - 513,

Krans J; Moulds ML; Grisham J; Lang TJ; Denson TF, 2014, 'Evaluating the effect of metacognitive beliefs about angry rumination on anger with cognitive bias modification.', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 5, pp. 259 - 271

Schofield TP; Denson TF, 2013, 'Temporal Alcohol Availability Predicts First-Time Drunk Driving, but Not Repeat Offending', PLoS ONE, 8,

Denson TF; Mehta PH; Ho Tan D, 2013, 'Endogenous testosterone and cortisol jointly influence reactive aggression in women', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, pp. 416 - 424,

Schofield TP; Denson T, 2013, 'Alcohol outlet business hours and violent crime in new york state', Alcohol and Alcoholism, 48, pp. 363 - 369,

Denson TF; Ronay RD; Von Hippel WH; Schira M, 2013, 'Endogenous testosterone and cortisol modulate neural responses during induced anger control', Social Neuroscience, 8, pp. 165 - 177,

Creswell JD; Pacilio LE; Denson TF; Satyshur M, 2013, 'The effect of a primary sexual reward manipulation on cortisol responses to psychosocial stress in men', Psychosomatic Medicine, 75, pp. 397 - 403,

Denson T, 2013, 'The Multiple Systems Model of Angry Rumination', Personality and Social Psychology Review, 17, pp. 103 - 123,

Bastian B; Denson T; Haslam NO, 2013, 'The Roles of Dehumanization and Moral Outrage in Retributive Justice', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. Article numbere61842,

Denson TF; Creswell JD; Granville-Smith I, 2012, 'Self-focus and social evaluative threat increase salivary cortisol responses to acute stress in men', Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 35, pp. 624 - 633,

Denson T; Von Hippel WH; Kemp RI; Jacobson MA; Mak T, 2012, 'Caffeine expectancies but not caffeine reduce depletion-induced aggression', Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 26, pp. 140 - 144,

Fabiansson E; Denson T; Moulds ML; Grisham JR; Schira M, 2012, 'Don't look back in anger: Neural correlates of reappraisal, analytical rumination, and angry rumination during recall of an anger-inducing autobiographical memory', Neuroimage, 59, pp. 2974 - 2981,

Denson T; DeWall CN; Finkel EJ, 2012, 'Self-control and aggression', Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21, pp. 20 - 25,

Denson T; Creswell J; Granville-smith , 2012, 'Self-focus and social evaluative threat increase salivary cortisol responses to acute stress via dissociable psychological pathways in men', Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 35, pp. 624 - 633,

Fabiansson E; Denson T, 2012, 'The Effects of Intrapersonal Anger and Its Regulation in Economic Bargaining', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. Art. No. e51595,

Denson T; Moulds ML; Grisham JR, 2012, 'The effects of rumination, reappraisal, and distraction on anger experience.', Behavior Therapy, 43, pp. 355 - 364,

Denson T; Grisham JR; Moulds ML, 2011, 'Cognitive reappraisal increases heart rate variability in response to an anger provocation', Motivation and Emotion, 35, pp. 14 - 22,

Dewall CN; Finkel EJ; Denson T, 2011, 'Self-control inhibits aggression', Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5, pp. 458 - 472,

Denson T; Capper M; Oaten MJ; Friese M; Schofield T, 2011, 'Self-control training decreases aggression in response to provocation in aggressive individuals', Journal of Research in Personality, 45, pp. 252 - 256,

Denson T; Spanovic M; Aviles F; Pollock V; Earleywine M; Miller N, 2011, 'The effects of acute alcohol intoxication and self-focused rumination on triggered displaced aggression', Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 20, pp. 128 - 147,

Denson T; Moulds ML; Grisham JR, 2011, 'The effects of analytical rumination, reappraisal, and distraction on anger experience', Behavior Therapy, 43, pp. 355 - 364,

Pedersen WC; Denson T; Goss R; Vasquez E; Kelley N; Miller N, 2011, 'The impact of rumination on aggressive thoughts, feelings, arousal, and behaviour', British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, pp. 281 - 301,

Denson T; Pedersen WC; Friese M; Hahm A; Roberts L, 2011, 'Understanding impulsive aggression: Angry rumination and reduced self-control capacity are mechanisms underlying the provocation-aggression relationship', Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, pp. 850 - 862,

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