Select Publications

Journal articles

Chan MY; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Bone mineral density and association of osteoarthritis with fracture risk', Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society, 22, pp. 1251 - 1258,

Ho-Pham LT; Lai TQ; Mai LD; Doan MC; Pham HN; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Prevalence of radiographic osteoarthritis of the knee and its relationship to self-reported pain', PLoS ONE, 9,

Bliuc D; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR, 2014, 'The impact of nonhip nonvertebral fractures inn elderly women and men', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 99, pp. 415 - 423,

Tran B; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Association between fat-mass-And-obesity-Associated (FTO) gene and hip fracture susceptibility', Clinical Endocrinology, 81, pp. 210 - 217,

Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen UDT; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Association between lean mass, fat mass, and bone mineral density: A meta-analysis', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 99, pp. 30 - 38,

Yang S; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2014, 'Association between hypertension and fragility fracture: a longitudinal study', Osteoporosis International, 25, pp. 97 - 103,

Ganda K; Nguyen TV; Pocock N, 2014, 'Gender disparity in BMD conversion: a comparison between Lunar and Hologic densitometers', Archives of Osteoporosis, 9,

Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Quantification of the relative contribution of estrogen to bone mineral density in men and women', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14,

Bliuc D; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR, 2013, 'Compound risk of high mortality following osteoporotic fracture and refracture in elderly women and men', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28, pp. 2317 - 2324,

Ahmed LA; Center JR; Bjørnerem A; Bluic D; Joakimsen RM; Jørgensen L; Meyer HE; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV; Omsland TK; Størmer J; Tell GS; Van Geel TA; Eisman JA; Emaus N, 2013, 'Progressively increasing fracture risk with advancing age after initial incident fragility fracture: The Tromsø Study', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28, pp. 2214 - 2221,

Nguyen TV; Center JR; Eisman JA, 2013, 'Individualized fracture risk assessment: Progresses and challenges', Current Opinion in Rheumatology, 25, pp. 532 - 541,

Selecki Y; Center J; Nguyen T; Eisman J, 2013, 'Electronic clinical decision support for the management of osteoporosis in primary care', Bone Abstracts,

Yang S; Nguyen NN; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Association between abdominal obesity and fracture risk: A prospective study', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 98, pp. 2478 - 2483,

Frost SA; Nguyen N; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Excess Mortality Attributable to Hip-Fracture: A Relative Survival Analysis', Bone, 56, pp. 23 - 29,

Chan M; Nguyen NN; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Quantitative ultrasound and fracture risk prediction in non-osteoporotic men and women as defined by WHO criteria', Calcified Tissue International, 24, pp. 1015 - 1022,

Nguyen NN; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Risks of complaints and adverse disciplinary findings against international medical graduates in Victoria and Western Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 198, pp. 256,

Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV, 2013, 'Risks of complaints and adverse disciplinary findings against international medical graduates in Victoria and Western Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 198, pp. 367 - 367,

Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR; Pocock NA; Jones G; March L; Clifton-Bligh R; Naganathan V; Seibel MJ, 2012, 'In Memoriam: Philip Neil Sambrook', Osteoporosis International, pp. 1 - 2,

Sandhu SK; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Pocock NA; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2011, 'Prognosis of fracture: Evaluation of predictive accuracy of the FRAX algorithm and Garvan nomogram: Rejoinder to comments by Pluskiewicz and Drozdzowska', Osteoporosis International, 22, pp. 2563,

Ho-Pham LT; Campbell LV; Nguyen TV, 2011, 'More on body fat cutoff points', Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 86, pp. 584,

Pongchaiyakul C; Kotruchin P; Wanothayaroj E; Nguyen TV, 2011, 'An innovative prognostic model for predicting diabetes risk in the Thai population', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 94, pp. 193 - 198,

Yang S; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2011, 'Association between beta-blocker use and fracture risk: The Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study', Bone, 48, pp. 451 - 455,

Clifton-Bligh R; Nguyen TV; Au A; Bullock M; Cameron ID; Cumming RG; Chen J; March LM; Seibel MJ; Sambrook PN, 2011, 'Contribution of a common variant in the promoter of the 1-alpha-hydroxylase gene (CYP27B1) to fracture risk in the elderly', Calcified Tissue International, 88, pp. 109 - 116,

Van geel TA; Nguyen ND; Geusens P; Center JR; Nguyen TV; Dinant G-J; Eisman JA, 2011, 'Development of a simple prognostic nomogram for individualising 5-year and 10-year absolute risks of fracture: a population-based prospective study among postmenopausal women', Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 70, pp. 92 - 97,

Langsetmo L; Nguyen TV; Nguyen ND; Kovacs C; Prior JC; Center JR; Morin S; Josse R; Adachi JD; Hanley DA; Eisman JA, 2011, 'Independent external validation of nomograms for predicting risk of low-trauma fracture and hip fracture', Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), 183, pp. E107 - E114,

Sambrook PN; Flahive J; Hooven FH; Boonen S; Chapurlat R; Lindsay R; Nguyen TV; Diez-perez A; Pfeilschifter J; Greenspanr SL; Hosmer D; Netelenbos JC; Adachi JD; Watts NB; Cooper C; Roux C; Rossini M; Siris ES; Silverman S; Saag KG; Compston JE; Lacroix A; Gehlbach S, 2011, 'Predicting fractures in an international cohort using risk factor algorithms without BMD', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 26, pp. 2770 - 2777,

Ho-pham LT; Nguyen UDT; Nguyen N; Nguyen TV, 2011, 'Reference ranges for bone mineral density and prevalence of osteoporosis in Vietnamese men and women', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12, pp. 182 - 189,

Bjornerem A; Ghasem-zadeh A; Bui M; Wang ; Rantzau C; Nguyen TV; Hopper JL; Zebaze R; Seeman E, 2011, 'Remodeling markers are associated with larger intracortical surface area but smaller trabecular surface area: A twin study', Bone, 49, pp. 1125 - 1130,

Nguyen TV; Pham LT, 2011, 'Scientific output and its relationship to knowledge economy: An analysis of ASEAN countries', Scientometrics, 89, pp. 107 - 117,

Bridge P; Pocock NA; Nguyen TV; Munns CF; Cowell CT; Forwood N; Thompson M, 2011, 'Validation of longitudinal DXA changes in body composition from pre- to mid-adolescence using MRI as reference', Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 14, pp. 340 - 347,

Nguyen TV; Eisman JA, 2010, 'Individualized Prognosis of Fracture in Men', , pp. 361 - 373,

Nguyen TH; Truong ATL; Ba Ngo M; Bui CTQ; Dinh QV; Doan TC; Nguyen LTK; Phan TC; Phan MV; Nguyen TV; Le TV, 2010, 'Intravenous thrombolysis', International Journal of Stroke, 5, pp. 516,

Nguyen TH; Truong ALT; Ngo MB; Bui CTQ; Dinh QV; Doan TC; Nguyen LTK; Phan TC; Phan MV; Nguyen TV; Le TV, 2010, 'Patients with thrombolysed stroke in Vietnam have an excellent outcome: Results from the Vietnam Thrombolysis Registry', European Journal of Neurology, 17, pp. 1188 - 1192,

Nguyen TV; Dalman C; Le TC; Nguyen TV; Tran NV; Allebeck P, 2010, 'Suicide attempt in a rural area of Vietnam: Incidence, methods used and access to mental health care', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 4,

Ho-pham LT; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TT; Nguyen D; Bui PK; Nguyen TV, 2010, 'Association between vitamin D insufficiency and tuberculosis in a Vietnamese population', BMC Infectious Diseases, 10, pp. 306

Bjornerem⁎ A; Ghasem-Zadeh A; Bui M; Wang X; Rantzau C; Nguyen TV; Hopper JL; Seeman E, 2010, 'Bone's structural design determines its own decay', Bone, 47, pp. S33 - S34,

Ho-pham LT; Nguyen ND; Lai TQ; Nguyen TV, 2010, 'Contributions of lean mass and fat mass to bone mineral density: A study in postmenopausal women', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 11, pp. 59

Ho-pham LT; Vu TQ; Nguyen ND; Barrett-Connor E; Nguyen TV, 2010, 'Similarity in percent body fat between white and Vietnamese women: implication for a universal definition of obesity', Obesity, 18, pp. 1242-6,

Nguyen TV; Chandrashekar K; Qin Z; Parent AD; Zhang J, 2009, 'Epidemiology of Intracranial Aneurysms of Mississippi: a 10-year (1997-2007) Retrospective Study', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 18, pp. 374 - 380,

Nguyen HTT; Von Schoultz B; Pham DMT; Nguyen DB; Le QH; Nguyen DV; Hirschberg AL; Nguyen TV, 2009, 'Peak bone mineral density in Vietnamese women', Archives of Osteoporosis, 4, pp. 9 - 15,

Van Landingham M; Nguyen TV; Roberts A; Parent AD; Zhang J, 2009, 'Risk factors of congenital hydrocephalus: A 10 year retrospective study', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 80, pp. 213 - 217,

Nguyen TV, 2009, 'Calcium supplement and bone loss', Osteoporosis International, 20, pp. 2149,

Pham HV; Dang DT; Tran Minh NN; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV, 2009, 'Correlates of environmental factors and human plague: an ecological study in Vietnam', International Journal of Epidemiology, 38, pp. 1634 - 1641,

Ho-Pham L; Nguyen ND; Nguyen TV, 2009, 'Effect of vegetarian diets on bone mineral density: A Bayesian meta-analysis', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90, pp. 943 - 950

Tran B; Nguyen ND; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2009, 'Enhancement of Absolute Fracture Risk Prognosis with Genetic Marker: The Collagen I Alpha 1 Gene', Calcified Tissue International, 85, pp. 379 - 388,

Bliuc DO; Nguyen N; Milch V; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center JR, 2009, 'Mortality risk associated with low-trauma osteoporotic fracture and subsequent fracture in men and women', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 301, pp. 513 - 521

Styrkarsdottir U; Halldorsson B; Gretarsdottir S; Gudbjartsson D; Walters G; Ingvarsson T; Jonsdottir T; Saemundsdottir J; Snorradottir S; Center JR; Nguyen TV; Alexandersen P; Gulcher J; Eisman JA; Christiansen C; Sigurdsson G; Kong A; Thorsteinsdottir U; Stefansson K, 2009, 'New sequence variants associated with bone mineral density', Nature Genetics, 41, pp. 15 - 17

Bridge P; Pocock NA; Nguyen TT; Munns C; Cowell CT; Thompson M, 2009, 'Prediction of appendicular skeletal and fat mass in children: Excellent concordance of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and magnetic resonance imaging', Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 22, pp. 795 - 804

Ho-Pham L; Nguyen ND; Vu B; Pham H; Nguyen TV, 2009, 'Prevalence and risk factors of radiographic vertebral fracture in postmenopausal Vietnamese women', Bone, 45, pp. 213 - 217

Frost SA; Nguyen N; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2009, 'Timing of repeat BMD measurements: Development of an absolute risk-based prognostic model', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 24, pp. 1800 - 1807

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