Select Publications

Journal articles

De Dios K; Huynh N; Tran TS; Center JR; Nguyen TV, 2024, 'Association between Fat Mass and Obesity-Related Transcript Polymorphisms and Osteoporosis Phenotypes', Journal of Bone Metabolism, 31, pp. 48 - 55,

Hoang DK; Doan MC; Le NM; Nguyen HG; Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen TV, 2024, 'Prevalence of and risk factors for sarcopenia in community-dwelling people: The Vietnam Osteoporosis Study', Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 15, pp. 380 - 386,

Douville C; Lahouel K; Kuo A; Grant H; Avigdor BE; Curtis SD; Summers M; Cohen JD; Wang Y; Mattox A; Dudley J; Dobbyn L; Popoli M; Ptak J; Nehme N; Silliman N; Blair C; Romans K; Thoburn C; Gizzi J; Schoen RE; Tie J; Gibbs P; Ho-Pham LT; Tran BNH; Tran TS; Nguyen TV; Goggins M; Wolfgang CL; Wang TL; Shih IM; Lennon AM; Hruban RH; Bettegowda C; Kinzler KW; Papadopoulos N; Vogelstein B; Tomasetti C, 2024, 'Machine learning to detect the SINEs of cancer', Science Translational Medicine, 16,

Huynh N; De Dios K; Tran TS; Center JR; Nguyen TV, 2024, 'Association between the Sp1-binding-site polymorphism in the collagen type I alpha 1 (COLIA1) gene and bone phenotypes: the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study', Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism,

Tai T-W; Chen H-Y; Shih C-A; Huang C-F; McCcloskey E; Lee J-K; Yeap SS; Cheung C-L; Charatcharoenwitthaya N; Jaisamrarn U; Kuptniratsaikul V; Yang R-S; Lin S-Y; Taguchi A; Mori S; Li-Yu J; Bin Ang S; Chan D-C; Chan WS; Ng H; Chen J-F; Tu S-T; Chuang H-H; Chang Y-F; Chen F-P; Tsai K-S; Ebeling PR; Marin F; Rodriguez FJN; Shi H; Hwang KR; Kim K-K; Chung Y-S; Reid IR; Chandran M; Ferrari S; Lewiecki EM; Hew FL; Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen TV; Nguyen VH; Lekamwasam S; Pandey D; Bhadada S; Chen C-H; Hwang JS; Wu C-H, 2024, 'Asia-Pacific consensus on long-term and sequential therapy for osteoporosis', OSTEOPOROSIS AND SARCOPENIA, 10, pp. 3 - 10,

Nguyen HG; Nguyen HT; Nguyen LTT; Tran TS; Ho-Pham LT; Ling SH; Nguyen T, 2024, 'Development of a shape-based algorithm for identification of asymptomatic vertebral compression fractures: A proof-of-principle study', OSTEOPOROSIS AND SARCOPENIA, 10, pp. 22 - 27,

Gourlay ML; Ritter VS; Fine JP; Overman RA; Schousboe JT; Cawthon PM; Orwoll ES; Nguyen TV; Lane NE; Cummings SR; Kado DM; Lapidus JA; Diem SJ; Ensrud KE, 2023, 'Correction to: Comparison of fracture risk assessment tools in older men without prior hip or spine fracture: the MrOS study (Archives of Osteoporosis, (2017), 12, 1, (91), 10.1007/s11657-017-0389-1)', Archives of Osteoporosis, 18,

Tran TS; Ho-Le TP; Bliuc D; Center JR; Blank RD; Nguyen TV, 2023, 'Prevention of Hip Fractures: Trade-off between Minor Benefits to Individuals and Large Benefits to the Community', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 38, pp. 1594 - 1602,

Ho-Le TP; Tran TS; Nguyen HG; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2023, 'Genetic Prediction of Lifetime Risk of Fracture.', J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 108, pp. e1403 - e1412,

Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen HG; Nguyen-Pham SQ; Hoang DK; Tran TS; Nguyen TV, 2023, 'Longitudinal changes in bone mineral density during perimenopausal transition: the Vietnam Osteoporosis Study', Osteoporosis International, 34, pp. 1381 - 1387,

Tran T; Ho-Le T; Bliuc D; Abrahamsen B; Hansen L; Vestergaard P; Center JR; Nguyen TV, 2023, ''Skeletal Age' for mapping the impact of fracture on mortality', eLife, 12,

Wang Y; Douville C; Cohen JD; Mattox A; Curtis S; Silliman N; Popoli M; Ptak J; Dobbyn L; Nehme N; Dudley JC; Summers M; Zhang M; Ho-Pham LT; Tran BNH; Tran TS; Nguyen TV; Bettegowda C; Papadopoulos N; Kinzler KW; Vogelstein B, 2023, 'Detection of rare mutations, copy number alterations, and methylation in the same template DNA molecules', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120,

Salis Z; Gallego B; Nguyen TV; Sainsbury A, 2023, 'Association of Decrease in Body Mass Index With Reduced Incidence and Progression of the Structural Defects of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective Multi-Cohort Study', Arthritis and Rheumatology, 75, pp. 533 - 543,

Nguyen DT; Ho-Le TP; Pham L; Ho-Van VP; Hoang TD; Tran TS; Frost S; V. Nguyen T, 2023, 'BONEcheck: A digital tool for personalized bone health assessment', OSTEOPOROSIS AND SARCOPENIA, 9, pp. 79 - 87,

Vranken L; Wyers CE; Van Der Velde RY; Janzing HMJ; Kaarsemakers S; Driessen J; Eisman J; Center JR; Nguyen TV; Tran T; Bliuc D; Geusens P; Van Den Bergh JP, 2022, 'Association between incident falls and subsequent fractures in patients attending the fracture liaison service after an index fracture: a 3-year prospective observational cohort study', BMJ Open, 12,

Agarwal A; Leslie WD; Nguyen TV; Morin SN; Lix LM; Eisman JA, 2022, 'Performance of the Garvan Fracture Risk Calculator in Individuals with Diabetes: A Registry-Based Cohort Study', Calcified Tissue International, 110, pp. 658 - 665,


Bliuc D; Tran T; Adachi JD; Atkins GJ; Berger C; van den Bergh J; Cappai R; Eisman JA; van Geel T; Geusens P; Goltzman D; Hanley DA; Josse R; Kaiser S; Kovacs CS; Langsetmo L; Prior JC; Nguyen TV; Solomon LB; Stapledon C; Center JR, 2022, 'Reply to: The Association Between Cognitive Decline and Bone Loss and Fracture Risk Is Not Affected by Medication With Anticholinergic Effect', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 37, pp. 1075 - 1076,

Chandran M; Ebeling PR; Mitchell PJ; Nguyen TV, 2022, 'Harmonization of Osteoporosis Guidelines: Paving the Way for Disrupting the Status Quo in Osteoporosis Management in the Asia Pacific', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 37, pp. 608 - 615,

Pham DX; Phung AHT; Nguyen HD; Bui TD; Mai LD; Tran BNH; Tran TS; Nguyen TV; Ho-Pham LT, 2022, 'Trends in colorectal cancer incidence in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (1996–2015): Joinpoint regression and age–period–cohort analyses', Cancer Epidemiology, 77,

Nguyen TV, 2022, 'Personalised assessment of fracture risk Which tool to use?', Australian Journal of General Practice, 51, pp. 189 - 190

Agarwal A; Leslie WD; Nguyen TV; Morin SN; Lix LM; Eisman JA, 2022, 'Predictive performance of the Garvan Fracture Risk Calculator: a registry-based cohort study', Osteoporosis International, 33, pp. 541 - 548,

Tran T; Bliuc D; Ho-Le T; Abrahamsen B; Van Den Bergh JP; Chen W; Eisman JA; Geusens P; Hansen L; Vestergaard P; Nguyen TV; Blank RD; Center JR, 2022, 'Association of Multimorbidity and Excess Mortality after Fractures among Danish Adults', JAMA Network Open, pp. E2235856,

Ho-Le TP; Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Hip Fracture and Mortality: A Loss of Life Expectancy Interpretation', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 36, pp. 2457 - 2458,

Pham DX; Nguyen HD; Phung AHT; Bui TD; Tran TS; Tran BNH; Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Trends in incidence and histological pattern of thyroid cancer in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (1996–2015): a population-based study', BMC Cancer, 21,

Iuliano S; Poon S; Robbins J; Bui M; Wang X; De Groot L; Van Loan M; Zadeh AG; Nguyen T; Seeman E, 2021, 'Effect of dietary sources of calcium and protein on hip fractures and falls in older adults in residential care: Cluster randomised controlled trial', The BMJ, 375,

Si L; Eisman JA; Winzenberg T; Sanders KM; Center JR; Nguyen TV; Tran T; Palmer AJ, 2021, 'Development and validation of the risk engine for an Australian Health Economics Model of Osteoporosis', Osteoporosis International, 32, pp. 2073 - 2081,

Nguyen TV; Frost SA, 2021, 'Effect of Steroids on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Mortality Risk: A Bayesian Interpretation', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. E1774 - E1775,

Hoang DK; Le NM; Vo-Thi UP; Nguyen HG; Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Mechanography assessment of fall risk in older adults: the Vietnam Osteoporosis Study', Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 12, pp. 1161 - 1167,

Rhee H; Navaratnam A; Oleinikova I; Gilroy D; Scuderi Y; Heathcote P; Nguyen T; Wood S; Ho KKY, 2021, 'A Novel Liver-Targeted Testosterone Therapy for Sarcopenia in Androgen Deprived Men with Prostate Cancer', Journal of the Endocrine Society, 5,

Nguyen HG; Le NV; Nguyen-Duong KH; Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Reference values of body composition parameters for Vietnamese men and women', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 75, pp. 1283 - 1290,

Chandran M; Mitchell PJ; Amphansap T; Bhadada SK; Chadha M; Chan DC; Chung YS; Ebeling P; Gilchrist N; Habib Khan A; Halbout P; Hew FL; Lan HPT; Lau TC; Lee JK; Lekamwasam S; Lyubomirsky G; Mercado-Asis LB; Mithal A; Nguyen TV; Pandey D; Reid IR; Suzuki A; Chit TT; Tiu KL; Valleenukul T; Yung CK; Zhao YL, 2021, 'Development of the Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO) Framework: clinical standards of care for the screening, diagnosis, and management of osteoporosis in the Asia-Pacific region', Osteoporosis International, 32, pp. 1249 - 1275,

Chandran M; Mitchell PJ; Amphansap T; Bhadada SK; Chadha M; Chan DC; Chung YS; Ebeling P; Gilchrist N; Habib Khan A; Halbout P; Hew FL; Lan HPT; Lau TC; Lee JK; Lekamwasam S; Lyubomirsky G; Mercado-Asis LB; Mithal A; Nguyen TV; Pandey D; Reid IR; Suzuki A; Chit TT; Tiu KL; Valleenukul T; Yung CK; Zhao YL, 2021, 'Publisher Correction to: Development of the Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO) framework: clinical standards of care for the screening, diagnosis, and management of osteoporosis in the Asia-Pacific region (Osteoporosis International, (2021), 32, 7, (1249-1275), 10.1007/s00198-020-05742-0)', Osteoporosis International, 32, pp. 1277 - 1278,

Nguyen HG; Lieu KB; Ho-Le TP; Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen T, 2021, 'Discordance between quantitative ultrasound and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in bone mineral density: The Vietnam Osteoporosis Study', OSTEOPOROSIS AND SARCOPENIA, 7, pp. 6 - 10,

Ho-Le TP; Tran TS; Bliuc D; Pham HM; Frost SA; Center JR; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Epidemiological transition to mortality and refracture following an initial fracture', eLife, 10, pp. 1 - 15,

Pham DX; Ho TQH; Bui TD; Ho-Pham LT; Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Trends in breast cancer incidence in Ho Chi Minh City 1996-2015: A registry-based study', PLoS ONE, 16,

Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Personalized fracture risk assessment: where are we at?', Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16, pp. 191 - 200,

Brzozowska MM; Tran T; Bliuc D; Jorgensen J; Talbot M; Fenton-Lee D; Chen W; Hong A; Viardot A; White CP; Nguyen TV; Pocock N; Eisman JA; Baldock PA; Center JR, 2021, 'Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery result in long term bone loss', International Journal of Obesity, 45, pp. 235 - 246,

Nguyen TV, 2021, 'Uncertain effects of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on SARS-Cov-2 viral load', International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 57,

Pham HD; Dang TH; Duong TK; Dinh TT; Bui VG; Nguyen TV; Huynh QH, 2021, 'Predictability of Fused 3D-T2-SPACE and 3D-TOF-MRA Images in Identifying Conflict in Trigeminal Neuralgia.', J Pain Res, 14, pp. 3421 - 3428,

Nguyen T, 2020, 'Common methodological issues and suggested solutions in bone research', OSTEOPOROSIS AND SARCOPENIA, 6, pp. 161 - 167,

Ho-Pham LT; Doan MC; Van LH; Nguyen TV, 2020, 'Development of a model for identification of individuals with high risk of osteoporosis', Archives of Osteoporosis, 15,

Nguyen HG; Pham MTD; Ho-Pham LT; V. Nguyen T, 2020, 'Lean mass and peak bone mineral density', OSTEOPOROSIS AND SARCOPENIA, 6, pp. 212 - 216,

Chandran M; Bhadada SK; Ebeling PR; Gilchrist NL; Khan AH; Halbout P; Lekamwasam S; Lyubomirsky G; Mitchell PJ; Nguyen TV; Tiu KL; Amphansap T; Asis L; Chan DC; Chandran M; Chadha M; Chit TT; Chung YS; Doshi H; Hew FL; Habib Khan A; Ho-Pham L; Latt TS; Lau E; Lau TC; Lee DO; Lee JK; Liu J; Mithal A; Mitchell PJ; Nguyen TV; Pandey D; Reid I; Rhyu KH; Suzuki A; Taguchi A; Thuy VT; Tirtarahardja G; Tolman C; Vallenukal T; Xia W; Yung CK; Zhao Y, 2020, 'IQ driving QI: the Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO): an innovative and collaborative initiative to improve osteoporosis care in the Asia Pacific', Osteoporosis International, 31, pp. 2077 - 2081,

Nguyen TV; Eisman JA, 2020, 'Post-GWAS Polygenic Risk Score: Utility and Challenges', JBMR Plus, 4,

Tran T; Bliuc D; Pham HM; van Geel T; Adachi JD; Berger C; van den Bergh J; Eisman JA; Geusens P; Goltzman D; Hanley DA; Josse RG; Kaiser SM; Kovacs CS; Langsetmo L; Prior JC; Nguyen TV; Center JR, 2020, 'A Risk Assessment Tool for Predicting Fragility Fractures and Mortality in the Elderly', Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 35, pp. 1923 - 1934,

Alajlouni D; Bliuc D; Tran T; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV; Center JR, 2020, 'Decline in muscle strength and performance predicts fracture risk in elderly women and men', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105, pp. E3363 - E3373,

Nguyen TV, 2020, 'Toward the era of precision fracture risk assessment', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105,

Blazevski A; Scheltema MJ; Yuen B; Masand N; Nguyen TV; Delprado W; Shnier R; Haynes AM; Cusick T; Thompson J; Stricker P, 2020, 'Oncological and Quality-of-life Outcomes Following Focal Irreversible Electroporation as Primary Treatment for Localised Prostate Cancer: A Biopsy-monitored Prospective Cohort', European urology oncology, 3, pp. 283 - 290,

Tran T; Bliuc D; O’Donoghue S; Hansen L; Abrahamsen B; Bergh JVD; Geel TV; Geusens P; Vestergaard P; Nguyen TV; Eisman JA; Center J, 2020, 'OR13-03 Understanding Why Older People with Low Trauma Fractures Die Prematurely', Journal of the Endocrine Society, 4,

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