Select Publications

Journal articles

Kreibich J; Bino G; Glamore W; Kingsford R, 2025, 'Satellite-Based Inundation Modelling for Large-Scale Wetland Restoration in Semi-Arid Australia', ,

Dunlop T; Khojasteh D; Cohen-Shacham E; Glamore W; Haghani M; van den Bosch M; Rizzi D; Greve P; Felder S, 2024, 'The evolution and future of research on Nature-based Solutions to address societal challenges', Communications Earth and Environment, 5,

Henderson B; Glamore W, 2024, 'A lifecycle model approach for predicting mangrove extent.', Science of the Total Environment, 952,

Sadat-Noori M; Andersen MS; Waddington K; Ruprecht J; Tucker TA; Glamore W, 2024, 'Groundwater driven carbon fluxes in a restored coastal saltmarsh wetland: Implications for coastal wetland restoration', Journal of Hydrology, 643,

Kreibich J; Bino G; Zheng H; Chiew F; Glamore W; Woods J; Kingsford RT, 2024, 'River regulation and climate change reduce river flows to major Australian floodplain wetland', Journal of Environmental Management, 370,

Hagger V; Stewart-Sinclair P; Rossini RA; Adame MF; Glamore W; Lavery P; Waltham NJ; Lovelock CE, 2024, 'Lessons learned on the feasibility of coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon and co-benefits in Australia', Journal of Environmental Management, 369,

Henderson B; Glamore W, 2024, 'Mangrove extent reflects estuarine typology and lifecycle events', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 304,

Cairns J; Mason M; Harrison A; Johnson F; Davie A; Glamore W, 2024, 'Mining impacts peatland hydrology reducing discharge and water storage volumes', Journal of Hydrology, 640,

Khojasteh D; Haghani M; Shamsipour A; Zwack CC; Glamore W; Nicholls RJ; England MH, 2024, 'Climate change science is evolving toward adaptation and mitigation solutions', Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 15,

Twomey AJ; Nunez K; Carr JA; Crooks S; Friess DA; Glamore W; Orr M; Reef R; Rogers K; Waltham NJ; Lovelock CE, 2024, 'Planning hydrological restoration of coastal wetlands: Key model considerations and solutions', Science of the Total Environment, 915,

Liu S; Kim S; Glamore W; Tamburic B; Johnson F, 2024, 'Remote sensing of water colour in small southeastern Australian waterbodies', Journal of Environmental Management, 352,

Heimhuber V; Raoult V; Glamore WC; Taylor MD; Gaston TF, 2024, 'Restoring blue carbon ecosystems unlocks fisheries' potential', Restoration Ecology, 32,

Waddington K; Harrison A; Rayner D; Tucker T; Glamore W, 2023, 'Upscaling the remediation of acidic landscapes – the coastal floodplain prioritisation method', Journal of Environmental Management, 348,

Khojasteh D; Haghani M; Nicholls RJ; Moftakhari H; Sadat-Noori M; Mach KJ; Fagherazzi S; Vafeidis AT; Barbier E; Shamsipour A; Glamore W, 2023, 'The evolving landscape of sea-level rise science from 1990 to 2021', Communications Earth and Environment, 4,

Khojasteh D; Felder S; Heimhuber V; Glamore W, 2023, 'A global assessment of estuarine tidal response to sea level rise', Science of the Total Environment, 894,

Waddington K; Harrison A; Rayner D; Tucker T; Glamore W, 2023, 'Estuarine Hypoxia—Identifying High Risk Catchments Now and Under Future Climate Scenarios', Water Resources Research, 59,

Rankin C; Gaston T; Sadat-Noori M; Glamore W; Morton J; Chalmers A, 2023, 'Innovative tidal control successfully promotes saltmarsh restoration', Restoration Ecology, 31,

Khojasteh D; Shamsipour A; Huang L; Tavakoli S; Haghani M; Flocard F; Farzadkhoo M; Iglesias G; Hemer M; Lewis M; Neill S; Bernitsas MM; Glamore W, 2023, 'A large-scale review of wave and tidal energy research over the last 20 years', Ocean Engineering, 282,

Stelling-Wood TP; Gribben PE; Birch G; Bishop MJ; Blount C; Booth DJ; Brown C; Bruce E; Bugnot AB; Byrne M; Creese RG; Dafforn KA; Dahlenburg J; Doblin MA; Fellowes TE; Fowler AM; Gibbs MC; Glamore W; Glasby TM; Hay AC; Kelaher B; Knott NA; Larkum AWD; Parker LM; Marzinelli EM; Mayer-Pinto M; Morgan B; Murray SA; Rees MJ; Ross PM; Roughan M; Saintilan N; Scanes E; Seymour JR; Schaefer N; Suthers IM; Taylor MD; Williamson JE; Vila Concejo A; Whittington RJ; Figueira WF, 2023, 'A deep dive into the ecology of Gamay (Botany Bay, Australia): Current knowledge and future priorities for this highly modified coastal waterway', Marine and Freshwater Research, 74, pp. 1003 - 1025,

Dunlop T; Glamore W; Felder S, 2023, 'Restoring estuarine ecosystems using nature-based solutions: Towards an integrated eco-engineering design guideline', Science of the Total Environment, 873,

Khojasteh D; Vibhani T; Shafiei H; Glamore W; Felder S, 2023, 'Application of Idealised Modelling and Data Analysis for Assessing the Compounding Effects of Sea Level Rise and Altered Riverine Inflows on Estuarine Tidal Dynamics', Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11,

Gao Y; Le ST; Kibbey TCG; Glamore W; O'Carroll DM, 2023, 'A fundamental model for calculating interfacial adsorption of complex ionic and nonionic PFAS mixtures in the presence of mixed salts', Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 25, pp. 1830 - 1838,

Le ST; Kibbey TCG; Weber KP; Glamore WC; O'Carroll DM, 2023, 'Corrigendum to “A group-contribution model for predicting the physicochemical behavior of PFAS components for understanding environmental fate” [Sci. Total Environ. 764 (2021) 142882] (Science of the Total Environment (2021) 764, (S0048969720364123), (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142882))', Science of the Total Environment, 854,

Liu S; Glamore W; Tamburic B; Morrow A; Johnson F, 2022, 'Remote sensing to detect harmful algal blooms in inland waterbodies', Science of the Total Environment, 851,

Lanceman D; Sadat-Noori M; Gaston T; Drummond C; Glamore W, 2022, 'Blue carbon ecosystem monitoring using remote sensing reveals wetland restoration pathways', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10,

Khojasteh D; Davani E; Shamsipour A; Haghani M; Glamore W, 2022, 'Climate change and COVID-19: Interdisciplinary perspectives from two global crises', Science of the Total Environment, 844,

Ruprecht JE; King IP; Mitrovic SM; Dafforn KA; Miller BM; Deiber M; Westhorpe DP; Hitchcock JN; Harrison AJ; Glamore WC, 2022, 'Assessing the validity and sensitivity of microbial processes within a hydrodynamic model', Water Research, 218,

Wang ZL; Sadat-Noori M; Glamore W, 2022, 'Groundwater discharge drives water quality and greenhouse gas emissions in a tidal wetland', Water Science and Engineering, 15, pp. 141 - 151,

Waddington K; Khojasteh D; Marshall L; Rayner D; Glamore W, 2022, 'Quantifying the Effects of Sea Level Rise on Estuarine Drainage Systems', Water Resources Research, 58,

Le ST; Gao Y; Kibbey TCG; Glamore WC; O'Carroll DM, 2022, 'Predicting the impact of salt mixtures on the air-water interfacial behavior of PFAS', Science of the Total Environment, 819,

Khojasteh D; Lewis M; Tavakoli S; Farzadkhoo M; Felder S; Iglesias G; Glamore W, 2022, 'Sea level rise will change estuarine tidal energy: A review', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 156,

Ruprecht JE; King IP; Dafforn KA; Mitrovic SM; Harrison AJ; Birrer SC; Crane SL; Glamore WC, 2022, 'Implications of bacterial mineralisation in aquatic ecosystem response models', Water Research, 209,

Khojasteh D; Chen S; Felder S; Glamore W; Hashemi MR; Iglesias G, 2022, 'Sea level rise changes estuarine tidal stream energy', Energy, 239,

Sadat-Noori M; Rankin C; Rayner D; Heimhuber V; Gaston T; Drummond C; Chalmers A; Khojasteh D; Glamore W, 2021, 'Coastal wetlands can be saved from sea level rise by recreating past tidal regimes', Scientific Reports, 11,

Sharifazari S; Sadat-Noori M; Rahimi H; Khojasteh D; Glamore W, 2021, 'Optimal reservoir operation using Nash bargaining solution and evolutionary algorithms', Water Science and Engineering, 14, pp. 260 - 268,

Sadat-Noori M; Rutlidge H; Andersen MS; Glamore W, 2021, 'Quantifying groundwater carbon dioxide and methane fluxes to an urban freshwater lake using radon measurements', Science of the Total Environment, 797,

Le ST; Gao Y; Kibbey TCG; Glamore WC; O'Carroll DM, 2021, 'A new framework for modeling the effect of salt on interfacial adsorption of PFAS in environmental systems', Science of the Total Environment, 796,

Chen S; Johnson F; Glamore W, 2021, 'Integrating Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling to Quantify the Water Balance of Climate-Induced Intermittent Wetlands', Water Resources Research, 57,

Heimhuber V; Vos K; Fu W; Glamore W, 2021, 'InletTracker: An open-source Python toolkit for historic and near real-time monitoring of coastal inlets from Landsat and Sentinel-2', Geomorphology, 389,

Khojasteh D; Chen S; Felder S; Heimhuber V; Glamore W, 2021, 'Estuarine tidal range dynamics under rising sea levels', PLoS ONE, 16,

Glamore W; Rayner D; Ruprecht J; Sadat-Noori M; Khojasteh D, 2021, 'Eco-hydrology as a driver for tidal restoration: Observations from a Ramsar wetland in eastern Australia', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0254701,

Khojasteh D; Glamore W; Heimhuber V; Felder S, 2021, 'Sea level rise impacts on estuarine dynamics: A review', Science of the Total Environment, 780,

Liu S; Johnson F; Tamburic B; Crosbie ND; Glamore W, 2021, 'The Effectiveness of Global Constructed Shallow Waterbody Design Guidelines to Limit Harmful Algal Blooms', Water Resources Research, 57,

Ruprecht JE; Birrer SC; Dafforn KA; Mitrovic SM; Crane SL; Johnston EL; Wemheuer F; Navarro A; Harrison AJ; Turner IL; Glamore WC, 2021, 'Wastewater effluents cause microbial community shifts and change trophic status', Water Research, 200,

Sadat-Noori M; Anibas C; Andersen MS; Glamore W, 2021, 'A comparison of radon, heat tracer and head gradient methods to quantify surface water - groundwater exchange in a tidal wetland (Kooragang Island, Newcastle, Australia)', Journal of Hydrology, 598,

Mason TJ; Krogh M; Popovic GC; Glamore W; Keith DA, 2021, 'Persistent effects of underground longwall coal mining on freshwater wetland hydrology', Science of the Total Environment, 772,

Rayner D; Glamore W; Grandquist L; Ruprecht J; Waddington K; Khojasteh D, 2021, 'Intertidal wetland vegetation dynamics under rising sea levels', Science of the Total Environment, 766,

Le ST; Kibbey TCG; Weber KP; Glamore WC; O'Carroll DM, 2021, 'A group-contribution model for predicting the physicochemical behavior of PFAS components for understanding environmental fate', Science of the Total Environment, 764,

Ruprecht JE; Glamore WC; Dafforn KA; Wemheuer F; Crane SL; van Dorst J; Johnston EL; Mitrovic SM; Turner IL; Ferrari BC; Birrer SC, 2020, 'A novel real-world ecotoxicological dataset of pelagic microbial community responses to wastewater', Scientific Data, 7, pp. 158,

Kuenzer C; Heimhuber V; Day J; Varis O; Bucx T; Renaud F; Gaohuan L; Tuan VQ; Schlurmann T; Glamore W, 2020, 'Profiling resilience and adaptation in mega deltas: A comparative assessment of the Mekong, Yellow, Yangtze, and Rhine deltas', Ocean and Coastal Management, 198,

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