Select Publications
Journal articles
2011, 'Integrated Coastal Zone Management Research In Australia and China', Labour and management in development, 11, pp. 1 - 17,
,2011, 'Modelling of three dimensional tidal dynamics in Darwin Harbour, Australia', The ANZIAM Journal, 52, pp. C103 - C123,
,2011, 'The contribution to tidal asymmetry by different combinations of tidal constituents', Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, pp. 1 - 12,
,2011, 'The turbidity maxima of the northern Jiangsu shoal-water in the Yellow Sea, China', Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 93, pp. 202 - 211
,2011, 'Winter heat budget in the Huanghai Sea and the effect from Huanghai Warm Current (Yellow Sea Warm Current)', ACTA Oceanologica Sinica, 30, pp. 56 - 63
,2010, 'Defence force activities in marine protected areas: Environmental management of Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia', Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28, pp. 667 - 676,
,2010, 'The turbidity maxima of the northern Jiangsu shoal-water in the Yellow Sea, China', Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science,
,2010, 'Tidal straining effect on the suspended sediment transport in the Huanghe (Yellow River) Estuary, China', Ocean Dynamics, 60, pp. 1273 - 1283,
,2009, 'A novel peptide binding to the cytoplasmic domain of class A scavenger receptor reduces lipid uptake in THP-1 macrophages.', Biochim Biophys Acta, 1791, pp. 76 - 83,
,2009, 'Comment on `Marine GIS: Identification of mesoscale oceanic thermal fronts`', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23, pp. 369 - 373,
,2009, 'Economic cost of an algae bloom cleanup in China`s 2008 olympic sailing venue', Earth Observing System, 90, pp. 238 - 239
,2009, 'The inter-annual variability of the Yellow Sea Warm Current surface axis and its influencing factors', Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27, pp. 607 - 613
,2009, 'The optimization algorithn for the Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature in the East China Seas', Ocean Science Journal, 44, pp. 11 - 19
,2008, 'The toxicity of beta-amyloid is attenuated by interaction with its specific human scFv E3 in vitro', LIFE SCIENCES, 82, pp. 1249 - 1255,
,2008, 'Lesson from Australian Marine Parks for promoting the income of our fisher folk', Fisheries Economy Research, 2, pp. 51 - 55
,2008, 'Managing Australian Defence Force Activities in Marine Protected Areas: Using Jervis Bay as a Case Study', Ocean Economics Review of China, 2, pp. 45 - 58
,2008, 'Numerical study of generation of the tidal shear front off the Yellow River mouth', Continental Shelf Research, 28, pp. 1782 - 1790
,2007, 'Effects of resuspended sediments and vertical mixing on phytoplankton spring bloom dynamics in a tidal estuarine embayment', Journal of Marine Systems, 67, pp. 102 - 118
,2007, 'On the bottom density plume on coastal zone off Gargano (Italy) in the southern Adriatic Sea and its interannual variability', Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, pp. 1 - 16
,2007, 'Sediment transport and resuspension due to combined motion of wave and current in the northern Adriatic Sea during a Bora event in January 2001: A numerical modelling study', Continental Shelf Research, 27, pp. 613 - 633,
,2006, 'Interactive comment on `Nesting operational forecasting models in the Eastern Mediterranean: active and slave mode` by S.S. Sofianos et al.', Ocean Science Discussions, 3, pp. 1225 - 1225
,2006, 'The di-leucine motif contributes to class a scavenger receptor-mediated internalization of acetylated lipoproteins.', Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 26, pp. 1317 - 1322,
,2005, 'Circulation and heat budget of the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) due to a Bora event in January 2001: a numerical model study', Ocean Modelling, 10, pp. 253 - 271
,2005, 'Modeling the effect of freshwater inflows on the development of spring blooms in an estuarine embayment', Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 65, pp. 351 - 360,
,2005, 'Modelling tidal currents in a sediment stratified idealized estuary', Continental Shelf Research, 25, pp. 655 - 665,
,2005, 'The effect of sediment stratification on tidal dynamics and sediment transport patterns', Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, pp. 1 - 16
,2004, 'Effects of Sediment-induced Stratification on Floc Breakup in an Idealized Tidal Estruary: A Numerical Modelling Study', Journal of Ocean University of China, 3, pp. 115 - 122
,2004, 'Tidal characteristic adjustment due to dyke and seawall construction inthe Mokpo Coastal Zone, Korea', Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 59, pp. 185 - 196
,2003, 'A Numerical Study of Water Circulation in A Thermally Stratified Embayment', Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao, 2, pp. 24 - 34
,2002, 'Modeling the dynamics of sediment transport and resuspension in the nothern Adriatic Sea', Journal of Geophysical Research, 107
,2002, 'Resuspended sediment layers near the seabed', State of the Climate, 83, pp. 1587 - 1589
,2002, 'Tide-induced sediment resuspension and the bottom boundary layer in an idealized estuary with a muddy bed', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, pp. 3113 - 3131
,2001, 'A numerical study of sediment transport in a coastal embayment during winter storms', Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 414 - 427
,2001, 'On the annual cycle characteristics of the sea surface height in South China Sea', Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 18, pp. 613 - 622
,1999, 'Coastal embayment circulation due to atmospheric cooling', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 104, pp. 29801 - 29816,
,1998, 'On formation of tidal fronts in coastal seas.', Journal of hydrodynamics, 10, pp. 17 - 28
,1997, 'Tidal fronts and their formation in the Xiang-shan estuary', Collected Oceanic Works (Hai yang wen chi=Collected oceanic studies, Collected oceanic works), pp. 28 - 38
,1996, 'Pressure compensation and the bottom boundary layer', Journal of Physical Oceanography, pp. 2214 - 2222
,1993, 'An analytic model of tidal circulation in a narrow estuary', Journal of Marine Research, 51, pp. 447 - 465,
,Conference Papers
2015, 'Modelling sea level and East Australian current co-variability using the Hilbert-Huang transform', in Weber T; McPhee MJ; Anderssen RS (eds.), MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Broadbeach, Queensland, pp. 1254 - 1260, presented at The 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2015), Broadbeach, Queensland, 29 November 2015 - 04 December 2015,
,2013, 'Change detection for sustainability monitoring using satellite remote sensing data', in Proceedings of Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIP13), Islamic Azad University, Dubai, presented at The Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIP13), Islamic Azad University, Dubai, 30 January 2013 - 01 February 2013
,2007, 'Simulation of the East Australian Current and its Annual Variability and Separation Using a Regional Ocean Model', in AMSA 2007 Marine Science in a Changing World, Melbourne, pp. 25 - 25, presented at AMSA 2007 Marine Science in a Changing World, Melbourne, 09 July 2007 - 13 July 2007
,2002, 'Can Landsat Imagery Provide Hi-Resolution Mapping of Sea Surface Temperature in a Small Embayment after a Convective Cooling Event?', in Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7503, SPIE, Washington, USA, presented at Ocean Remote Sensing and Applications, Hangzhou, China, 24 October 2002 - 26 October 2002
,2000, 'Settling velocity and its sensitivity in a sigma-coordinated sediment transport model', in International coastal symposium: Challenges for the 21st century in coastal science, engineering, and environment, Rotorua, New Zealand, pp. 29 - 30, presented at International coastal symposium: Challenges for the 21st century in coastal science, engineering, and environment, Rotorua, New Zealand, 24 April 2000 - 28 April 2000
,1997, 'Coastal embayment and cross-shelf exchange due to atmospheric cooling', in Jasper D; Beer T (ed.), Joint Assemblies of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and International Association fo, Melbourne, pp. IP11-4 - IP11-4, presented at Joint Assemblies of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and International Association fo, Melbourne, 01 July 1997 - 09 July 1997
,Conference Presentations
2015, 'Modeling Brisbane sea level and East Australian Current co-variability using Hilbert HuangTransform', presented at IWMO2015 Conference, Canberra
,2014, 'Relationship between The East Australian Current and sea level rise along the east coast of Australia', presented at Coast to Coast Conference 2014, Perth
,Theses / Dissertations
2016, Application of the geostationary ocean color imager (GOCI) to mapping the diurnal and seasonal variability of surface suspended matter in a macro-tidal estuary, UNSW Canberra
,2015, The Legal and Regulatory Framework for Integrated Coastal Zone Management: A Comparison between Australia and China, UNSW Canberra
,Modelling the Tidal and Sediment Dynamics in Darwin Harbour; Northern Territory, Australia