ORCID as entered in ROS
Select Publications
Brodaty H; Mittelman M; Gibson L; Burns A, (eds.), 2008, 'Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry', Sage Publications, United Kingdom, presented at The Australian Society for Psychiatric Research (ASPR) Annual Conference 2008, Newcastle NSW Aust, 02 December 2008 - 05 December 2008
Poljak A; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Ng LL; Smythe GA, (eds.), 2008, 'Alzheimer's and Dementia', Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 23 July 2008 - 31 July 2008
Sachdev PS; Chua TC; Chen X; Wen W; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H, (eds.), 2008, 'Alzheimers and Dementia', Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 23 July 2008 - 31 July 2008
Valenzuela MJ; Singh M; Singh N; Baune B; Wen W; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, (eds.), 2008, 'Alzheimers and Dementia', Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 23 July 2008 - 31 July 2008
Brodaty H; Woodward M; Boundy KL; Ames D; Blanch G, (eds.), 2008, 'Alzheimers and Dementia', Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 23 July 2008 - 31 July 2008
Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Broe T, (eds.), 2008, 'Alzheimers and Dementia', Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 23 July 2008 - 31 July 2008
Brodaty H, (ed.), 2008, 'Neurobiology of Aging', Elsevier Science Inc, New York, NY, USA, presented at 10th International Hong Kong/Springfield Pan-Asian Symposium on Advances in Alzheimer Therapy, Hong Kong, 28 February 2008 - 01 March 2008
Withall AL; Brodaty H, (ed.), 2007, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at International Psychogeriatrics Association Silver Congess, Osaka, 14 October 2007 - 18 October 2007
Withall AL; Brodaty H; Altendorf A; Sachdev PS, (eds.), 2007, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at International Psychogeriatrics Association Silver Congess, Osaka, 14 October 2007 - 18 October 2007
Withall AL; Brodaty H; Altendorf A; Sachdev PS, (eds.), 2007, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at International Psychogeriatrics Association Silver Congess, Osaka, 14 October 2007 - 18 October 2007
Brodaty H; Joffe C; Luscombe GM, (eds.), 2005, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at Aging with dignity: New challenges, New possibilities, New solutions, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005 - 24 September 2005
Brodaty H, (ed.), 2005, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at Aging with dignity: New challenges, New possibilities, New solutions, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005 - 24 September 2005
Brodaty H; Low L; Gibson L; Burns K, (eds.), 2005, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at Aging with dignity: New challenges, New possibilities, New solutions, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005 - 24 September 2005
De Deyn PP; Katz I; Brodaty H; Greenspan A, (eds.), 2005, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at Aging with dignity: New challenges, New possibilities, New solutions, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005 - 24 September 2005
Woodward M; Ames D; Aldridge G; Brodaty H; Byrne G; Snowdon JA; Hertel J, (eds.), 2005, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at Aging with dignity: New challenges, New possibilities, New solutions, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005 - 24 September 2005
Shulman K; Herrmann N; Brodaty H; Chiu H; Lawlor B; Ritchie K; Scanlan J, (eds.), 2005, 'International Psychogeriatrics', Springer, New York, presented at Aging with dignity: New challenges, New possibilities, New solutions, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005 - 24 September 2005
Brodaty H; Aldridge G; Ames D; Byrne G; Snowdon JA; Woodward M; Hertel J, (eds.), 2005, 'Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry', Sage Publications, United Kingdom, presented at RANZCP: 40th Congress Psychiatry in a Changing World, Sydney, 22 May 2005 - 26 May 2005
Brodaty H; Thompson C; Cullen B; Parker GB; Mitchell PB; Wilhelm KA; Malhi GS; Austin M, (eds.), 2005, 'Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry', Sage Publications, United Kingdom, presented at RANZCP: 40th Congress Psychiatry in a Changing World, Sydney, 22 May 2005 - 26 May 2005
Brodaty H; Berman K; Sachdev PS; Withall AL; Altendorf A, (eds.), 2005, 'Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry', Sage Publications, United Kingdom, presented at RANZCP: 40th Congress Psychiatry in a Changing World, Sydney, 22 May 2005 - 26 May 2005
Snowdon JA; Brodaty H; Day S; Hertel J, (eds.), 2005, 'Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry', Sage Publications, United Kingdom, presented at RANZCP: 40th Congress Psychiatry in a Changing World, Sydney, 22 May 2005 - 26 May 2005
Brodaty H; Maccuspie-Moore CM, (ed.), 1999, '9th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association', presented at 9th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association
Brodaty H, (ed.), 1999, 'Asia-Pacific Regional Conference for the International Year of the Older Persons', presented at Asia-Pacific Regional Conference for the International Year of the Older Persons