Select Publications

Journal articles

Goeree JK; Lien Y, 2014, 'An equilibrium analysis of the simultaneous ascending auction', Journal of Economic Theory, 153, pp. 506 - 533,

Goeree JK; Zhang J, 2014, 'Communication & competition', Experimental Economics, 17, pp. 421 - 438,

Bichler M; Goeree J; Mayer S; Shabalin P, 2014, 'Spectrum auction design: Simple auctions for complex sales', Telecommunications Policy, 38, pp. 613 - 622,

Goeree JK; Offerman T; Sloof R, 2013, 'Demand reduction and preemptive bidding in multi-unit license auctions', Experimental Economics, 16, pp. 52 - 87,

Gershkov A; Goeree JK; Kushnir A; Moldovanu B; Shi X, 2013, 'On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation', Econometrica, 81, pp. 197 - 220,

Chen Y; Goeree J, 2012, 'NOBEL 2012 Economics: Stable allocations and market design', Nature, 492, pp. 54 - 55,

Burtraw D; Goeree J; Holt C; Myers E; Palmer K; Shobe W, 2011, 'Price discovery in emissions permit auctions', Research in Experimental Economics, 14, pp. 11 - 36,

Goeree JK; Yariv L, 2011, 'An experimental study of collective deliberation', Econometrica, 79, pp. 893 - 921,

Brunner C; Camerer CF; Goeree JK, 2011, 'Stationary concepts for experimental 2 × 2 games: Comment', American Economic Review, 101, pp. 1029 - 1040,

Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2010, 'Hierarchical package bidding: A paper & pencil combinatorial auction', Games and Economic Behavior, 70, pp. 146 - 169,

Brunner C; Goeree JK; Holt CA; Ledyard JO, 2010, 'An experimental test of flexible combinatorial spectrum auction formats', American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2, pp. 39 - 57,

Goeree JK; McConnell MA; Mitchell T; Tromp T; Yariv L, 2010, 'The 1/d law of giving', American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2, pp. 183 - 203,

Shobe W; Palmer K; Myers E; Holt C; Goeree J; Burtraw D, 2010, 'An experimental analysis of auctioning emission allowances under a loose cap', Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 39, pp. 162 - 175,

Goeree JK; Palmer K; Holt CA; Shobe W; Burtraw D, 2010, 'An experimental study of auctions versus grandfathering to assign pollution permits', Journal of the European Economic Association, 8, pp. 514 - 525,

Burtraw D; Goeree J; Holt CA; Myers E; Palmer K; Shobe W, 2009, 'Collusion in auctions for emission permits: An experimental analysis', Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 28, pp. 672 - 691,

Goeree JK; Riedl A; Ule A, 2009, 'In search of stars: Network formation among heterogeneous agents', Games and Economic Behavior, 67, pp. 445 - 466,

Boone J; Chen R; Goeree JK; Polydoro A, 2009, 'Risky procurement with an insider bidder', Experimental Economics, 12, pp. 417 - 436,

Boone J; Goeree JK, 2009, 'Optimal privatisation using qualifying auctions', Economic Journal, 119, pp. 277 - 297,

Ali SN; Goeree JK; Kartik N; Palfrey TR, 2008, 'Information aggregation in standing and Ad Hoc committees', American Economic Review, 98, pp. 181 - 186,

Dufwenberg M; Gneezy U; Goeree JK; Nagel R, 2007, 'Price floors and competition', Economic Theory, 33, pp. 211 - 224,

Goeree JK; Palfrey TR; Rogers BW; McKelvey RD, 2007, 'Self-correcting information cascades', Review of Economic Studies, 74, pp. 733 - 762,

Goeree JK; Großer J, 2007, 'Welfare reducing polls', Economic Theory, 31, pp. 51 - 68,

Goeree JK; Palfrey TR; Rogers BW, 2006, 'Social learning with private and common values', Economic Theory, 28, pp. 245 - 264,

Goeree JK; Offerman T; Schram A, 2006, 'Using first-price auctions to sell heterogeneous licenses', International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24, pp. 555 - 581,

Goeree JK; Holt CA; Palfrey TR, 2005, 'Regular quantal response equilibrium', Experimental Economics, 8, pp. 347 - 367,

Goeree JK; Maasland E; Onderstal S; Turner JL, 2005, 'How (not) to raise money', Journal of Political Economy, 113, pp. 897 - 918,

Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2005, 'An explanation of anomalous behavior in models of political participation', American Political Science Review, 99, pp. 201 - 213,

Fryer RG; Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2005, 'Experience-Based discrimination: Classroom games', Journal of Economic Education, 36, pp. 160 - 170,

Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2005, 'An experimental study of costly coordination', Games and Economic Behavior, 51, pp. 349 - 364,

Anderson SP; Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2004, 'Noisy directional learning and the logit equilibrium', Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106, pp. 581 - 602,

Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2004, 'A model of noisy introspection', Games and Economic Behavior, 46, pp. 365 - 382,

Goeree JK; Wooders J; Plott CR, 2004, 'Bidders' choice auctions: Raising revenues through the right to choose', Journal of the European Economic Association, 2, pp. 504 - 515,

Anderson SP; Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2004, 'Noisy directional learning and the logit equilibrium', SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 106, pp. 581 - 602,

Goeree JK; Offerman T, 2004, 'The Amsterdam auction', Econometrica, 72, pp. 281 - 294,

Goeree JK; Holt CA; Palfrey TR, 2003, 'Risk averse behavior in generalized matching pennies games', Games and Economic Behavior, 45, pp. 97 - 113,

Goeree JK; Offerman T, 2003, 'Winner's curse without overbidding', European Economic Review, 47, pp. 625 - 644,

Goeree JK; Offerman T, 2003, 'Competitive bidding in auctions with private and common values', Economic Journal, 113, pp. 598 - 613,

Goeree JK, 2003, 'Bidding for the future: Signaling in auctions with an aftermarket', Journal of Economic Theory, 108, pp. 345 - 364,

Goeree JK; Holt CA; Palfrey TR, 2002, 'Quantal response equilibrium and overbidding in private-value auctions', Journal of Economic Theory, 104, pp. 247 - 272,

Goeree JK; Offerman T, 2002, 'Efficiency in auctions with private and common values: An experimental study', American Economic Review, 92, pp. 625 - 643,

Goeree JK; Holt CA; Laury SK, 2002, 'Private costs and public benefits: Unraveling the effects of altruism and noisy behavior', Journal of Public Economics, 83, pp. 255 - 276,

Anderson SP; Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2002, 'The logit equilibrium: A perspective on intuitive behavioral anomalies', Southern Economic Journal, 69, pp. 21 - 47,

Monica Capra C; Goeree JK; Gomez R; Holt CA, 2002, 'Learning and Noisy Equilibrium Behavior in an Experimental Study of Imperfect Price Competition*', International Economic Review, 43, pp. 613 - 636,

Anderson SP; Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2002, 'The Logit Equilibrium: A Perspective on Intuitive Behavioral Anomalies', Southern Economic Journal, 69, pp. 21 - 47,

Anderson SP; Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2001, 'Minimum-Effort Coordination Games: Stochastic Potential and Logit Equilibrium', Games and Economic Behavior, 34, pp. 177 - 199,

Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2001, 'Ten little treasures of game theory and ten intuitive contradictions', American Economic Review, 91, pp. 1402 - 1422,

Goeree JK; Holt CA, 2000, 'Asymmetric inequality aversion and noisy behavior in alternating-offer bargaining games', European Economic Review, 44, pp. 1079 - 1089,

Goeree JK; Hommes CH, 2000, 'Heterogeneous beliefs and the non-linear cobweb model', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, pp. 761 - 798,

Capra CM; Goeree JK; Gomez R; Holt CA, 2000, 'Predation, asymmetric information and strategic behavior in the classroom: An experimental approach to the teaching of industrial organization', International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18, pp. 205 - 225,

Goeree JK; Holt CA, 1999, 'Stochastic game theory: For playing games, not just for doing theory', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 96, pp. 10564 - 10567,

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