Select Publications


Zhang H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Kochan NA; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Kang K; Trollor JN, 2014, Correction: Grey matter correlates of three language tests in non-demented older adults (PLoS ONE), ,

Chan H-N; Alonzo A; Martin D; Player M; Mitchell PB; Sachdev PS; Loo CK, 2012, Treatment of major depressive disorder by transcranial random noise stimulation: Case report of a novel treatment, Elsevier Science Inc, ,

Jorm AF; Butterworth P; Anstey KJ; Christensen H; Easteal S; Maller J; Mather KA; Turakulov RI; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2007, Erratum: Memory complaints in a community sample aged 60-64 years: Associations with cognitive functioning, psychiatric symptoms, medical conditions, APOE genotype, hippocampus and amygdala volumes, and white-matter hyperintensities (Psychological Medicine (2004) vol. 34 (1495-1506)), ,

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