Select Publications

Journal articles

Dalvie S; Maihofer AX; Coleman JRI; Bradley B; Breen G; Brick LA; Chen CY; Choi KW; Duncan LE; Guffanti G; Haas M; Harnal S; Liberzon I; Nugent NR; Provost AC; Ressler KJ; Torres K; Amstadter AB; Bryn Austin S; Baker DG; Bolger EA; Bryant RA; Calabrese JR; Delahanty DL; Farrer LA; Feeny NC; Flory JD; Forbes D; Galea S; Gautam A; Gelernter J; Hammamieh R; Jett M; Junglen AG; Kaufman ML; Kessler RC; Khan A; Kranzler HR; Lebois LAM; Marmar C; Mavissakalian MR; McFarlane A; Donnell MO; Orcutt HK; Pietrzak RH; Risbrough VB; Roberts AL; Rothbaum AO; Roy-Byrne P; Ruggiero K; Seligowski AV; Sheerin CM; Silove D; Smoller JW; Stein MB; Teicher MH; Ursano RJ; Van Hooff M; Winternitz S; Wolff JD; Yehuda R; Zhao H; Zoellner LA; Stein DJ; Koenen KC; Nievergelt CM, 2020, 'Genomic influences on self-reported childhood maltreatment', Translational Psychiatry, 10,

Tol WA; Ager A; Bizouerne C; Bryant R; El Chammay R; Colebunders R; García-Moreno C; Hamdani SU; James LE; Jansen SCJ; Leku MR; Likindikoki S; Panter-Brick C; Pluess M; Robinson C; Ruttenberg L; Savage K; Welton-Mitchell C; Hall BJ; Harper Shehadeh M; Harmer A; van Ommeren M, 2020, 'Improving mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in humanitarian settings: reflections on research funded through R2HC', Conflict and Health, 14,

Korgaonkar MS; Chakouch C; Breukelaar IA; Erlinger M; Felmingham KL; Forbes D; Williams LM; Bryant RA, 2020, 'Intrinsic connectomes underlying response to trauma-focused psychotherapy in post-traumatic stress disorder', Translational Psychiatry, 10,

Malhi GS; Bell E; Boyce P; Bassett D; Berk M; Bryant R; Gitlin M; Hamilton A; Hazell P; Hopwood M; Lyndon B; McIntyre RS; Morris G; Mulder R; Porter R; Singh AB; Yatham LN; Young A; Murray G, 2020, 'The 2020 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders: Bipolar disorder summary', Bipolar Disorders, 22, pp. 805 - 821,

Malhi GS; Bell E; Singh AB; Bassett D; Berk M; Boyce P; Bryant R; Gitlin M; Hamilton A; Hazell P; Hopwood M; Lyndon B; McIntyre RS; Morris G; Mulder R; Porter R; Yatham LN; Young A; Murray G, 2020, 'The 2020 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders: Major depression summary', Bipolar Disorders, 22, pp. 788 - 804,

Jamshidi J; Williams LM; Schofield PR; Park HRP; Montalto A; Chilver MR; Bryant RA; Toma C; Fullerton JM; Gatt JM, 2020, 'Diverse phenotypic measurements of wellbeing: Heritability, temporal stability and the variance explained by polygenic scores', Genes, Brain and Behavior, 19, pp. e12694,

Malhi GS; Bell E; Bryant R; Hopwood M; Mulder R; Singh A; Bassett D, 2020, 'Prescription memory: Is it time to change the script?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54, pp. 1139 - 1140,

Bryant RA; Erlinger M; Felmingham K; Malhi GS; O'Donnell ML; Williams LM; Korgaonkar MS, 2020, 'Differential neural predictors of treatment response for fear and dysphoric features of posttraumatic stress disorder', Depression and Anxiety, 37, pp. 1026 - 1036,

Bryant R; Giardinelli L; Bawaneh A; Awwad M; Hadeel N; Whitney C; Akhtar A, 2020, 'A lay provider delivered behavioral intervention for Syrian refugees and their children in Jordan', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 30, pp. V233 - V233,

Sever CA; Cuijpers P; Bryant R; Dawson K; Mittendorfer-Rutz E; Holmes E; Sijbrandi M, 2020, 'Adaptation of the Problem Management Plus programme for Syrian, Eritrean and Afghan refugee youth', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 30,

Moulds ML; Bisby M; Wild J; Bryant R, 2020, 'Rumination in posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review.', Clinical Psychology Review

Malhi GS; Bell E; Boyce P; Bryant RA; Bassett D; Hopwood M; Lyndon B; Mulder R; Singh A; Porter RJ, 2020, 'Channelling response: A novel perspective and therapeutic paradigm', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54, pp. 775 - 779,

Malhi GS; Bell E; Porter RJ; Boyce P; Mulder R; Hopwood M; Hazell P; Bassett D; Bryant RA; Lyndon B; Murray G; Berk M, 2020, 'Lithium should be borne in mind: Five key reasons', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54, pp. 659 - 663,

Malhi GS; Das P; Outhred T; Bryant RA; Calhoun V, 2020, 'Role of self-focussed reappraisal of negative emotion in emergence of emotional symptoms in adolescent girls', British Journal of Psychiatry, 217, pp. 383 - 389,

Van Der Mei WF; Barbano AC; Ratanatharathorn A; Bryant RA; Delahanty DL; Deroon-Cassini TA; Lai BS; Lowe SR; Matsuoka YJ; Olff M; Qi W; Schnyder U; Seedat S; Kessler RC; Koenen KC; Shalev AY; Errera-Ankri Y; Freedman S; Frijling J; Goslings JC; Luitse J; McFarlane A; Silove D; Moergeli H; Mouthaan J; Nishi D; O'Donnell M; Rusch M; Sijbrandij M; Suliman S; Van Zuiden M, 2020, 'Erratum: Evaluating a screener to quantify PTSD risk using emergency care information: A proof of concept study (BMC Emerg Med (2020) 20 16 DOI: 10.1186/s12873-020-00308-z)', BMC Emergency Medicine, 20,

O'Donnell ML; Lau W; Fredrickson J; Gibson K; Bryant RA; Bisson J; Burke S; Busuttil W; Coghlan A; Creamer M; Gray D; Greenberg N; McDermott B; McFarlane AC; Monson CM; Phelps A; Ruzek JI; Schnurr PP; Ugsang J; Watson P; Whitton S; Williams R; Cowlishaw S; Forbes D, 2020, 'An Open Label Pilot Study of a Brief Psychosocial Intervention for Disaster and Trauma Survivors', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11,

Lacour O; Morina N; Spaaij J; Nickerson A; Schnyder U; von Känel R; Bryant RA; Schick M, 2020, 'Prolonged Grief Disorder Among Refugees in Psychological Treatment—Association With Self-Efficacy and Emotion Regulation', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11,

Malhi GS; Bell E; Boyce P; Hazell P; Murray G; Bassett D; Bryant RA; Hopwood M; Lyndon B; Mulder R; Porter RJ; Singh A; Gershon S, 2020, 'Make lithium great again!', Bipolar Disorders, 22, pp. 325 - 327,

O'Connor M; Larsen L; Joensen BV; Boelen PA; Maccallum F; Komischke-Konnerup K; Bryant RA, 2020, 'Valid ICD-11 PGD Scales and Structured Clinical Interviews Needed', Frontiers in Psychology, 11,

Malhi GS; Das P; Outhred T; Bryant RA; Calhoun V; Mann JJ, 2020, 'Default mode dysfunction underpins suicidal activity in mood disorders', Psychological Medicine, 50, pp. 1214 - 1223,

Disner S; Baker D; Beckham J; Bryant R; Morey R; Seedat S; Sponheim S; Stein M; Ursano R; Wang Z; Nievergelt C; Koenen K, 2020, 'Efforts to Characterize Traumatic Brain Injury in Cohorts From a Large-Scale PTSD Genetics Consortium: Harmonization Results From the PGC-PTSD TBI Workgroup', BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 87, pp. S281 - S282,

Malhi GS; Das P; Outhred T; Dobson-Stone C; Bell E; Gessler D; Bryant R; Mannie Z, 2020, 'Interactions of OXTR rs53576 and emotional trauma on hippocampal volumes and perceived social support in adolescent girls', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 115,

Hancock L; Bryant RA, 2020, 'Posttraumatic stress, stressor controllability, and avoidance', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 128,

Van'T Hof E; Sangraula M; Luitel NP; Turner EL; Marahatta K; Van Ommeren M; Shrestha P; Bryant R; Kohrt BA; Jordans MJD, 2020, 'Effectiveness of Group Problem Management plus (Group-PM+) for adults affected by humanitarian crises in Nepal: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial', Trials, 21,

Lind MJ; Brick LA; Gehrman PR; Duncan LE; Gelaye B; Maihofer AX; Nievergelt CM; Nugent NR; Stein MB; Amstadter AB; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Posttraumatic Stress Disorder , 2020, 'Molecular genetic overlap between posttraumatic stress disorder and sleep phenotypes.', Sleep, 43,

Nickerson A; Byrow Y; Pajak R; McMahon T; Bryant RA; Christensen H; Liddell BJ, 2020, 'Tell Your Story: A randomized controlled trial of an online intervention to reduce mental health stigma and increase help-seeking in refugee men with posttraumatic stress', Psychological Medicine, 50, pp. 781 - 792,

Moulds ML; Wild J; Greenberg N; Sharp M-L; Fear N; Wessely S; Bryant RA, 2020, 'Pre-incident training to build resilience in first responders: Recommendations on what to and what not to do.', Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes.,

Wild J; Greenberg N; Moulds ML; Sharp M-L; Fear N; Wessely S; Harvey S; Bryant RA, 2020, 'Pre-incident training to build resilience in first responders: Recommendations on what to and what not to do.', Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes,

Akhtar A; Giardinelli L; Bawaneh A; Awwad M; Naser H; Whitney C; Jordans MJD; Sijbrandij M; Bryant RA, 2020, 'Group problem management plus (gPM+) in the treatment of common mental disorders in Syrian refugees in a Jordanian camp: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', BMC Public Health, 20,

Uygun E; Ilkkursun Z; Sijbrandij M; Aker AT; Bryant R; Cuijpers P; Fuhr DC; De Graaff AM; De Jong J; McDaid D; Morina N; Park AL; Roberts B; Ventevogel P; Yurtbakan T; Acarturk C, 2020, 'Protocol for a randomized controlled trial: Peer-to-peer Group Problem Management plus (PM+) for adult Syrian refugees in Turkey', Trials, 21,

Van Der Mei WF; Barbano AC; Ratanatharathorn A; Bryant RA; Delahanty DL; Deroon-Cassini TA; Lai BS; Lowe SR; Matsuoka YJ; Olff M; Qi W; Schnyder U; Seedat S; Kessler RC; Koenen KC; Shalev AY, 2020, 'Evaluating a screener to quantify PTSD risk using emergency care information: A proof of concept study', BMC Emergency Medicine, 20,

Evans HE; Sansom-Daly UM; Bryant R, 2020, 'Paediatric advance care plans: a cross-sectional survey of healthy young adults', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 12, pp. E654 - E655,

Maccallum F; Bryant RA, 2020, 'A Network Approach to Understanding Quality of Life Impairments in Prolonged Grief Disorder', Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33, pp. 106 - 115,

Tol WA; Leku MR; Lakin DP; Carswell K; Augustinavicius J; Adaku A; Au TM; Brown FL; Bryant RA; Garcia-Moreno C; Musci RJ; Ventevogel P; White RG; van Ommeren M, 2020, 'Guided self-help to reduce psychological distress in South Sudanese female refugees in Uganda: a cluster randomised trial', The Lancet Global Health, 8, pp. e254 - e263,

Bryant RA; Edwards B; Creamer M; O’Donnell M; Forbes D; Felmingham KL; Silove D; Steel Z; McFarlane AC; van Hooff M; Nickerson A; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2020, 'A population study of prolonged grief in refugees', Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 29,

Marshall RE; Milligan-Saville JS; Steel Z; Bryant RA; Mitchell PB; Harvey SB, 2020, 'A prospective study of pre-employment psychological testing amongst police recruits', Occupational Medicine, 70, pp. 162 - 168,

Sangraula M; Turner EL; Luitel NP; Van'T Hof E; Shrestha P; Ghimire R; Bryant R; Marahatta K; Van Ommeren M; Kohrt BA; Jordans MJD, 2020, 'Feasibility of Group Problem Management plus (PM+) to improve mental health and functioning of adults in earthquake-affected communities in Nepal', Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences,

Malhi GS; Das P; Outhred T; Bell E; Gessler D; Bryant R; Mannie Z, 2020, 'Hippocampal volumes and resilience in adolescent girls exposed to emotional trauma', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 141, pp. 84 - 87,

Molyneaux R; Gibbs L; Bryant RA; Humphreys C; Hegarty K; Kellett C; Gallagher HC; Block K; Harms L; Richardson JF; Alkemade N; Forbes D, 2020, 'Interpersonal violence and mental health outcomes following disaster', BJPsych Open, 6,

Bell E; Bryant RA; Boyce P; Porter RJ; Malhi GS, 2020, 'Irritability through Research Domain Criteria: An opportunity for transdiagnostic conceptualisation', BJPsych Open, 7,

De Graaff AM; Cuijpers P; McDaid D; Park A; Woodward A; Bryant RA; Fuhr DC; Kieft B; Minkenberg E; Sijbrandij M, 2020, 'Peer-provided Problem Management plus (PM+) for adult Syrian refugees: A pilot randomised controlled trial on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness', Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences,

Parnes MF; Bagrodia R; Wightman K; Singh-Sawhney R; Satterthwaite ML; Knuckey S; Bryant RA; Brown AD, 2020, 'Posttraumatic stress symptoms and access to services among human rights advocates: The mediating roles of organizational encouragement of support seeking and occupation-related appraisals.', Psychological Services, 17, pp. 170 - 177,

Varker T; Kartal D; Watson L; Freijah I; O'Donnell M; Forbes D; Phelps A; Hopwood M; McFarlane A; Cooper J; Wade D; Bryant R; Hinton M, 2020, 'Defining response and nonresponse to posttraumatic stress disorder treatments: A systematic review.', Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 27,

Nickerson A; Byrow Y; O’Donnell M; Mau V; McMahon T; Pajak R; Li S; Hamilton A; Minihan S; Liu C; Bryant RA; Berle D; Liddell BJ, 2019, 'The association between visa insecurity and mental health, disability and social engagement in refugees living in Australia', European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10,

Keyan D; Bryant RA, 2019, 'Acute exercise-induced enhancement of fear inhibition is moderated by BDNF Val66Met polymorphism', Translational Psychiatry, 9,

Liddell BJ; Nickerson A; Felmingham KL; Malhi GS; Cheung J; Den M; Askovic M; Coello M; Aroche J; Bryant RA, 2019, 'Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Profiles in Traumatized Refugees', Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32, pp. 822 - 832,

Nievergelt CM; Maihofer AX; Klengel T; Atkinson EG; Chen CY; Choi KW; Coleman JRI; Dalvie S; Duncan LE; Gelernter J; Levey DF; Logue MW; Polimanti R; Provost AC; Ratanatharathorn A; Stein MB; Torres K; Aiello AE; Almli LM; Amstadter AB; Andersen SB; Andreassen OA; Arbisi PA; Ashley-Koch AE; Austin SB; Avdibegovic E; Babić D; Bækvad-Hansen M; Baker DG; Beckham JC; Bierut LJ; Bisson JI; Boks MP; Bolger EA; Børglum AD; Bradley B; Brashear M; Breen G; Bryant RA; Bustamante AC; Bybjerg-Grauholm J; Calabrese JR; Caldas- de- Almeida JM; Dale AM; Daly MJ; Daskalakis NP; Deckert J; Delahanty DL; Dennis MF; Disner SG; Domschke K; Dzubur-Kulenovic A; Erbes CR; Evans A; Farrer LA; Feeny NC; Flory JD; Forbes D; Franz CE; Galea S; Garrett ME; Gelaye B; Geuze E; Gillespie C; Uka AG; Gordon SD; Guffanti G; Hammamieh R; Harnal S; Hauser MA; Heath AC; Hemmings SMJ; Hougaard DM; Jakovljevic M; Jett M; Johnson EO; Jones I; Jovanovic T; Qin XJ; Junglen AG; Karstoft KI; Kaufman ML; Kessler RC; Khan A; Kimbrel NA; King AP; Koen N; Kranzler HR; Kremen WS; Lawford BR; Lebois LAM; Lewis CE; Linnstaedt SD; Lori A; Lugonja B; Luykx JJ; Lyons MJ; Maples-Keller J; Marmar C; Martin AR, 2019, 'International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex- and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci', Nature Communications, 10,

Keyan D; Bryant RA, 2019, 'The capacity for acute exercise to modulate emotional memories: A review of findings and mechanisms', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 107, pp. 438 - 449,

Liddell BJ; Nickerson A; Sartor L; Ivancic L; Bryant RA, 2019, 'Corrigendum to “The generational gap: Mental disorder prevalence and disability amongst first and second generation immigrants in Australia” [J. Psychiatr Res. 83 (2016):103–111](S0022395616302370)(10.1016/j.jpsychires.2016.08.011)', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 118, pp. 7,

Bryant RA; Datta S, 2019, 'Reconsolidating Intrusive Distressing Memories by Thinking of Attachment Figures', Clinical Psychological Science, 7, pp. 1249 - 1256,

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