Select Publications


Hecker I; Wallez S; Scarlett H; Ayuso-Mateos JL; Bryant R; Caggiu G; Conflitti C; Gemes K; Haro JM; Lorant V; Mediavilla R; Mittendorffer-Rutz E; Monistrol-Mula A; Monzio-Compagnoni M; Petri-Romao P; Pinucci I; Sijbrandij M; Stoffers-Winterling J; Walter H; Mary-Krause M; Melchior M, 2025, Psychological distress and compliance with sanitary measures during the Covid-19 pandemic: effect modification by participant gender and socioeconomic characteristics, an IPD meta-analysis.,

Keyan D; Dawson K; Azevedo S; Yadav S; Choi-Christou J; Maliakkal DJ; Pillai MK; Thomas E; George TS; Bryant RA, 2024, The role of specific and non-specific factors in a brief group psychological intervention for psychological distress: a randomised clinical trial,

de Graaff AM; Habashneh R; Fanatseh S; Keyan D; Akhtar A; Abualhaija A; Faroun M; Aqel IS; Dardas L; Servili C; van Ommeren M; Bryant R; Carswell K, 2024, Evaluation of a Guided Chatbot Intervention for Young People in Jordan: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint),

Tortelli A; Figueiredo N; Martinez JV; Roversi A; Bryant R; McDaid D; Lorant V; Nicaise P; Mediavilla R; McGreevy KR; Haro JM; Sijbrandij M; Witteween A; Underhill J; Surkan PJ; Melchior M, 2024, Acceptability of an e-mental health self-help intervention aiming to improve psychological distress among persons experiencing unstable housing in France,

Akhtar A; de Graaff AM; Habashneh R; Keyan D; Abualhaija A; Fanatseh S; Faroun M; Aqel IS; Dardas L; Servili C; van Ommeren M; Bryant R; Carswell K, 2023, Scalable Technology for Adolescents and Youth to Reduce Stress in the Treatment of Common Mental Disorders in Jordan: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint),

Deady M; Collins DAJ; Lavender I; Mackinnon A; Glozier N; Bryant R; Christensen H; Harvey SB, 2023, Selective Prevention of Depression in Workers Using a Smartphone App: Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint),

Xie H; O'Leary E; Shih C-H; Cotton A; Wall J; Chen T; Liu R; Xu K; Abdallah C; Andrew E; Baird CL; Baugh L; Bomyea J; Bruce S; Bryant R; Choi K; Daniels J; Davenport N; Davidson R; De Bellis M; Dennis E; deRoon-Cassini T; Disner S; Fani N; Fercho K; Fitzgerald J; Forster G; Frijling J; Geuze E; Gomaa H; Gordon E; Grupe D; Harpaz-Rotem I; Haswell C; Herzog J; Hofmann D; Hollifield M; Hosseini B; Hudson A; Ipser J; Jahanshad N; Jovanovic T; Kaufman M; King A; koch S; Koerte I; Koopowitz S-M; Korgaonkar M; Krystal J; Larson C; Lebois L; Levy I; Li G; Logue M; Magnotta V; Manthey A; May G; McLaughlin K; Mueller S; Nawijn L; Nelson ; Neria Y; Nitschke J; Olff M; Olson E; Peverill M; Phan KL; Rashid F; Ressler K; Rosso I; Salminen L; Sambrook K; Scheffler F; Schmahl C; Shenton M; Sierk A; Simons J; Simons R; Sponheim S; Stein D; Stein M; Stevens J; Straube T; Suarez-Jimenez B; Tamburrino M; Thomopoulos S; Wee NVD; Werff SVD; Erp TV; Rooij SV; Zuiden MV; Varkevisser T; Veltman D; Vermeiren R; Walter H; Wang L; Zhu X; Zhu Y; Thompson P; Wang X; Morey R; Liberzon I, 2022, A mega-analysis of vertex and gyral cortical thickness differences in adults with and without PTSD,

Tan L; Deady M; Mead O; Foright RM; Brenneman EM; Yeager JR; Bryant RA; Harvey SB, 2022, Pilot study of an online mind-body tactical resilience training program for first responders: A feasibility, acceptability, and usability study (Preprint),

Lakin DP; Cooper SE; Anderson L; Augustinavicius J; Brown F; Carswell K; Leku MR; Adaku A; Au T; Bryant RA; Garcia-Moreno C; White R; Tol WA, 2022, Psychological Flexibility in South Sudanese Female Trauma Survivors in Uganda as a Mechanism for Change Within a Guided Self-Help Intervention,

Mediavilla R; Fernández-Jiménez E; Martinez-Morata I; Jaramillo F; Andreo-Jover J; Morán-Sánchez I; Mascayano F; Moreno-Küstner B; Minué S; Ayuso-Mateos JL; Bryant RA; Bravo-Ortiz M-F; Martínez-Alés G, 2021, Sustained negative mental health outcomes among healthcare workers over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study,

Sun D; Rakesh G; Haswell CC; Logue M; Lexi Baird C; O’Leary BM; Cotton AS; Xie H; Tamburrino M; Chen T; Dennis EL; Jahanshad N; Salminen LE; Thomopoulos SI; Rashid F; Ching CRK; Koch SBJ; Frijling JL; Nawijn L; van Zuiden M; Zhu X; Suarez-Jimenez B; Sierk A; Walter H; Manthey A; Stevens JS; Fani N; van Rooij SJH; Stein M; Bomyea J; Koerte IK; Choi K; van der Werff SJA; Vermeiren RRJM; Herzog J; Lebois LAM; Baker JT; Olson EA; Straube T; Korgaonkar MS; Andrew E; Zhu Y; Li G; Ipser J; Hudson AR; Peverill M; Sambrook K; Gordon E; Baugh L; Forster G; Simons RM; Simons JS; Magnotta V; Maron-Katz A; du Plessis S; Disner SG; Davenport N; Grupe DW; Nitschke JB; deRoon-Cassini TA; Fitzgerald JM; Krystal JH; Levy I; Olff M; Veltman DJ; Wang L; Neria Y; De Bellis MD; Jovanovic T; Daniels JK; Shenton M; van de Wee NJA; Schmahl C; Kaufman ML; Rosso IM; Sponheim SR; Hofmann DB; Bryant RA; Fercho KA; Stein DJ; Mueller SC; Hosseini B; Luan Phan K; McLaughlin KA; Davidson RJ; Larson CL; May G; Nelson SM; Abdallah CG; Gomaa H; Etkin A; Seedat S; Harpaz-Rotem I; Liberzon I; van Erp TGM; Wang X; Thompson PM; Morey RA, 2021, A Comparison of Methods to Harmonize Cortical Thickness Measurements Across Scanners and Sites,

Rakesh G; Logue M; Clarke-Rubright E; O’Leary BM; Haswell CC; Xie H; Thompson PM; Dennis EL; Jahanshad N; Koch SBJ; Frijling JL; Nawijn L; Olff M; van Zuiden M; Rashid FM; Zhu X; De Bellis MD; Daniels JK; Sierk A; Manthey A; Stevens JS; Jovanovic T; Stein MB; Shenton M; van de Werff SJA; van de Wee NJA; Vermeiren RRJM; Schmahl C; Herzog J; Kaufman ML; O’Connor L; Lebois LAM; Baker JT; Gruber SA; Wolff JD; Wolf EJ; Wintemitz SR; Gönenc A; Ressler KJ; Hofmann DB; Bryant RA; Korgaonkar M; Andrew E; Wang L; Zhu Y; Li G; Stein DJ; Ipser J; Koopowitz S; Mueller S; Hudson A; Phan L; Hosseini B; Angstadt KM; King AP; Tamburrino M; Skilliter BC; Geuze E; van Rooij SJH; Varkevisser T; McLaughlin KA; Sheridan MA; Peverill M; Sambrook K; Veltman DJ; Thomaes K; Nelson SM; May G; Baugh L; Forster G; Simons R; Simons J; Magnotta V; Fercho KA; Maron-Katz A; du Plessis S; Disner S; Davenport N; Thomopoulos SI; Suarez-Jimenez B; Wager TD; Neria Y; Fani N; Walter H; Koerte I; Bomyea J; Choi K; Simmons AN; Olson E; Rosso I; Straube T; van Erp TGM; Chen T; Cotton AS; Wall J; Davidson RJ; deRoon-Cassini T; Fitzgerald J; Larson C; Gordon E; Grupe D; Sponheim SR; Etkin A; Seedat S; Harpaz-Rotem I; Wrocklage K; Abdallah CG; Krystal JH; Levy I; Gomaa H; McMahon MAB; Liberzon I; Wang X; Sun D; Morey RA, 2021, Structural Covariance Networks in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Multisite ENIGMA-PGC Study,

Morina N; Weilenmann S; Dawson KS; Ernst J; Zanitti Z; von Känel R; Schick M; Spiller TR; Bryant RA, 2021, RECHARGE – A Brief Psychological Intervention to Build Resilience in Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial,

Hamdani SU; Huma Z-E; Masood A; Zhou K; Ahmed Z; Nazir H; Amin H; Akhtar P; Bryant R; Dawson K; Ommeren MV; Wang D; Rahman A; Minhas FA, 2021, Effect of adding a psychological intervention to routine care of common mental disorders in a specialized mental healthcare facility in Pakistan: a randomized controlled trial,

Hamdani SU; Huma Z-E; Masood A; Zhou K; Ahmed Z; Nazir H; Amin H; Akhtar P; Bryant R; Dawson K; Ommeren MV; Wang D; Rahman A; Minhas FA, 2020, Effect of adding a psychological intervention to routine care of common mental disorders in a specialized mental healthcare facility in Pakistan: a randomized controlled trial,

Drescher A; Kiselev N; Akhtar A; Acarturk C; Bryant R; Ilkkursun Z; Von Känel R; Miller K; Pfaltz M; Schick M; Schnyder U; Sijbrandij M; Spaaij J; Morina N, 2020, Problems After Flight: Understanding and Comparing Syrians’ Perspectives in the Middle East and Europe,

Hamdani SU; Huma Z-E; Masood A; Zhou K; Ahmed Z; Nazir H; Amin H; Akhtar P; Bryant R; Dawson K; Ommeren MV; Wang D; Rahman A; Minhas FA, 2020, Effect of adding a psychological intervention to routine care of common mental disorders in a specialized mental healthcare facility in Pakistan: a randomized controlled trial,

Uygun E; Ilkkursun Z; Sijbrandij M; Aker AT; Bryant R; Cuijpers P; Fuhr DC; de Graaff AM; de Jong J; McDaid D; Morina N; Park A-L; Roberts B; Ventevogel P; Yurtbakan T; Acarturk C, 2020, Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial: Peer to Peer Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) for Adult Syrian Refugees in Turkey,

Mullins N; Kang J; Campos A; Coleman J; Edwards A; Galfalvy H; Levey D; Lori A; Shabalin A; Starnawska A; Su M-H; Watson H; Adams M; Awasthi S; Gandal M; Hafferty J; Hishimoto A; Kim M; Okazaki S; Otsuka I; Ripke S; Ware E; Bergen A; Berrettini W; Bohus M; Brandt H; Chang X; Chen W; Chen H-C; Crawford S; Crow S; DiBlasi E; Duriez P; Fernández-Aranda F; Fichter M; Gallinger S; Glatt S; Gorwood P; Guo Y; Hakonarson H; Halmi K; Hwu H-G; Jain S; Jamain S; Jiménez-Murcia S; Johnson C; Kaplan A; Kaye W; Keel P; Kennedy J; Klump K; Levitan R; Li D; Liao S-C; Lieb K; Lilenfeld L; Liu C-M; Magistretti P; Marshall C; Mitchell J; Monson E; Myers R; Pinto D; Powers A; Ramoz N; Roepke S; Rotondo A; Rozanov V; Scherer S; Schmahl C; Sokolowski M; Strober M; Thornton L; Treasure J; Tsuang M; Via ML; Witt S; Woodside B; Yilmaz Z; Zillich L; Adolfsson R; Agartz I; Air T; Alda M; Alfredsson L; Andreassen O; Anjorin A; Appadurai V; Artigas MS; Van der Auwera S; Azevedo H; Bass N; Bau CHD; Baune B; Bellivier F; Berger K; Biernacka J; Bigdeli T; Binder E; Boehnke M; Boks M; Bosch R; Braff D; Bryant R; Budde M; Byrne E; Cahn W; Casas M; Castelao E; Cervilla J; Chaumette B; Cichon S; Corvin A; Craddock N; Craig D; Degenhardt F; Djurovic S; Edenberg H; Fanous A; Foo J; Forstner A; Frye M; Fullerton J; Gatt J; Gejman P; Giegling I; Grabe H; Green M; Grevet E; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M; Gutierrez B; Guzman-Parra J; Hamilton S; Hamshere M; Hartmann A; Hauser J; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Hoffmann P; Ising M; Jones I; Jones L; Jonsson L; Kahn R; Kelsoe J; Kendler K; Kloiber S; Koenen K; Kogevinas M; Konte B; Krebs M-O; Landén M; Lawrence J; Leboyer M; Lee P; Levinson D; Liao C; Lissowska J; Lucae S; Mayoral F; McElroy S; McGrath P; McGuffin P; McQuillin A; Medland S; Mehta D; Melle I; Milaneschi Y; Mitchell P; Molina E; Morken G; Mortensen PB; Müller-Myhsok B; Nievergelt C; Nimgaonkar V; Nöthen M; O’Donovan M; Ophoff R; Owen M; Pato C; Pato M; Penninx BWJH; Pimm J; Pistis G; Potash J; Power R; Preisig M; Quested D; Ramos-Quiroga JA; Reif A; Ribasés M; Richarte V; Rietschel M; Rivera M; Roberts A; Roberts G; Rouleau G; Rovaris D; Rujescu D; Sánchez-Mora C; Sanders A; Schofield P; Schulze T; Scott L; Serretti A; Shi J; Shyn S; Sirignano L; Sklar P; Smeland O; Smoller J; Sonuga-Barke E; Spalletta G; Strauss J; Świątkowska B; Trzaskowski M; Turecki G; Vilar-Ribó L; Vincent J; Völzke H; Walters JTR; Weickert CS; Weickert T; Weissman M; Williams L; Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the PsychiatricGenomics Consortium ; Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ; Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium ; German Borderline Genomics Conso , 2020, Dissecting the shared genetic architecture of suicide attempt, psychiatric disorders and known risk factors,

Hof EVT; Sangraula M; Luitel NP; Turner EL; Marahatta K; Ommeren MV; Shrestha P; Bryant R; Kohrt BA; Jordans MJD, 2019, Effectiveness of Group Problem Management Plus (Group-PM+) for adults affected by humanitarian crises Nepal: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial (c-RCT),

Uygun E; Ilkkursun Z; Sijbrandij M; Aker AT; Bryant R; Cuijpers P; Fuhr DC; de Graaff AM; de Jong J; McDaid D; Morina N; Park A-L; Roberts B; Ventevogel P; Yurtbakan T; Acarturk C, 2019, Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial: Peer to Peer Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) for Adult Syrian Refugees in Turkey,

Brown FL; Steen F; Taha K; Aoun M; Bryant RA; Jo MJD; Malik A; Ommeren MV; Abualhaija A; Aqel IS; Ghatasheh M; Habashneh R; Sijbrandij M; Chammay RE; Watts S; Akhtar A, 2019, Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions (EASE) intervention for the treatment of psychological distress in adolescents: Study protocol for randomised controlled trials in Lebanon and Jordan,

Salminen LE; Sämann PG; Zheng Y; Dennis EL; Clarke-Rubright EK; Jahanshad N; Iglesias JE; Whelan CD; Bruce SE; Hayes JP; Seedat S; Averill CL; Baugh LA; Bomyea J; Bright J; Buckle CJ; Choi K; Davenport ND; Davidson RJ; Densmore M; Disner SG; du Plessis S; Elman JA; Fani N; Forster GL; Franz CE; Frijling JL; Gonenc A; Gruber SA; Grupe DW; Guenette JP; Haswell CC; Hofmann D; Hollifield M; Hosseini B; Hudson AR; Ipser J; Jovanovic T; Kennedy-Krage A; Kennis M; King A; Kinzel P; Koch SBJ; Koerte I; Koopowitz SM; Korgaonkar MS; Kremen WS; Krystal J; Lebois LAM; Levy I; Lyons MJ; Magnotta VA; Manthey A; Nakahara S; Nawijn L; Neufeld RWJ; Nitschke JB; O’Doherty DCM; Paul RH; Peverill M; Rashid FM; Ressler KJ; Roos A; Schmahl C; Sheridan MA; Sierk A; Simmons AN; Simons JS; Simons RM; Stein MB; Stevens JS; Suarez-Jimenez B; Théberge J; Thomaes K; Thomopoulos SI; van den Heuvel LL; van der Werff SJA; van Erp TGM; van Rooij SJH; van Zuiden M; Varkevisser T; Vermeiren RRJM; Wager TD; Walter H; Wang X; Winternitz S; Wolff JD; Wrocklage K; Zhu X; Ching CRK; Gurholt TP; Haukvik UK; Agartz I; Abdallah CG; Bryant R; Daniels JK; DeBellis M; Fercho KA; Geuze E; Harpaz-Rotem I; Herzog JI; Kaufman ML; Lagopoulos J; Lanius RA; McLaughlin KA; Mueller SC; Neria Y; Olff M; Phan KL; Shenton ME; Sponheim SR; Stein DJ; Straube T; van der Wee NJA; Veltman DJ; Thompson PM; Morey RA; Logue MW, 2019, Hippocampal subfield volumes are uniquely affected in PTSD and depression: International analysis of 31 cohorts from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD Working Group,

Dalvie S; Maihofer AX; Coleman JRI; Bradley B; Breen G; Brick LA; Chen C-Y; Choi KW; Duncan LE; Guffanti G; Haas M; Harnal S; Liberzon I; Nugent NR; Provost AC; Ressler KJ; Torres K; Amstadter AB; Austin SB; Baker DG; Bolger EA; Bryant RA; Calabrese JR; Delahanty DL; Farrer LA; Feeny NC; Flory JD; Forbes D; Galea S; Gautam A; Gelernter J; Hammamieh R; Jett M; Junglen AG; Kaufman ML; Kessler RC; Khan A; Kranzler HR; Lebois LAM; Marmar C; Mavissakalian MR; McFarlane A; O’Donnell M; Orcutt HK; Pietrzak RH; Risbrough VB; Roberts AL; Rothbaum AO; Roy-Byrne P; Ruggiero K; Seligowski AV; Sheerin CM; Silove D; Smoller JW; Solovieff N; Stein MB; Teicher MH; Ursano RJ; Van Hooff M; Winternitz S; Wolff JD; Yehuda R; Zhao H; Zoellner LA; Stein DJ; Koenen KC; Nievergelt CM, 2019, Genomic Influences on Self-Reported Childhood Maltreatment,

Brown FL; Steen F; Taha K; Aoun M; Bryant RA; Jo MJD; Malik A; Ommeren MV; Abualhaija A; Aqel IS; Ghatasheh M; Habashneh R; Sijbrandij M; Chammay RE; Watts S; Akhtar A, 2019, Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions (EASE) intervention for the treatment of psychological distress in adolescents: Study protocol for randomised controlled trials in Lebanon and Jordan,

Dennis EL; Disner SG; Fani N; Salminen LE; Logue M; Clarke EK; Haswell CC; Averill CL; Baugh LA; Bomyea J; Bruce SE; Cha J; Choi K; Davenport ND; Densmore M; du Plessis S; Forster GL; Frijling JL; Gönenc A; Gruber S; Grupe DW; Guenette JP; Hayes J; Hofmann D; Ipser J; Jovanovic T; Kelly S; Kennis M; Kinzel P; Koch SBJ; Koerte I; Koopowitz S; Korgaonkar M; Krystal J; Lebois LAM; Li G; Magnotta VA; Manthey A; May GJ; Menefee DS; Nawijn L; Nelson SM; Neufeld RWJ; Nitschke JB; O’Doherty D; Peverill M; Ressler K; Roos A; Sheridan MA; Sierk A; Simmons A; Simons RM; Simons JS; Stevens J; Suarez-Jimenez B; Sullivan DR; Théberge J; Tran JK; van den Heuvel L; van der Werff SJA; van Rooij SJH; van Zuiden M; Velez C; Verfaellie M; Vermeiren RRJM; Wade BSC; Wager T; Walter H; Winternitz S; Wolff J; York G; Zhu Y; Zhu X; Abdallah CG; Bryant R; Daniels JK; Davidson RJ; Fercho KA; Franz C; Geuze E; Gordon EM; Kaufman ML; Kremen W; Lagopoulos J; Lanius RA; Lyons MJ; McCauley SR; McGlinchey R; McLaughlin KA; Milberg W; Neria Y; Olff M; Seedat S; Shenton M; Sponheim SR; Stein DJ; Stein MB; Straube T; Tate DF; van der Wee NJA; Veltman DJ; Wang L; Wilde EA; Thompson PM; Kochunov P; Jahanshad N; Morey RA, 2019, Altered White Matter Microstructural Organization in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder across 3,049 Adults: Results from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD Consortium,

Hof EVT; Sangraula M; Luitel NP; Turner EL; Marahatta K; Ommeren MV; Shrestha P; Bryant R; Kohrt BA; Jordans MJD, 2019, Effectiveness of Group Problem Management Plus (Group-PM+) for adults affected by humanitarian crises Nepal: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial (c-RCT),

Brown FL; Steen F; Taha K; Aoun M; Bryant RA; Jo MJD; Malik A; Ommeren MV; Abualhaija A; Aqel IS; Ghatasheh M; Habashneh R; Sijbrandij M; Chammay RE; Watts S; Akhtar A, 2019, Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions (EASE) programme for the treatment of psychological distress in adolescents: Study protocol for randomised controlled trials in Lebanon and Jordan,

Nievergelt CM; Maihofer AX; Klengel T; Atkinson EG; Chen C-Y; Choi KW; Coleman JRI; Dalvie S; Duncan LE; Logue MW; Provost AC; Ratanatharathorn A; Stein MB; Torres K; Aiello AE; Almli LM; Amstadter AB; Andersen SB; Andreassen OA; Arbisi PA; Ashley-Koch AE; Austin SB; Avdibegovic E; Babić D; Bækvad-Hansen M; Baker DG; Beckham JC; Bierut LJ; Bisson JI; Boks MP; Bolger EA; Børglum AD; Bradley B; Brashear M; Breen G; Bryant RA; Bustamante AC; Bybjerg-Grauholm J; Calabrese JR; Caldas-de-Almeida JM; Dale AM; Daly MJ; Daskalakis NP; Deckert J; Delahanty DL; Dennis MF; Disner SG; Domschke K; Dzubur-Kulenovic A; Erbes CR; Evans A; Farrer LA; Feeny NC; Flory JD; Forbes D; Franz CE; Galea S; Garrett ME; Gelaye B; Gelernter J; Geuze E; Gillespie C; Goci Uka A; Gordon SD; Guffanti G; Hammamieh R; Harnal S; Hauser MA; Heath AC; Hemmings SMJ; Michael Hougaard D; Jakovljevic M; Jett M; Otto Johnson E; Jones I; Jovanovic T; Qin X-J; Junglen AG; Karstoft K-I; Kaufman ML; Kessler RC; Khan A; Kimbrel NA; King AP; Koen N; Kranzler HR; Kremen WS; Lawford BR; Lebois LAM; Lewis CE; Linnstaedt SD; Lori A; Lugonja B; Luykx JJ; Lyons MJ; Maples-Keller J; Marmar C; Martin AR; Martin NG; Maurer D; Mavissakalian MR; McFarlane A; McGlinchey RE; McLaughlin KA; McLean SA; McLeay S; Mehta D; Milberg WP; Miller MW; Morey RA; Phillip Morris C; Mors O; Mortensen PB; Neale BM; Nelson EC; Nordentoft M; Norman SB; O’Donnell M; Orcutt HK; Panizzon MS; Peters ES; Peterson AL; Peverill M; Pietrzak RH; Polusny MA; Rice JP; Ripke S; Risbrough VB; Roberts AL; Rothbaum AO; Rothbaum BO; Roy-Byrne P; Ruggiero K; Rung A; Rutten BPF; Saccone NL; Sanchez SE; Schijven D; Seedat S; Seligowski AV; Seng JS; Sheerin CM; Silove D; Smith AK; Smoller JW; Solovieff N; Sponheim SR; Stein DJ; Sumner JA; Teicher MH; Thompson WK; Trapido E; Uddin M; Ursano RJ; van den Heuvel LL; van Hooff M; Vermetten E; Vinkers CH; Voisey J; Wang Y; Wang Z; Werge T; Williams MA; Williamson DE; Winternitz S; Wolf C; Wolf EJ; Wolff JD; Yehuda R; Young KA; Young RM; Zhao H; Zoellner LA; Liberzon I; Ressler KJ; Haas M; Koenen KC, 2018, Largest genome-wide association study for PTSD identifies genetic risk loci in European and African ancestries and implicates novel biological pathways,

Tol W; Leku MR; Lakin DP; Carswell K; Augustinavicius J; Adaku A; Brown FL; Bryant RA; Moreno CG; Musci RJ; Ventevogel P; White RG; van Ommeren M, Guided Self-Help to Reduce Psychological Distress in South Sudanese Female Refugees in Uganda: A Cluster Randomized Trial,

Rostami R; Wells R; Solaimani J; Berle D; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Silove D; Nickerson A; O'Donnell M; Bryant R; McFarlane A; Steel Z, The Mental Health of Farsi-Dari Speaking Asylum-Seeking Children and Parents Facing Insecure Residency in Australia,

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