Select Publications

Journal articles

Davis J; Best J; Khan K; Dian L; Lord S; Delbaere K; Hsu C; Liu-Ambrose T, 2017, 'SLOW PROCESSING SPEED PREDICTS FALLS IN OLDER ADULTS WITH A FALLS HISTORY: 1-YEAR PROSPECTIVE COHORT', Innovation in Aging, 1, pp. 238 - 238,

Merom D; Mathiew E; Cerin E; Morton RL; Anstey K; Sherrington C; Lord S; Cumming R, 2017, 'SOCIAL DANCING TO REDUCE FALLS IN OLDER ADULTS—A CLUSTER RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL', Innovation in Aging, 1, pp. 267 - 268,

Ejupi A; Brodie M; Lord SR; Annegarn J; Redmond SJ; Delbaere K, 2017, 'Wavelet-Based Sit-To-Stand Detection and Assessment of Fall Risk in Older People Using a Wearable Pendant Device', IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64, pp. 1602 - 1607,

Bunce D; Haynes BI; Lord SR; Gschwind YJ; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Delbaere K, 2017, 'Intraindividual Stepping Reaction Time Variability Predicts Falls in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment', J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 72, pp. 832 - 837,

Henderson EJ; Smith N; Gaunt DM; Lawrence AD; Brodie MA; Close JCT; Lord SR; Ben-Shlomo Y; Whone AL, 2017, '158Does The Anticholinergic Burden Of Drugs Predict Outcomes In People With Parkinson's Disease With A History Of A Fall?', Age and Ageing, 46, pp. i44 - i44,

Liddle JLM; Lovarini M; Clemson LM; Jang H; Willis K; Lord SR; Sherrington C, 2017, 'Men's perspectives on fall risk and fall prevention following participation in a group-based programme conducted at Men's Sheds, Australia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 25, pp. 1118 - 1126,

Davis JC; Best JR; Khan KM; Dian L; Lord S; Delbaere K; Hsu CL; Cheung W; Chan W; Liu-Ambrose T, 2017, 'Slow Processing Speed Predicts Falls in Older Adults With a Falls History: 1-Year Prospective Cohort Study', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65, pp. 916 - 923,

Okubo Y; Menant J; Udyavar M; Brodie MA; Barry BK; Lord SR; L Sturnieks D; Sturnieks D, 2017, 'Transfer effects of step training on stepping performance in untrained directions in older adults: A randomized controlled trial', Gait and Posture, 54, pp. 50 - 55,

Simpson P; Thomas R; Bendall J; Lord B; Lord S; Close J, 2017, '‘Popping nana back into bed’ - a qualitative exploration of paramedic decision making when caring for older people who have fallen', BMC Health Services Research, 17, pp. 299,

Sungkarat S; Boripuntakul S; Chattipakorn N; Watcharasaksilp K; Lord SR, 2017, 'Effects of Tai Chi on Cognition and Fall Risk in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65, pp. 721 - 727,

Taylor ME; Lord SR; Delbaere K; Kurrle SE; Mikolaizak AS; Close JCT, 2017, 'Reaction Time and Postural Sway Modify the Effect of Executive Function on Risk of Falls in Older People with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, pp. 397 - 406,

Okubo Y; Schoene D; Lord SR, 2017, 'Step training improves reaction time, gait and balance and reduces falls in older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51, pp. 586 - 593,

Tijsma M; Vister E; Hoang P; Lord SR, 2017, 'A simple test of choice stepping reaction time for assessing fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis', Disability and Rehabilitation, 39, pp. 601 - 607,

Paul SS; Harvey L; Canning CG; Boufous S; Lord SR; Close JCT; Sherrington C, 2017, 'Fall-related hospitalization in people with Parkinson's disease', European Journal of Neurology, 24, pp. 523 - 529,

Menant JC; Migliaccio AA; Hicks C; Lo J; Meinrath D; Ratanapongleka M; Turner J; Sturnieks DL; Delbaere K; Titov N; McVeigh C; Close JCT; Lord SR, 2017, 'Tailored multifactorial intervention to improve dizziness symptoms and quality of life, balance and gait in dizziness sufferers aged over 50 years: protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMC Geriatrics, 17, pp. 56,

Hocking DR; Birch RC; Bui QM; Menant JC; Lord SR; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Godler DE; Wen W; Hackett A; Rogers C; Trollor JN, 2017, 'Cerebellar volume mediates the relationship between FMR1 mRNA levels and voluntary step initiation in males with the premutation', Neurobiology of Aging, 50, pp. 5 - 12,

Birch RC; Hocking DR; Cornish KM; Menant JC; Lord SR; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Godler DE; Wen W; Rogers C; Trollor JN, 2017, 'Selective subcortical contributions to gait impairments in males with the FMR1 premutation', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 88, pp. 188 - 190,

Taylor ME; Lord SR; Brodaty H; Kurrle SE; Hamilton S; Ramsay E; Webster L; Payne NL; Close JCT, 2017, 'A home-based, carer-enhanced exercise program improves balance and falls efficacy in community-dwelling older people with dementia', International Psychogeriatrics, 29, pp. 81 - 91,

Mikolaizak AS; Lord SR; Tiedemann A; Simpson P; Caplan GA; Bendall J; Howard K; Webster L; Payne N; Hamilton S; Lo J; Ramsay E; O'Rourke S; Roylance L; Close JC, 2017, 'A multidisciplinary intervention to prevent subsequent falls and health service use following fall-related paramedic care: A randomised controlled trial', Age and Ageing, 46, pp. 200 - 208,

Fairhall N; Sherrington C; Cameron ID; Kurrle SE; Lord SR; Lockwood K; Herbert RD, 2017, 'A multifactorial intervention for frail older people is more than twice as effective among those who are compliant: complier average causal effect analysis of a randomised trial', Journal of Physiotherapy, 63, pp. 40 - 44,

Brodie MA; Okubo Y; Annegarn J; Wieching R; Lord SR; Delbaere K, 2017, 'Disentangling the health benefits of walking from increased exposure to falls in older people using remote gait monitoring and multi-dimensional analysis', Physiological Measurement, 38, pp. 45 - 62,

Vister E; Tijsma ME; Hoang PD; Lord SR, 2017, 'Fatigue, physical activity, quality of life, and fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis', International Journal of MS Care, 19, pp. 91 - 98,

Boripuntakul S; Lord SR; Methapatara P; Sungkarat S, 2017, 'Unplanned stopping strategy in individuals with mild cognitive impairment', Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 14, pp. 35 - 42

Garcia JA; Schoene D; Lord SR; Delbaere K; Valenzuela T; Navarro KF, 2016, 'A Bespoke Kinect Stepping Exergame for Improving Physical and Cognitive Function in Older People: A Pilot Study', Games for Health Journal, 5, pp. 382 - 388,

Wang C; Lu W; Narayanan MR; Chang DCW; Lord SR; Redmond SJ; Lovell NH, 2016, 'Low-Power Fall Detector Using Triaxial Accelerometry and Barometric Pressure Sensing', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 12, pp. 2302 - 2311,

Delbaere K; Gschwind YJ; Sherrington C; Barraclough E; Garrués-Irisarri MA; Lord SR, 2016, 'Validity and reliability of a simple 'low-tech' test for measuring choice stepping reaction time in older people', Clinical Rehabilitation, 30, pp. 1128 - 1135,

Sturnieks DL; Delbaere K; Brodie MA; Lord SR, 2016, 'The influence of age, anxiety and concern about falling on postural sway when standing at an elevated level', Human Movement Science, 49, pp. 206 - 215,

Lord SR, 2016, 'Virtual reality and the prevention of falls in the real world', The Lancet, 388, pp. 1132 - 1134,

Duque G; Lord SR; Mak J; Ganda K; Close JJT; Ebeling P; Papaioannou A; Inderjeeth CA, 2016, 'Treatment of Osteoporosis in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities: Update on Consensus Recommendations for Fracture Prevention', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17, pp. 852 - 859,

Lord SR; Delbaere K; Gandevia SC, 2016, 'Use of a physiological profile to document motor impairment in ageing and in clinical groups', Journal of Physiology, 594, pp. 4513 - 4523,

Merom D; Mathieu E; Cerin E; Morton RL; Simpson JM; Rissel C; Anstey KJ; Sherrington C; Lord SR; Cumming RG, 2016, 'Social Dancing and Incidence of Falls in Older Adults: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial', PLoS Medicine, 13, pp. e1002112,

Ejupi A; Gschwind YJ; Valenzuela T; Lord SR; Delbaere K; Valenzuela Arteaga T, 2016, 'A Kinect and Inertial Sensor-Based System for the Self-Assessment of Fall Risk: A Home-Based Study in Older People', Human-Computer Interaction, 31, pp. 261 - 293,

Benichou O; Lord SR, 2016, 'Rationale for Strengthening Muscle to Prevent Falls and Fractures: A Review of the Evidence', Calcified Tissue International, 98, pp. 531 - 545,

Barr C; McLoughlin JV; van den Berg MEL; Sturnieks DL; Crotty M; Lord SR, 2016, 'Visual field dependence is associated with reduced postural sway, dizziness and falls in older people attending a falls clinic', Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 20, pp. 671 - 675,

Caetano MJD; Lord SR; Schoene D; Pelicioni PHS; Sturnieks DL; Menant JC, 2016, 'Age-related changes in gait adaptability in response to unpredictable obstacles and stepping targets', Gait and Posture, 46, pp. 35 - 41,

Menant JC; Wong AKW; Trollor JN; Close JCT; Lord SR, 2016, 'Depressive Symptoms and Orthostatic Hypotension Are Risk Factors for Unexplained Falls in Community-Living Older People', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64, pp. 1073 - 1078,

Jang H; Clemson L; Lovarini M; Willis K; Lord SR; Sherrington C, 2016, 'Cultural influences on exercise participation and fall prevention: A systematic review and narrative synthesis', Disability and Rehabilitation, 38, pp. 724 - 732,

Butler AA; Lord SR; Fitzpatrick RC, 2016, 'Perceptions of speed and risk: Experimental studies of road crossing by older people', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0152617,

Brodie MAD; Coppens MJM; Lord SR; Lovell NH; Gschwind YJ; Redmond SJ; Del Rosario MB; Wang K; Sturnieks DL; Persiani M; Delbaere K, 2016, 'Wearable pendant device monitoring using new wavelet-based methods shows daily life and laboratory gaits are different', Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 54, pp. 663 - 674,

McLoughlin JV; Barr CJ; Patritti B; Crotty M; Lord SR; Sturnieks DL, 2016, 'Fatigue induced changes to kinematic and kinetic gait parameters following six minutes of walking in people with multiple sclerosis', Disability and Rehabilitation, 38, pp. 535 - 543,

Henderson EJ; Lord SR; Brodie MA; Gaunt DM; Lawrence AD; Close JCT; Whone AL; Ben-Shlomo Y, 2016, 'Rivastigmine for gait stability in patients with Parkinson's disease (ReSPonD): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial', The Lancet. Neurology, 15, pp. 249 - 258,

Sherrington C; Fairhall N; Kirkham C; Clemson L; Howard K; Vogler C; Close JC; Moseley AM; Cameron ID; Mak J; Sonnabend D; Lord SR, 2016, 'Exercise and fall prevention self-management to reduce mobility-related disability and falls after fall-related lower limb fracture in older people: Protocol for the RESTORE (Recovery Exercises and STepping on after fracturE) randomised controlled trial', BMC Geriatrics, 16, pp. 34,

Siong KH; Kwan MMS; Lord SR; Lam AKC; Tsang WWN; Cheong AMY, 2016, 'Fall risk in Chinese community-dwelling older adults: A physiological profile assessment study', Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 16, pp. 259 - 265,

Ejupi A; Gschwind YJ; Brodie M; Zagler WL; Lord SR; Delbaere K, 2016, 'Kinect-based choice reaching and stepping reaction time tests for clinical and in-home assessment of fall risk in older people: a prospective study', European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 13, pp. 1 - 7,

Hoang PD; Baysan M; Gunn H; Cameron M; Freeman J; Nitz J; Low Choy NL; Lord SR, 2016, 'Fall risk in people with MS: A Physiological Profile Assessment study', Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 2,

Farag I; Sherrington C; Hayes A; Canning CG; Lord SR; Close JCT; Fung VSC; Howard K, 2016, 'Economic evaluation of a falls prevention exercise program among people With Parkinson's disease', Movement Disorders, 31, pp. 53 - 61,

Hoang P; Schoene D; Gandevia S; Smith S; Lord SR, 2016, 'Effects of a home-based step training programme on balance, stepping, cognition and functional performance in people with multiple sclerosis--a randomized controlled trial', Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), 22, pp. 94 - 103,

Farag I; Howard K; O'Rourke S; Ferreira ML; Lord SR; Close JCT; Vogler C; Dean CM; Cumming RG; Sherrington C, 2016, 'Health and social support services in older adults recently discharged from hospital: Service utilisation and costs and exploration of the impact of a home-exercise intervention', BMC Geriatrics, 16, pp. 82,

Tiedemann A; Rissel C; Howard K; Tong A; Merom D; Smith S; Wickham J; Bauman A; Lord SR; Vogler C; Lindley RI; Simpson JM; Allman-Farinelli M; Sherrington C, 2016, 'Health coaching and pedometers to enhance physical activity and prevent falls in community-dwelling people aged 60 years and over: Study protocol for the Coaching for Healthy AGEing (CHAnGE) cluster randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 6, pp. e012277,

Brodie MAD; Menz HB; Smith ST; Delbaere K; Lord SR, 2015, 'Good lateral harmonic stability combined with adequate gait speed is required for low fall risk in older people', Gerontology, 61, pp. 69 - 78,

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