Select Publications

Book Chapters

Walsh T, 2023, 'More than Programming?', in The Future of Work and Technology, Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 173 - 187,

Botan S; Ritossa A; Suzuki M; Walsh T, 2023, 'Maximin Fair Allocation of Indivisible Items Under Cost Utilities', in , pp. 221 - 238,

Walsh T, 2023, 'More than Programming?: The Impact of AI on Work and Skills', in The Future of Work and Technology: Global Trends, Challenges and Policies with an Australian Perspective, pp. 173 - 187,

Walsh T, 2021, 'Adventures in mathematical reasoning', in Mathematical Reasoning: The History and Impact of the DReaM Group, pp. 51 - 61,

Biere A; Heule M; van Maaren H; Walsh T, 2021, 'Preface second edition', in Handbook of Satisfiability: Second Edition, pp. vii - viii

Chircop PA; Surendonk TJ; van den Briel MHL; Walsh T, 2021, 'A Branch-and-Price Framework for the Maximum Covering and Patrol Routing Problem', in Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, Springer International Publishing, pp. 59 - 80,

Gaspers S; Walsh T, 2017, 'Preface', in Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2017, Springer International Publishing, pp. V - VIII

Bessiere C; Daoudi A; Hebrard E; Katsirelos G; Lazaar N; Mechqrane Y; Narodytska N; Quimper CG; Walsh T, 2016, 'New approaches to constraint acquisition', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 51 - 76,

Conitzer V; Walsh T, 2016, 'Barriers to manipulation in voting', in Handbook of Computational Social Choice, pp. 127 - 145,

Walsh T, 2011, 'IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Preface', in

Yaman F; Walsh TJ; Littman ML; desJardins M, 2010, 'Learning Lexicographic Preference Models', in Furnkranz J; Hullermeier E (ed.), PREFERENCE LEARNING, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, pp. 251 - 272,

Walsh T; Rossi F; van Beek P, 2008, 'Constraint Programming', in Hendler J; Kitano H; Nebel B (ed.), Handbook of Knowledge Representation, edn. Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 181 - 211

Rossi F; van Beek P; Walsh T, 2006, 'Chapter 1 Introduction', in Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 3 - 12,

Gomes C; Walsh T, 2006, 'Chapter 18 Randomness and structure', in Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 639 - 664,

Gomes C; Walsh T, 2006, 'Randomness and Structure', in Rossi F; VanBeek P; Walsh T (ed.), HANDBOOK OF CONSTRAINT PROGRAMMING, edn. Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, pp. 639 - 664,

Rossi F; van Beek P; Walsh T, 2006, 'Chapter 1 Introduction', in Handbook of Constraint Programming, Elsevier, pp. 3 - 12,

Drake L; Frisch A; Walsh T, 2002, 'Automatic Generation of Implied Clauses for SAT', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 783 - 783,

Hnich B; Walsh T, 2002, 'Models of Injection Problems', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 781 - 781,

Basin DA; Walsh T, 1996, 'A Calculus for and Termination of Rippling', in Automated Mathematical Induction, Springer Netherlands, pp. 147 - 180,

Walsh T, 1994, 'Creative Proof Planning', in Artificial Intelligence and Creativity, Springer Netherlands, pp. 181 - 193,

Gent IP; Walsh T, 1994, 'The hardest random SAT problems', in KI-94: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Nature, pp. 355 - 366,

Giunchiglia F; Walsh T, 1991, 'Using Abstraction', in AISB91, Springer London, pp. 225 - 234,

Giunchiglia E; Walsh T, 'Satisfiability in the Year 2005', in SAT 2005, Springer Netherlands, pp. 1 - 2,

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