Select Publications
Book Chapters
2023, 'Searches for New Particles Including Dark Matter with Atomic, Molecular and Optical Systems,', in Drake G (ed.), Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Springer, pp. 461 - 469,
,2022, 'Atomic Clocks and Constraints on Variations of Fundamental Constants', in Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Springer
,2020, 'A resonance interaction of seismogravitational modes on tectonic plates', in Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, pp. 305 - 334,
,2017, 'Highly charged ions for atomic clocks and search for variation of the fine structure constant', in TCP 2014, Springer International Publishing, pp. 79 - 86,
,2014, 'Optical Transitions in Highly Charged Ions for Detection of Variations in the Fine-Structure Constant', in Fundamental physics in particle traps, Springer, pp. 293 - 314,
,2013, 'Atomic parity non-conservation: the francium anapole project of the FrPNC collaboration at TRIUMF', in SSP 2012, Springer Netherlands, pp. 163 - 171,
,2010, 'Laboratory spectroscopy and the search for variation of the fine-structure constant', in Laser 2009, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 269 - 278,
,2009, 'Variation of Fundamental Constants as Revealed by Molecules', in Cold Molecules, CRC Press,
,2009, 'Variation of Fundamental Constants as Revealed by Molecules: Astrophysical Observations and Laboratory Experiments', in Krems RV; Stwalley WC; Friedrich B (ed.), Cold Molecules: Theory, Experiment, Applications, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, pp. 597 - 625
,2007, 'Fundamental symmetries studies with cold trapped francium atoms at ISAC', in TCP 2006, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 45 - 51,
,2007, 'Program of parity nonconservation measurements in francium', in Proceedings of The 3rd Workshop From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and more..., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 171 - 175,
,2006, 'Atomic Clocks and Constraints on Variation of Fundamental Constants', in Martiensen W; Warlimont H (ed.), Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Springer Publishing Company, USA, pp. 455 - 463
,2003, 'Does the Fine Structure Constant Vary? A Detailed Investigation into Systematic Effects', in The Cosmology of Extra Dimensions and Varying Fundamental Constants, Springer Netherlands, pp. 139 - 144,
,2003, 'Does the Fine Structure Constant Vary? A Third Quasar Absorption Sample Consistent with Varying α', in The Cosmology of Extra Dimensions and Varying Fundamental Constants, Springer Netherlands, pp. 127 - 137,
,1999, 'The nuclear anapole moment', in Properties of Hadrons in Matter, edn. Original, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 11 - 20