Select Publications


Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Vong GK, 2024, Manifestation of antiquark nuggets in collisions with the Earth, ,

Chamorro Y; Flambaum V; Ruiz RFG; Borschevsky A; Pašteka LF, 2024, Parity and time-reversal symmetry violation in diatomic molecules: LaO, LaS and LuO, ,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2024, High-accuracy optical clocks with sensitivity to the fine-structure constant variation based on Sm$ ^{10+} $, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2023, Migdal-type effect in the dark matter absorption process, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2023, Shift of nuclear clock transition frequency in $^{229}$Th ions due to hyperfine interaction, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2023, The Os$^{16+}$ and Ir$^{17+}$ ions as candidates for accurate optical clock sensitive to physics beyond standard model, ,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2023, A multishell solution in the Skyrme model, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2023, Calculation of hyperfine structure of erbium and fermium, ,

Caddell AR; Flambaum VV; Roberts BM, 2023, Accurate electron-recoil ionization factors for dark matter direct detection in xenon, krypton and argon, ,

Flambaum VV; Mansour AJ, 2023, Variation of the quadrupole hyperfine structure and nuclear radius due to an interaction with scalar and axion dark matter, ,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2023, Prospects for optical clocks combining high sensitivity to new physics with insensitivity to perturbations; the case of Sb$^{+}$, Au$^{+}$, and Hg$^{2+}$, ,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Vong GK, 2023, Possibility of antiquark nuggets detection using meteor searching radars, ,

Dalton F; Flambaum VV; Mansour AJ, 2023, Enhanced Schiff and magnetic quadrupole moments in deformed nuclei and their connection to the search for axion dark matter, ,

Bloch IM; Budker D; Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Sushkov AO; Tretiak O, 2023, Scalar dark matter induced oscillation of permanent-magnet field, ,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2023, Calculation of the hyperfine structure of Dy, Ho, Cf, and Es, ,

Lee C-C; Webb JK; Dougan D; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2022, Measuring the fine structure constant on white dwarf surfaces; uncertainties from continuum placement variations, ,

Lee C-C; Webb JK; Carswell RF; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Milaković D, 2022, Varying alpha, blinding, and bias in existing measurements, ,

Murphy MT; Berke DA; Liu F; Flynn C; Lehmann C; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2022, A limit on variations in the fine-structure constant from spectra of nearby Sun-like stars, ,

Flambaum VV; Munro-Laylim P, 2022, Space-time variation of the s and c quark masses, ,

Flambaum VV; Mansour AJ; Samsonov IB; Weitenberg C, 2022, Searching for scalar field dark matter with hyperfine transitions in alkali atoms, ,

Flambaum VV; Liu X; Samsonov I; Wu L; Zhu B, 2022, Probing Supersymmetry Breaking Scale with Atomic Clocks, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Munro-Laylim P, 2022, Effects of gravity in extra dimensions in atomic phenomena, ,

Flambaum VV; McAllister BT; Samsonov IB; Tobar ME, 2022, Searching for Scalar Field Dark Matter using Cavity Resonators and Capacitors, ,

Allehabi SO; Brewer SM; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Beloy K, 2022, High-accuracy optical clocks based on group 16-like highly charged ions, ,

Munro-Laylim P; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2022, Effects of the long-range neutrino-mediated force in atomic phenomena, ,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2022, Atomic clocks highly sensitive to the variation of the fine structure constant based on Hf II, Hf IV, and W VI ions, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Munro-Laylim P, 2022, Long-range parity non-conserving electron-nucleon interaction, ,

Schkolnik V; Budker D; Fartmann O; Flambaum V; Hollberg L; Kalaydzhyan T; Kolkowitz S; Krutzik M; Ludlow A; Newbury N; Pyrlik C; Sinclair L; Stadnik Y; Tietje I; Ye J; Williams J, 2022, Optical Atomic Clock aboard an Earth-orbiting Space Station (OACESS): Enhancing searches for physics beyond the standard model in space, ,

Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Murphy MT; Berke DA, 2022, Relativistic frequency shifts in Cr, Ti, Fe, Ni, Ca, Na, and V to search for variation in the fine structure constant, ,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2022, Radiation from cold molecular clouds and Sun chromosphere produced by anti-quark nugget dark matter, ,

Wei K; Ji W; Fu C; Wickenbrock A; Fang J; Flambaum V; Budker D, 2022, New Constraints on Exotic Spin-Velocity-Dependent Interactions, ,

Alonso I; Alpigiani C; Altschul B; Araujo H; Arduini G; Arlt J; Badurina L; Balaz A; Bandarupally S; Barone BCBM; Barsanti M; Bass S; Bassi A; Battelier B; Baynham CFA; Beaufils Q; Belic A; Berge J; Bernabeu J; Bertoldi A; Bingham R; Bize S; Blas D; Bongs K; Bouyer P; Braitenberg C; Brand C; Braxmaier C; Bresson A; Buchmueller O; Budker D; Bugalho L; Burdin S; Callegari LCS; Calmet X; Calonico D; Canuel B; Caramete L-I; Carraz O; Cassettari D; Chakraborty P; Chattopadhyay S; Chauhan U; Chen X; Chen Y-A; Chiofalo ML; Coleman J; Corgier R; Cotter JP; Cruise AM; Cui Y; Davies G; De Roeck A; Demarteau M; Derevianko A; Di Clemente M; Djordjevic GS; Donadi S; Dore O; Dornan P; Doser M; Drougakis G; Dunningham J; Easo S; Eby J; Elertas G; Ellis J; Evans D; Examilioti P; Fadeev P; Fanı M; Fassi F; Fattori M; Fedderke MA; Felea D; Feng C-H; Ferreras J; Flack R; Flambaum VV; Forsberg R; Fromhold M; Gaaloul N; Garraway BM; Georgousi M; Geraci A; Gibble K; Gibson V; Gill P; Giudice GF; Goldwin J; Gould O; Grachov O; Graham PW; Grasso D; Griffin PF; Guerlin C; Gundogan M; Gupta RK; Haehnelt M; Hanımeli ET; Hawkins L; Hees A; Henderson VA; Herr W; Herrmann S; Hird T; Hobson R; Hock V; Hogan JM; Holst B; Holynski M; Israelsson U; Jeglic P; Jetzer P; Juzeliunas G; Kaltenbaek R; Kamenik JF; Kehagias A; Kirova T; Kiss-Toth M; Koke S; Kolkowitz S; Kornakov G; Kovachy T; Krutzik M; Kumar M; Kumar P; Lammerzahl C; Landsberg G; Poncin-Lafitte CL; Leibrandt DR; Leveque T; Lewicki M; Li R; Lipniacka A; Liu CLM; Lopez-Gonzalez JL; Loriani S; Louko J; Luciano GG; Lundblad N; Maddox S; Mahmoud MA; Maleknejad A; March-Russell J; Massonnet D; McCabe C; Meister M; Meznarsic T; Micalizio S; Migliaccio F; Millington P; Milosevic M; Mitchell J; Morley GW; Muller J; Murphy E; Mustecaplıoglu OE; OShea V; Oi DKL; Olson J; Pal D; Papazoglou DG; Pasatembou E; Paternostro M; Pawlowski K; Pelucchi E; Santos FPD; Peters A; Pikovski I; Pilaftsis A; Pinto A; Prevedelli M; Puthiya-Veettil V; Quenby J; Rafelski J; Rasel EM; Ravensbergen C; Reguzzoni M; Richaud A; Riou I; Rothacher M; Roura A; Ruschhaupt A; Sabulsky DO; Safronova M; Saltas ID; Salvi L; Sameed M; Saurabh P; Schaffer S; Schiller S; Schilling M; Schkolnik V; Schlippert D; Schmidt PO; Schnatz H; Schneider J; Schneider U; Schreck F; Schubert C; Shayeghi A; Sherrill N; Shipsey I; Signorini C; Singh R; Singh Y; Skordis C; Smerzi A; Sopuerta CF; Sorrentino F; Sphicas P; Stadnik YV; Stefanescu P; Tarallo MG; Tentindo S; Tino GM; Tinsley JN; Tornatore V; Treutlein P; Trombettoni A; Tsai Y-D; Tuckey P; Uchida MA; Valenzuela T; Bossche MVD; Vaskonen V; Verma G; Vetrano F; Vogt C; von Klitzing W; Waller P; Walser R; Williams EWJ; Windpassinger P; Wittrock U; Wolf P; Woltmann M; Worner L; Xuereb A; Yahia M; Yazgan E; Yu N; Zahzam N; Cruzeiro EZ; Zhan M; Zou X; Zupan J; Zupanic E, 2022, Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary and Proposed Road-Map, ,

Munro-Laylim P; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2021, Nuclear polarisation and relativistic effects contributions to King plot non-linearity, ,

Fadeev P; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2021, Effects of variation of the fine structure constant $\alpha$ and quark mass $m_q$ in Mössbauer nuclear transitions, ,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2021, Thermal and annihilation radiation in the quark nugget model of dark matter, ,

Oleynichenko AV; Skripnikov LV; Zaitsevskii AV; Flambaum VV, 2021, Laser-coolable AcOH$^+$ ion for $\mathcal{CP}$-violation searches, ,

Figueroa NL; Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Budker D; Antypas D, 2021, Precision determination of isotope shifts in ytterbium and implications for new physics, ,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2021, Theoretical study of electronic structure of hafnium (Hf, Z=72) and rutherfordium (Rf, Z=104) atoms and their ions: Energy levels and hyperfine structure constants, ,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2021, Using optical clock transitions in Cu II and Yb III for time-keeping and search for new physics, ,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB, 2021, Radiation from matter-antimatter annihilation in the quark nugget model of dark matter, ,

Budker D; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Gorchtein M; Jin J; Karbstein F; Krasny MW; Litvinov YA; Pálffy A; Pascalutsa V; Petrenko A; Surzhykov A; Thirolf PG; Vanderhaeghen M; Weidenmüller HA; Zelevinsky V, 2021, Expanding Nuclear Physics Horizons with the Gamma Factory, ,

Tan HBT; Derevianko A; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2021, Atomic ionization by scalar dark matter and solar scalars, ,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Tan HBT; Viatkina AV, 2021, Nuclear polarization effects in atoms and ions, ,

Allehabi SO; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Afanasjev AV, 2020, Nuclear deformation as a source of the non-linearity of King plot in the Yb$^+$ ion, ,

Maison DE; Flambaum VV; Hutzler NR; Skripnikov LV, 2020, Electronic structure of ytterbium monohydroxide molecule to search for axionlike particles, ,

Hutzler NR; Borschevsky A; Budker D; DeMille D; Flambaum VV; Gabrielse G; Ruiz RFG; Jayich AM; Orozco LA; Ramsey-Musolf M; Reece M; Safronova MS; Singh JT; Tarbutt MR; Zelevinsky T, 2020, Searches for new sources of CP violation using molecules as quantum sensors, ,

Flambaum VV; Jin J; Budker D, 2020, Resonance photoproduction of pionic atoms at the Gamma Factory, ,

Flambaum VV; Samsonov IB; Tan HBT, 2020, Effects of $CP$-violating internucleon interactions in paramagnetic molecules, ,

Hu J; Webb JK; Ayres TR; Bainbridge MB; Barrow JD; Barstow MA; Berengut JC; Carswell RF; Dumont V; Dzuba V; Flambaum VV; Lee CC; Reindl N; Preval SP; Tchang-Brillet W-ÜL, 2020, Measuring the fine structure constant on a white dwarf surface; a detailed analysis of Fe V absorption in G191-B2B, ,

Hao Y; Navrátil P; Norrgard EB; Iliaš M; Eliav E; Timmermans RGE; Flambaum VV; Borschevsky A, 2020, Nuclear spin-dependent parity-violating effects in light polyatomic molecules, ,

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