
Faculty: Engineering
The UNSW Engine Research Laboratory

 Engine research lab facilities

Our expertise

At the UNSW Engine Research Laboratory, we experimentally investigate new powertrain technologies and alternative fuels to achieve significantly reduced air polluting emissions. We are specialists in optical/laser-based imaging diagnostics that are used to show the inner workings of engines and to enhance scientific knowledge of flow fields, turbulence, mixing, reaction and pollutant formation processes. We also conduct systematic performance and emissions testing to demonstrate new technologies and alternative fuels at a realistic condition. Our long-term research goal is carbon neutral propulsion and power generation achieved through the development of affordable and reliable powertrain technologies.


  Team DeCarice

Career advancement through PhD and MPhil study in engines:

After receiving their advanced degrees in PhD or MPhil, the graduates of the UNSW Engine Research Laboratory find researcher positions in automotive companies (FCA, Jaguar/Land Rover, BMW China etc.) and other research institutions, universities and companies ranging from energy consulting firms to banks - see at the end of this page! 

Interested in this capability development opportunity? For available positions and scholarship options, please email Professor Shawn Kook (s.kook@unsw.edu.au). He will be keen to answer any questions that you might have and can give you advice that will work the best for your background and future plan.

To potential industry partners and anyone interested in working with us:

Many of our research innovations have impacted the real world through various direct and indirect engagement with industry partners. Since the lab was established in Jul 2009, we have provided scientific and technical solutions to various global industry partners, which include Rio Tinto, Haltech and Amberpower (Australia), US Army and ONRG (USA), Imagineering (Japan), Hyundai Motor Company (Korea), SCANIA (Sweden), Sapotech (Finland), MAN Energy Solutions (Germany) and DeCarice Pty Ltd, our own startup company.

UNSW ERL Industry Partners

When you find expertise or information that you need in this website, please contact Professor Shawn Kook via email (s.kook@unsw.edu.au). He will get back to you shortly with detailed information about the work that can be delivered to you and the formation of a project with timeframe, cost, and workforce involved.

Professor Shawn Kook

 Professor Kook

Professor Sanghoon “Shawn” Kook is a member of the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and a director of the UNSW Engine Research Laboratory. He is an expert of internal combustion engine technologies with specialty in optical/laser-based imaging diagnostics, advanced engine combustion and alternative fuels. Before UNSW, Prof Kook was a post-doctoral researcher at U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories (2007-2009). Prof Kook earned his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2000), M.S. degree in Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (2002), and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2006) from KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Prof. Kook has authored over 260 journal/conference papers, which have been cited more than 7000 times. He also holds a patent about retrofitting diesel engines with hydrogen direct injection. Please find a list of his publications here.

He has received multiple fellowships and awards including SAE International Horning Memorial Award (2005), JSPS Invitational Fellowship (2011), Engineers Australia Engineering Excellence Award - Sydney Division R&D Finalist (2012), SAE International Teetor Educational Award (2013), JSPS Research Visit Fellowship (2014), SAE Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (2016 and 2018), JSPS Bridge Fellowship (2019) and ILASS Norman Chigier Reviewer Award (2020). He was elected as SAE Fellow in 2023.

He has served a member of editorial boards in several prestigious journals including Applied Thermal Engineering (Subject Editor since Apr 2021), SAE International Journal of Engines (Associate Editor since Mar 2018), Atomization and Sprays (Board member since Dec 2013) and International Journal of Automotive Technology (Editor Jan 2021 - Oct 2023).

He is a member of the School Research Committee. He is a former Postgraduate Research Coordinator for the School (2020 - 2023), managing the progress and completion of MPhil/PhD candidates. He is a former Director of Research for the School (2013 - 2017). On this role, he established a new research committee and led it, and performed strategic planning, research data collection and analysis, strategic hiring of academic staff, redeveloping the School research groups, formulating promotional materials, and presentation of research highlights to VIP visitors.

Contact Prof Shawn Kook at s.kook@unsw.edu.au


Research Associates


Xinyu Liu 

Dr Xinyu Liu, Research Associate (Nov 2023 - present)

Research Expertise:
GCI engines, Hydrogen-Diesel Dual-Direct Injection engines

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2024
Thesis title: "Hydrogen direct injection in diesel engines for improved efficiency and exhaust cleanliness"

MPhil. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2020
Thesis title: "Influence of triple injection strategy, exhaust gas recirculation and e-boosting on performance and emissions in a gasoline compression ignition (GCI) engine"
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2017
Contact: xinyu.liu2@unsw.edu.au


Dongchan Kim 

Dr Dongchan Kim, Research Associate (Jun 2021 - present)

Research Expertise:
Endoscopic HS-PIV (eHS-PIV), In-flame soot particles of petrol engines, Optical engine development 

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2021
Thesis Title: "In-flame soot particle structures and in-cylinder flow fields in direct-injection spark-ignition engines."
Research Assistant, The UNSW Engine Research Laboratory, Jul 2016 - Feb 2018
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2015-2016
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, 2013
Contact: h.d.kim@unsw.edu.au


Postgraduate Research Students


Paul Volcokas


Paulius (Paul) Volčokas, Research Practicum student (Feb 2025 - present)

​Research Topic:

Hydrogen split-injection for heavy-duty engine applications


MSc. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe) 2025

BSc. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe) 2023

Contact: p.volcokas@student.tue.nl


 Yifan Zhao, MPhil Candidate

(Chris) Yifan Zhao, PhD Candidate (Feb 2025 - present)

Thesis Topic:
Hydrogen injection and combustion strategies for heavy-duty engine applications

MPhil, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2024
Thesis Title: "Methanol-diesel dual direct injection for heavy-duty engines"
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2022 
B.E. Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, China University of Petroleum (East China), 2020
Contact: chris.zhao@student.unsw.edu.au


Alastar Heaton, PhD Candidate

Alastar Heaton, PhD Candidate (May 2023 - present)

Thesis Topic:
Hydrogen-diesel direct injection in a large bore optical diesel engine

B.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2020
Honours Thesis title: "Visualisation of High-Pressure Hydrogen Jet Flame-Wall Interaction under Simulated Direct-Injection Compression Ignition Engine Conditions"
Contact: alastar.heaton@unsw.edu.au


ChengHua Zhang, PhD Candidate

Chenghua Zhang, PhD Candidate (Apr 2023 - present)

Thesis Topic:
Endoscopic imaging diagnostics of hydrogen and ammonia direct injection spark ignition engines

B.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2022
Honours Thesis Title: "Effect of compression ratio and injection timing on flame propagation of high-efficiency lean burn direct-injection spark-ignition engines"
Contact: chenghua.zhang@unsw.edu.au


Jinxin Yang, a MPhil candidate 

Jinxin Yang, PhD Candidate (Feb 2022-present)

Thesis Topic:
Energy assisted combustion of renewable jet fuels in an optical compression ignition engine

MPhil, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2021
Thesis Title: "Application of flame image velocimetry for flow field and turbulence analysis in an optical diesel engine."
B.E. Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2017
Contact: jinxin.yang@unsw.edu.au


Jiale Cao

Jiale CaoPhD Candidate (Sep 2021 - present)

Thesis Topic:
Wall heat transfer of impinging flames for increased engine thermal efficiency


MSc, Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2021
Thesis Title: "Simulation modeling and performance optimization of a large-bore natural gas engine."
B.E.  Engineering Mechanics, Zheng Zhou University, 2017
Contact: jiale.cao@unsw.edu.au

Current honours/masters students

Ariel Heilpern, Feb 2025 - date, E-supercharging effects on hydrogen-diesel hybrid engines

Fred Simpfendorfer, Feb 2025 - date, Endoscopic gas jet imaging in a multi-cylinder hydrogen direct injection engine

Ian De Yan Loi, Feb 2025 - date, Fuel injection strategies in a rotary engine

Wei Heng Lim, Feb 2025 - date, Pressure measurements and analysis in a rotary engine

Gunwaan Sidhu, Feb 2025 - date, A rotary engine for extended range electric vehicles

Lincoln "Marley" Shaw-McHenry, May 2024 - date, Port and direct strategies in rotary engines

Ruihan Gao, May 2024 - date, Developing research rotary engines for extended range hybrid applications

More than 150 students graduated since 2010.


Research Areas

  • Carbon neutral fuels: hydrogen, methanol, ammonia, ethanol, biodiesel...

Through optical diagnostics and systematic engine testing, we can evaluate how differently alternative fuels produced from carbon neutral sources perform in an engine. Also, various fuel compositions enable us to study the molecular structure effect on pollutant formation process. As there are an increasing number of fuel options available (such as hydrogen, methanol, ammonia, bio-ethanol and biodiesel), increasing demands on research are expected.

  • Fluid mechanics for high-efficiency engines

The internal combustion engine offers very challenging fluid mechanics problems due to its highly turbulent and transient nature. Accordingly, limited data is available especially in a practical engine environment. We are world leaders in measuring flow fields and turbulence, and finding their impact on engine efficiency and pollutant formation.

  • Fundamentals of engine combustion and pollutants formation

We clarify physical mechanisms responsible for mixing and combustion in internal combustion engines. Advanced optical/laser-based imaging diagnostics are performed to obtain a detailed understanding of complex reaction and pollutants formation processes occurring inside the cylinder of the engine. This scientific approach leads to the development of new combustion regimes that can achieve dramatic emissions reduction and efficiency gain, often together with battery powered electric drives.


Research Projects

26 Externally Funded Projects with worth $15.53 millions since 2011 including:

  • Endoscopic spray and flame visualisation for enhancing ammonia combustion in a multi-cylinder spark-ignition engine, funded by Hyundai Motor Company, awarded in 2024.

  • Novel ignition approaches for improved hydrogen ignition, funded by SCANIA, awarded in 2024.

  • Retrofitting technology development for mining engines with hydrogen-diesel hybrid operations, funded by Department of Education's Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy (TRaCE) and Rio Tinto, awarded in 2023.

  • Towards enhanced fundamental understanding of energy-assisted compression ignition engines operating with alcohol-to-jet fuels, funded by US Army Research Lab and ITC-IPAC, awarded in 2022.

  • Hydrogen low pressure direct injection (H2LPDI) engine development through in-cylinder optical diagnostics, funded by Hyundai Motor Company, awarded in 2022.

  • Euro 7 engine design using endoscopic high-speed imaging for enhanced turbulent flow and flames, funded by Hyundai Motor Company, awarded in 2021.

  • Robust ignition of low reactivity fuels using pilot injection and ignition assistance plug technology in compress-ignition engines, funded by US Army Research Lab and ITC-PAC, awarded in 2020. 

  • Design optimisation of combustion chamber through flow/flame imaging diagnostics, funded by Hyundai Motor Company, awarded in 2019.

  • Enabling efficient, affordable and robust use of renewable hydrogen in transport and power generation, funded by Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and MAN Energy Solutions, 2018.

  • Understanding combustion in gasoline compression ignition conditions, funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project, 2018.

  • Novel diagnostics capabilities in reacting, particle-laden flows, funded by the ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities, 2018.

  • Combustion fundamentals of multi-fuel capable compression ignition engines, funded by US Army Research Lab and ITC-PAC, 2018.

  • Innovative generation of low cost, zero-emission, reliable electricity, funded by Department of Industry, Innovation and Science Cooperative Research Centres Projects, 2018.

  • Flow/combustion evaluation of high tumble GDI engines, funded by Hyundai Motor Company, 2018.

  • Spatial distributions and particle structure of in-bowl soot in a diesel engine, funded by US Army Research Lab and ITC-PAC, 2017.

  • Microwave-generated plasma combustion, funded by the ARC Linkage Project partnered with Imagineering, Kobe, Japan, 2016.

  • Flame-wall interactions in diesel engine environment, funded by the ARC Discovery Project, 2015.

  • Fuel spray development and flame propagation in an optical gasoline engine, funded by the ARC Linkage Project partnered with Haltech, 2014.

  • Combustion and soot of biodiesel in an optical diesel engine, funded by the US Naval Office of Research Global, 2014.

  • In-cylinder soot sampling and particle shape and structure analysis in an automotive-size diesel engine, funded by the ARC Discovery Project, 2011.

  • Dual-fuelling of ethanol and diesel in an automotive-size compression-ignition engine, funded by the ARC Linkage Project partnered with Haltech, 2011.

  • Fuel and thermal stratification in a homogenous-charge compression-ignition engine, funded by the ARC Discovery Project, 2011.

  • Multi-dimensional, high-speed laser imaging facility for fluids and combustion, funded by the ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities, 2011.


Equipment and Facilities

  • Three optically-accessible single-cylinder compression-ignition engines (107-mm bore, 83-mm bore and 77.8 mm bore)Full Optical CI engine 83 mm bore
  • Full Optical CI engine with 77.2 mm bore


  • Optically accessible single-cylinder petrol (gasoline) engine with a direct-injection spark-ignition (DISI) systemOptical petrol engine


  • Endoscope multi-cylinder optical petrol engine for time-resolved flow field imaging at up to 5000 rpm
    Endoscope SI engine


  • Two single-cylinder compression-ignition engines (100-mm bore and 83-mm bore engine) for performance and emissions testing
    equipped with Ecotech NOx analyser, Horiba opacimeter, Horiba CO/HC analyser

single cylinder performance test CI engine



  • Diagnostic tools

Bosch tube-type injection rate meter

Sirah CobraStretch

SpectraPhysics Quanta-Ray PRO-230

Quantronix Hawk-Duo

Litron LDY303HE 

Thorlabs high-power LED

Lavision Nanostar

InvisibleVisible UVi 2550-10-S20

2 x VisionResearch Phantom v7.3

Photron Fastcam SA-X2

Photron Fastcam Nova S20


Alumni of the UNSW Engine Research Laboratory


Rongying Tian, MPhil Candidate 
Rongying Tian,
MPhil Candidate (Jun 2020 - May 2022)

MPhil, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2022 (in thesis examination)
Thesis title: "Effect of aromatics on in-flame soot in a jet fuelled small-bore optical diesel engine"
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, Sep 2019 - May 2020 
B.E. Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Northeast Forestry University, 2019

Yuwei Lu, MPhil Candidate 

Yuwei Lu, MPhil Candidate (Feb 2020 - Apr 2022), Research Assistant (May - Aug 2022)

MPhil, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2022 (in thesis examination)
Thesis title: "Application of flame image velocimetry for flame front growth and turbulence analysis in an optical direct-injection spark-ignition engine"
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2018-2019 
B.E. Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, 2018
Career Path: Researcher at Power Research Institute of CSSC Power


Dr Pedro Marti 
Dr Pedro Marti Gomez-Aldaravi, Visiting Fellow (Jun - Aug 2022)

Dr Marti is an associate professor at UPV Universitat Politècnica de València and a visiting fellow at UNSW. His expertise lies in CFD calculations of injection systems (nozzle flow and sprays), phase-change, atomization, and mixing. He received his PhD in Aerospace Engineering (2014), MSc in Internal Combustion Engines (2012) and B.S. in Aerospace Engineering (2010) from UPV.



Rutger Stob, a practicum research student 

Rutger Stob, Practicum Research Student (May - Aug 2022)

Research topic: High-speed imaging in an optical diesel engine

Master, Automotive Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland, 2019-present
B.E., Hanze University of Applied Science, Netherland, 2015-19


Lingzhe Rao 

Dr Lingzhe Rao, Research Associate (Oct 2019 - Sep 2021), PhD Candidate (Mar 2016 - Sep 2019)

Postdoctoral research area: Endoscopic HS-PIV, Planar laser-based imaging diagnostics (OH and soot)

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2020
Thesis Title: "In-cylinder soot oxidation in an optically accessible automotive diesel engine"
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2016
Career Path: Senior Researcher at Monash University


Dr Ales Srna 

Dr Ales Srna, Research Associate (Apr 2019 - Sep 2020)

Postdoctoral research area: hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel combustion engine testing and CVCC diagnostics

Doctor of science, Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2018
Thesis Title: "Experimental Characteristics of Pilot-Fuel Ignition, Combustion, and Soot Formation in Dual-Fuel Combustion Systems"
MSc. Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2014
Thesis Title: "CMC combustion model applied to marine diesel spray combustion"
BSc. in Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011
Career Path: Sandia National Laboratories, CA, USA


YiLong Zhang 

Dr YiLong Zhang, Research Associate (Sep 2017 - Aug 2020), PhD Candidate (Mar 2014 - Aug 2017)

Postdoctoral research area: Spray, combustion and soot diagnostics of multi-fuel capable compression ignition engines

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2017
Thesis Title: "Nanostructure analysis of in-flame and exhaust soot particles in an optical diesel engine"
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, RMIT, 2013
Career Path: Propulsion System Specialist, Department of Defence, Australia


Monica Chi 
Dr Tzi-Chieh (Monica) Chi, PhD Candidate (Mar 2015 - Mar 2019)

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2019
Thesis Title: "LED-based thermographic phosphorescence imaging in a diesel engine environment"
M.E. Aerospace Engineering, UNSW, 2015
B.E. Aerospace Engineering, UNSW, 2011
Career Path: Change Analyst at Macquarie Bank

 Harsh Goyal

Dr Harsh Goyal, PhD Candidate (Aug 2015 - Mar 2019)

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2019
Thesis Title: "Double injection strategy in a small-bore gasoline compression ignition engine"
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 2014
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, 2012
Career Path: Researcher at Jaguar/Land Rover, Coventry, UK

Lewis Clark 

Dr Lewis G. Clark, Research Associate (Sep 2017 - Mar 2019), PhD Candidate (Mar 2014 - Aug 2017)

Postdoctoral Research Area: Direct-injection petrol engines, High-speed flow diagnostics, Performance analysis of turbo-machines and power generators 

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2018
Thesis Title: "Flame propagation, flow field, and turbulence analysis in an optical spark-ignition direct-injection engine"
B.E. Aerospace Engineering, UNSW, 2013
Career Path: Technical Accountant Manager at LEAP Australia

Dr Minh Khoi Le  

Dr Minh Khoi Le, Research Consultant (Nov 2017- Nov 2018), PhD Candidate (Mar 2012 - Aug 2015)

Postdoctoral Research Area: Endoscopic PIV diagnostics

PhD Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2015
Thesis Title: "Understanding the development of a reacting fuel jet inside an automotive-size diesel engine using optical and laser-based diagnostics" 
B.E. Mechatronics Engineering, UNSW, 2011
Career Path: Research Analyst at Rystad Energy

Yi Gao 

Yi Gao, Visiting Researcher, CSC Fellow (Mar 2017 - Feb 2018)

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineer, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2014-present
M.E. Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2013
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2011

Hu Chien Su 

Hu C. (Hugh) Su, ME Candidate (Jul 2015 - Dec 2017)

M.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2019
Thesis Title: "The effects of microwave generated plasma on in-cylinder hydroxyl and soot development in an optical diesel engine"
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2015
Career Path: Engineer at Bridgestone Australia

Dr Renlin Zhang

Dr Renlin Zhang, Research Associate (Sep 2014 - Aug 2016), PhD Candidate (Jul 2011 - Aug 2014)

Postdoctoral Research Area: Soot particle morphology, Laser diagnostics in optical engines, Biodiesel combustion 

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2014
Thesis Title: "Soot Particle Sampling and Morphology Analysis in an Optically Accessible Diesel Engine"
M.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2011 

B.E. Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai, China, 2007
Career Path: Diesel Calibration Engineer at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Michigan, USA 

Dr Bryan Woo 

Dr Changhwan (Bryan) Woo, Research Associate (Sep-Dec 2015), PhD Candidate (Dec 2011 - Aug 2015)

Postdoctoral Research Area: Biofuels, Engine Combustion, Gasoline Compression Ignition
Experience / Education:
PhD Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2015
Thesis Title: "Combustion strategies for the increased use of biofuels in a small-bore diesel engine" 
Engineer-ECU, GM-Korea, 1.0-litre Chevy Spark engine and 2.0 litre Chevy Orlando engine, 2008-2011
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Hongik University, Korea, 2008
Career Path: Research Engineer at DSI Holdings Pty. Ltd.

Yongming Bao

Yongming Bao, ME Candidate (Jul 2011 - Sep 2013)

M.E. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2013
Thesis Title: "Effect of Injection Pressure on Ethanol and Gasoline Sprays in a Spark-Ignition Direct-Injection Engine"
B.E. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Qingdao Technology University, China, 2010
Career Path: Assistant Manager at BMW Group Powertrain R&D, Beijing, China

Dr Shaun Chan

Dr Qing Nian (Shaun) Chan, Research Associate (May 2012 - Jun 2013)
Postdoctoral Research Area: Spray development of gasoline, ethanol, and iso-octane in an optical SIDI engine

Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, 2011
B.E. Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, 2006
Career Path: Lecturer at UNSW Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

 Dr Alvin Rusly

Dr Alvin Rusly, PhD Candidate (Mar 2010 - Mar 2013)

PhD. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2013
Thesis Title: "The Transiency of In-Cylinder Flame Development in an Automotive-Size Diesel Engine"
B.E. Manufacturing and Management Engineering, UNSW, 2010
Career Path: Data and Analytics Consultant at Empirics


Dr Srinivas Padala

Dr Srinivas Padala, Research Associate (Apr - July 2013), PhD Candidate (Aug 2009 - Feb 2013)

Postdoctoral Research Area: Fuels effect on compression-ignition engine combustion and emissions
Education / Experience:
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UNSW, 2013
Thesis Title: "Ethanol port injection and dual-fuel combustion in a common-rail diesel engine"
Senior Engineer-CAE, GM Technical Centre-India, 2008-09
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, India, 2007
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University, India, 2005

Career Path: Researcher at Indian Institute of Petroleum

Key contact

+61 2 9385 4091