Select Publications

Journal articles

Lin Y; Hadadpour A; Zhai G; Kook S; Chan QN, 2025, 'Hydrogen Split Injection at Replicated Compression-Ignition Engine Conditions', Energy and Fuels,

Yip HL; Zhai G; Rorimpandey P; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2024, 'Experimental study of laser-ignited hydrogen jet flame evolution under simulated direct-injection diesel engine conditions', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 93, pp. 1060 - 1070,

Zhao Y; Liu X; Kook S, 2024, 'Effect of three-hole nozzle orientations on sprays and combustion in methanol-diesel dual direct injection engines', Applied Thermal Engineering, 254,

Zhao Y; Liu X; Kook S, 2024, 'Combustion Mode Evaluation of a Methanol-Diesel Dual Direct Injection Engine with a Control of Injection Timing and Energy Substitution Ratio', SAE International Journal of Engines, 18,

Li J; Wang C; Zhai G; Li Q; Lim SH; Abdoli S; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'Evaluating the techno-economic feasibility of hydrogen-fuelled reciprocating engines for renewable base-load power generation', Energy Conversion and Management, 311,

Rorimpandey P; Zhai G; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2024, 'Effects of jet interaction angle on the ignition and combustion characteristics of hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel direct injection', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 67, pp. 172 - 191,

Liu X; Yang L; Chan QN; Kook S, 2024, 'Split injection strategies for a high-pressure hydrogen direct injection in a small-bore dual-fuel diesel engine', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 57, pp. 904 - 917,

Wan Q; Lin Y; Zhai G; Wang C; Medwell PR; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'Ignition and Combustion Characterization of Hydrogen/Methane Blends in Direct-Injection Compression-Ignition Conditions', Energy and Fuels, 38, pp. 1383 - 1398,

Rorimpandey P; Zhai G; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2024, 'Effects of energy-share and ambient oxygen concentration on hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel direct-injection (H2DDI) combustion in compression-ignition conditions', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 49, pp. 1346 - 1361,

Cao J; Zhou X; Chen R; Li S; Kook S; Li T, 2024, 'Characteristics of the transient heat transfer of impinging flames and correlation analysis using a new characteristic velocity under CI engine-like conditions', Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40,

Li J; Wang C; Abdoli S; Yuen ACY; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'Economic burden of transport related pollution in Australia', Journal of Transport and Health, 34,

Kim D; Zhang CH; Kim Y; Woo Lee S; Baek HK; Kook S, 2024, 'Gas jet structure effects on fuel concentrations and flames in a hydrogen low-pressure direct-injection spark-ignition engine', International Journal of Engine Research,

Kim D; Wan Q; Chan QN; Kobashi Y; Kawahara N; Kook S, 2024, 'Hydrogen concentration measurements using spark induced breakdown spectroscopy in a real engine', Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40,

Lucchini T; Schirru A; Mehl M; D'Errico G; Rorimpandey P; Chan QN; Kook S; Hawkes ER, 2024, 'Modeling hydrogen–diesel dual direct injection combustion with FGM and transported PDF', Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40,

Kim D; Rao L; Kook S; Lee SW; Baek HK, 2023, 'The effect of intake port shape on in-cylinder flow field and turbulence distribution in a high-tumble production engine with endoscope accesses', International Journal of Engine Research, 24, pp. 4154 - 4168,

Lu Y; Zhang C; Kook S, 2023, 'Flame Front Vector and Turbulence Analysis for Varied Equivalence Ratios in an Optical Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine', SAE International Journal of Engines, 16,

Li A; Weng J; Yuen ACY; Wang W; Liu H; Lee EWM; Wang J; Kook S; Yeoh GH, 2023, 'Machine learning assisted advanced battery thermal management system: A state-of-the-art review', Journal of Energy Storage, 60,

Wan Q; Zhai G; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Medwell PR; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2023, 'A parametric investigation of methane jets in direct-injection compression-ignition conditions', Fuel, 334,

Yip HL; Srna A; Zhai G; Wehrfritz A; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2023, 'Laser-induced plasma-ignited hydrogen jet combustion in engine-relevant conditions', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48, pp. 1568 - 1581,

Rorimpandey P; Yip HL; Srna A; Zhai G; Wehrfritz A; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2023, 'Hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel direct-injection (H2DDI) combustion under compression-ignition engine conditions', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48, pp. 766 - 783,

Wan Q; Zhai G; Wang C; Evans MJ; Medwell PR; Yuen ACY; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2023, 'Parametric Study of Autoigniting Hydrogen-Methane Jets in Direct-Injection Engine Conditions', Energy and Fuels, 37, pp. 644 - 656,

Liu H; Cachinho Cordeiro IMD; Yin Yuen AC; Chan QN; Kook S; Yeoh GH, 2023, 'Application of multi-parametric characterization to water-based fire suppression systems in compartment fire scenarios', Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications, 83, pp. 1111 - 1129,

Tian R; Kook S; Iljima K; Aizawa T; Kim KS; Kweon CB, 2022, 'In-flame soot structure of a jet fuel with 24% aromatics in a small-bore optical compression-ignition engine', Combustion and Flame, 246,

Li A; Yuen ACY; Wang W; Weng J; Lai CS; Kook S; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Thermal Propagation Modelling of Abnormal Heat Generation in Various Battery Cell Locations', Batteries, 8,

Liu X; Seberry G; Kook S; Chan QN; Hawkes ER, 2022, 'Direct injection of hydrogen main fuel and diesel pilot fuel in a retrofitted single-cylinder compression ignition engine', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, pp. 35864 - 35876,

Liu H; Wen C; Yuen ACY; Han Y; Cheung SCP; Kook S; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'A novel thermal management system for battery packs in hybrid electrical vehicles utilising waste heat recovery', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 195, pp. 123199,

Lu Y; Morris S; Kook S, 2022, 'Effects of injection pressure on the flame front growth in an optical direct injection spark ignition engine', Applied Thermal Engineering, 214,

Rao L; Kook S; Kim KS; Kweon CB, 2022, 'Application of pilot injection strategies for enhanced ignition and combustion of a low reactivity fuel in a compression-ignition engine', Applied Thermal Engineering, 213,

Li A; Yuen ACY; Wang W; Chen TBY; Lai CS; Yang W; Wu W; Chan QN; Kook S; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Neural Network for Optimization Design of Battery Thermal Management System', Batteries, 8, pp. 69,

Yip HL; Srna A; Wehrfritz A; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2022, 'A parametric study of autoigniting hydrogen jets under compression-ignition engine conditions', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, pp. 21307 - 21322,

Yuen ACY; Chen TBY; De Cachinho Cordero IM; Liu H; Li A; Yang W; Cheung SCP; Chan QN; Kook S; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Developing a solid decomposition kinetics extraction framework for detailed chemistry pyrolysis and combustion modelling of building polymer composites', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 163,

Zhai G; Xing S; Yuen ACY; Medwell PR; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2022, 'Laser ignition of iso-octane and n-heptane jets under compression-ignition conditions', Fuel, 311, pp. 122555,

Lu Y; Kim D; Yang J; Kook S, 2021, 'Flame Image Velocimetry Analysis of Flame Front Turbulence and Growth Rate in an Optical Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine', SAE International Journal of Engines, 15, pp. 671 - 687,

Tian R; Zhang Y; Kook S; Kim KS; Kweon CB, 2021, 'Effect of jet fuel aromatics on in-flame soot distribution and particle morphology in a small-bore compression ignition engine', Fuel, 305, pp. 121582,

Zhai G; Xing S; Srna A; Wehrfritz A; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2021, 'Ignition and flame stabilisation of primary reference fuel sprays at engine-relevant conditions', Combustion and Flame, 233, pp. 111620,

Yang J; Rao L; De Silva C; Kook S, 2021, 'The Application of Flame Image Velocimetry to After-injection Effects on Flow Fields in a Small-Bore Diesel Engine', SAE International Journal of Engines, 15, pp. 321 - 333,

Yang J; Rao L; Zhang Y; de Silva C; Kook S, 2021, 'Flame image velocimetry analysis of reacting jet flow fields with a variation of injection pressure in a small-bore diesel engine', International Journal of Engine Research, 22, pp. 2968 - 2981,

Kim D; Zhang YL; Kook S, 2021, 'Influence of wall-wetting conditions on in-flame and exhaust soot structures in a spark ignition direct injection petrol engine', International Journal of Engine Research, 22, pp. 1958 - 1973,

Zhang Y; Tian R; Meng S; Kook S; Kim KS; Kweon CB, 2021, 'Effect of the jet fuel cetane number on combustion in a small-bore compression-ignition engine', Fuel, 292, pp. 120301,

Zhang YL; Kook S; Kim KS; Kweon CB, 2021, 'Assessments of Pressure-Based Ignition Delay Measurements of Various Cetane Number Fuels in a Small-Bore Compression Ignition Engine', SAE International Journal of Engines, 14, pp. 683 - 695,

Rao L; Zhang Y; Kook S; Kim KS; Kweon CB, 2021, 'Understanding the soot reduction associated with injection timing variation in a small-bore diesel engine', International Journal of Engine Research, 22, pp. 1001 - 1015,

Liu H; Yuen ACY; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Han Y; Yuan Chen TB; Chan QN; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chen T, 2021, 'A novel stochastic approach to study water droplet/flame interaction of water mist systems', Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications, 79, pp. 570 - 593,

Malmborg V; Eriksson A; Gren L; Török S; Shamun S; Novakovic M; Zhang Y; Kook S; Tunér M; Bengtsson PE; Pagels J, 2021, 'Characteristics of BrC and BC emissions from controlled diffusion flame and diesel engine combustion', Aerosol Science and Technology, 55, pp. 769 - 784,

Kim D; Rao L; Kook S; Oh H; Lee SW; Baek HK, 2021, 'Flow directed spark stretch and flame propagation in a high-tumble production engine', International Journal of Engine Research, 23, pp. 2046 - 2059,

Liu X; Srna A; Yip HL; Kook S; Chan QN; Hawkes ER, 2021, 'Performance and emissions of hydrogen-diesel dual direct injection (H2DDI) in a single-cylinder compression-ignition engine', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46, pp. 1302 - 1314,

Kim D; Kook S; Kusakari R; Shinohara K; Iijima K; Aizawa T, 2021, 'Soot particles in piston-top pool fires and exhaust at 5 and 15 MPa injection pressure in a gasoline direct-injection engine', Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38, pp. 5761 - 5768,

Yang J; Rao L; de Silva C; Kook S, 2021, 'The influence of inter-jet spacing and jet-swirl interaction on flame image velocimetry (FIV) derived flow fields in a small-bore diesel engine', International Journal of Engine Research, 23, pp. 2060 - 2072,

Xing S; Zhai G; Mo H; Medwell PR; Yuen ACY; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2020, 'Study of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Consecutive Injections with iso-Octane and n-Heptane as Fuels', Energy and Fuels, 34, pp. 14741 - 14756,

Zhai G; Xing S; Yuen ACY; Yeoh GH; Chan QN; Kook S; Yang W, 2020, 'Spray and Combustion Characteristics of Gasoline-like Fuel under Compression-Ignition Conditions', Energy and Fuels, 34, pp. 16585 - 16598,

Yip HL; Srna A; Liu X; Kook S; Hawkes ER; Chan QN, 2020, 'Visualization of hydrogen jet evolution and combustion under simulated direct-injection compression-ignition engine conditions', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45, pp. 32562 - 32578,

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