iNvestigate: online patient simulations for education in the rational use of investigations.

This project focuses on requesters of Pathology investigations. Initially, it was primarily aimed at doctors undertaking prevocational training years, but it is now being extended to general practice registrars and advanced trainees in respiratory medicine. The interactive website that has been developed provides a case-based simulation environment, with a high-quality interface for both users and educators. Case studies progressively reveal clinical information and results of investigations. Test ordering is linked to data from key existing resources, notably including the RCPA Manual for Pathology test information and the Medicare Benefits Schedule for cumulative indication of costs. At the end of each case, users are provided feedback via comparison with an expert's approach. This educational resource aims to promote the cost-effective, timely and clinically appropriate requesting of investigations.

Project team

Key contact

(+61) [0]2 9385 2535