Reducing the health, social and economic burden of injecting drug use in Australia

Centre for Research Exellence into Injecting Drug Use (CREIDU)

Injecting drug use is a behaviour strongly associated with other highly marginalised characteristics such as imprisonment, blood borne virus infections, homelessness and mental illness. This Centre for Research Excellence is focussed on injecting drug use and draws together a number of innovative studies about injecting drug use, plus provides seed funds for new projects. The Centre provides a mechanism for research translation to key stakeholders including consumers, policy makers and practitioners.

Project team

Professor Alison Ritter
Arts, Design & Architecture
Professor Lisa Maher
Medicine & Health

Project collaborators: External

Professor Paul Dietze
(Centre for Population Health, Burnet Institute)
Professor Margaret Hellard
(Centre for Population Health, Burnet Institute)
Dr Stuart Kinner
(Centre for Population Health, Burnet Institute)
Professor Dan Lubman
(Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Monash University)
Professor David Moore
(National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University)
Professor Robert Power
(Centre for Population Health, Burnet Institute)
Professor Gail Williams
(School of Population Health, University of Queensland)

Key contact

Arts, Design & Architecture
02 9385 0236