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Professor Sami Kara

Faculty: Engineering

Professor Sami Kara is a researcher and a lecturer in the School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW.
Dr Yincai Zhou

Faculty: Engineering

Professional Officer in Surveying & Geospatial Engineering School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW SYDNEY Chief Remote Pilot, UNSW SYDNEY
Professor Linlin Ge

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Signal Processing, Geomatic Engineering, Image Processing, Sensory Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing not elsewhere classified, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
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Linlin is currently a Professor of remote sensing and earth observation in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia.
Professor Sri Parameswaran

Faculty: Engineering

Sri Parameswaran is
Dr Craig Roberts

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Geodesy, Surveying (incl. Hydrographic Surveying), Navigation and Position Fixing, Geospatial Information Systems

Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research interest
Emeritus Professor Paul Carter Hagan

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering, Mining Engineering
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Paul Hagan is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering engaged in research and teaching activities at UNSW since 1998.
Professor Eliathamby Ambikairajah

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Signal processing, Deep learning, Speech recognition, Neural networks, Engineering education

Professor Eliathamby Ambikairajah BSc (Eng), PhD, FIET, CEng, FIEAust, CPEng, SMIEEE
Dr Henner Kampwerth

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Optical Physics
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Dr Henner Kampwerth is the ACAP Optics and Characterisation Program Leader at UNSW Sydney.
Professor Michael Manefield

Faculty: Engineering

Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr Alan David Blair

Faculty: Engineering

Dr Alan Blair is a Senior Lecturer with the School of Computer Science and Engineering.
Professor Thorsten Trupke

Faculty: Engineering

Professor Thorsten Trupke is the Deputy Director of the ARC Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering.
Associate Professor Anita Wing Yi Ho-Baillie

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Photodetectors, Optical Sensors and Solar Cells, Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (excl. Textiles), Compound Semiconductors, Composite and Hybrid Materials

Anita Ho-Baillie is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering.
Professor Ziv Hameiri

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Photovoltaic power systems
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Ziv Hameiri received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, in 2005 (Graduated Summa Cum Laud
Associate Professor Lauren Kark

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Biomechanics, Medical Devices, Biomechanical Engineering
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Deputy Head (Academic) Associate Professor        
Emeritus Professor Graham Lindsay Morrison

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Mechanical Engineering
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Qualifications 1967 BE: Mechanical Engineering, University of Melbourne
Dr Siyuan Chen

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
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Dr. Siyuan Chen obtained the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from UNSW Sydney.
Professor Ismet Canbulat

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Mining Engineering