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Dr Mona Ziaeyan Bahri

Faculty: Operations Division
Fields of Research (FoR): Applied mathematics, Time series and spatial modelling, Natural hazards, Curriculum and pedagogy, Higher education
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Dr Mona Bahri is an Associate Lecturer in the School of Science, UNSW Canberra.    Research Interests: 
Dr Isaac Towers

Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Fields of Research (FoR): Applied mathematics, Numerical and computational mathematics, Dynamical systems in applications, Bioinformatic methods development, Forestry fire management

Dr Isaac Towers is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences at UNSW Canberra.
Professor Adelle Coster

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Applied mathematics, Biological mathematics, Dynamical systems in applications
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I am an applied mathematician.  I use dynamical systems analyses, stochastic modelling and queueing theory, amongst other techniques to answer questions arising from fields other than mathemat
Dr Methma Rajamuni

Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Fields of Research (FoR): Mechanical engineering, Applied mathematics, Fluid-structure interaction and aeroacoustics
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I am a passionate research scientist, applied mathematician, and mechanical engineer dedicated to exploring dynamic systems.
Dr Michael Watson

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Applied mathematics, Biological mathematics, Modelling and simulation
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I am a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. My research is in mathematical and computational modelling of biological and physical systems.
Associate Professor Eric C.K. Cheung

Faculty: Business
Fields of Research (FoR): Insurance studies, Stochastic analysis and modelling, Operations research, Applied mathematics

I obtained BSc (Actuarial Science) degree from the University of Hong Kong and got MMath (Actuarial Science) and PhD (Actuarial Science) degrees from the University of Waterloo.