Curating Cities: The Social and Ecological Potential of Public Art Practice
This project evaluates the means and benefits of leveraging the arts to address the challenge of eco-sustainability. Ecological art practice is emerging globally but how and under what conditions does it positively transform environments, behaviour or patterns of consumption?
iNvestigate: online patient simulations for education in the rational use of investigations.
This project focuses on requesters of Pathology investigations. Initially, it was primarily aimed at doctors undertaking prevocational training years, but it is now being extended to general practice registrars and advanced trainees in respiratory medicine.
Cancer epidemiology in high-risk populations and complex cancers.
My research program aims to better understand the causes of cancer and factors that influence outcomes after cancer diagnosis.
Roof-mounted CST System for distribute generation of heating, cooling and electricity.
The aim of the project is to develop and commercialise an improved roof-mounted hybrid solar concentrator PV/thermal (CPVT) product for the cost-effective delivery of solar hea
The contribution of subunit interfaces to receptor activation in ligand gated ion channels
This project seeks to provide insights into new mechanisms that could be used to enhance or inhibit neuronal signalling. The family of pentameric neurotransmitter receptors that are key components in the process of neuronal signalling and are the target of this study.
Legal Culture, Work Stress and Professional Practice: A Study of Australian Lawyers
A number of recent surveys have highlighted the prevalence of mental health and wellbeing issues among Australian lawyers. This project will be the first systematic empirical research on the culture and practice of Australian lawyers.
Chronic pain in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
Chronic pain is a common debilitating symptom affecting between 50% and 80% of MS patients. However, despite its widespread occurrence, chronic pain is a rarely studied symptom of this disease.
Gtf2ird1 and the molecular and cellular basis of human behaviour
Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) is a neurdevelopmental genetic disorder characterized by specific cognitive and behavioural defects resulting in a unique debilitating personality profile.
The genetic control of skin proliferation in the face
The human face is a highly complex structure and the finished physiognomy and skin surface is of deep social and psychological significance because so much of human social behaviour is focused on facial recognition, the language of facial expression and the subjective perception of facial beauty.
The role of epigenetic modifications in longterm memory of irradiation in cancer survivors
Improvements in childhood cancer treatments have lead to a survival rate of more than 80%, but 2/3 of the survivors further develop at least one severe complication, notably metabolic disorders. Radiation therapy seems to be the most prominent risk factor.
Role of post-translational modifications in mitochondria in the regulation of lipid accumulation and insulin action
Mitochondria are the major site for fuel oxidation in cells and strategies that stimulate mitochondria to burn more calories may prove beneficial for preventing obesity and insulin resistance.
Interrogating molecular targets responsible for the beneficial metabolic effects of specific dietary fat subtypes
There is a clear relationship between excess intake of dietary fat (particularly animal-based fats such as lard) and the development of obesity and insulin resistance.
How is cellular energy metabolism altered in cancer?
Cancer cells reprogram their metabolism to use fuel (fat, protein and glucose) in a different way to normal cells. This adaptation is thought to allow cancer cells to make the building blocks (proteins, DNA, lipids) they need to grow and divide rapidly.
Can the response of different mouse strains to a high fat diet help find therapeutic targets to treat fatty liver disease?
Excess fat in the diet typically leads to weight gain and inappropriate deposition of lipid in organs such as liver and skeletal muscle.
Geological disposal of CO2
UNSW has been involved in researching the economics of CCS since the year 2000 and its CCS economics group is a leader in this field.
Smart bio-mimetic self-assembled gels for biomedical applications
Self-assembled gels are a new class of materials that have been shown to have applications in tissue engineering and drug delivery.
The role of proinflammatory interleukin-17 in neuropathic pain
Peripheral nerve injury often results in persistent and debilitating neuropathic pain. My overall objective is to understand the immunological mechanisms responsible for such pain.
A controlled study of bilateral electroconvulsive therapy
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a highly effective treatment for depression, used in Australia and throughout the world to treat severe depression that has not responded to other treatments.
Mobility and Location Information providing Social Equality for Blind and Vision Impaired persons
This project will produce an easy-to-use prototype system for guiding blind and visually impaired (BVI) people both indoors and outdoors and delivering location based information.
Plantwide Control of Modern Chemical Processes from a Network Perspective
To achieve high economical efficiency, modern chemical plants are becoming increasingly complex, to an extent that cannot be effectively managed by existing process modelling and control techniques.