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Dr Susanne Schmeidl

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social Change, Migration, Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment
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Susanne Schmeidl, a Fulbright Scholar, holds an MA and PhD in sociology from The Ohio State University (USA) and a Bachelor (Honours) in social pedagogy/social work (University of Applied Sciences
Dr Christopher Kremmer

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture

Dr Christopher Kremmer is Senior Lecturer in Literary & Narrative Journalism Practice in the School of the Arts & Media.
Emeritus Professor Walter Fernandez

Faculty: Business

After 20 years in the corporate sector, Walter moved to academe in 2003 to develop his expertise in managing
Ms Genna Churches

Faculty: Law & Justice

Genna Churches is a PhD candidate at UNSW Law; the title of her thesis is ‘The Evolution of Metadata Regulation in Australia: From Envelopes and Letters to URLs and Web Browsing’.  The focus o
Dr Umut Ozguc

Faculty: UNSW Canberra

Umut Ozguc is a lecturer in International Relations at Deakin Un
Dr Jong-Leng Liow

Faculty: UNSW Canberra

Dr Jong-Leng Liow is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Information Technology at UNSW Canberra.
Emeritus Professor Michael Reginald Pusey

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture

Michael Pusey studied in Melbourne and Paris before taking his doctorate from Harvard University in the United States.
Dr Christopher Anthony Falzon

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social Philosophy, History of Philosophy and History of Ideas

Dr Christopher Falzon is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Humanities and Languages.
Professor Aurelia Dorane George Mulgan

Faculty: UNSW Canberra

Professor Aurelia George Mulgan is a Professor (Conjoint) in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Canberra.

The UNSW Engine Research Laboratory performs experimental research on all types of powertrain systems used in automobiles, power generators, aeroplanes and ships. The keywords of our research are: Petrol (Gasoline) Engines, Diesel Engines, Gasoline Compression Igntion Engines, Dual-Fuel Engines, Optical Engines, In-cylinder Flow and Turbulence, In-cylinder Combustion Process, Optical/Laser Diagnostics, Engine Performance and Emissions Testing, Fuel Injection System, Pollutants Formation (soot, NOx, HC, CO, CO2) and Alternative Fuels (Hydrogen, Ethanol, Biodiesel and Natural Gas).