Fields of Research (FoR)
Metals and alloy materials, Additive manufacturing, Mechanical engineering, Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation, Solid mechanicsBiography
My expertise: My primary research interests are in modelling for additive manufacturing, multiscale methods, computational materials science, and computational mechanics. My current research focuses on processing-microstructure-property relationships in metal additive manufacturing. My research philosophy is to transfer knowledge to practice. I am always keen to collaborate with academics and industry professionals interested in additive...view more
My expertise: My primary research interests are in modelling for additive manufacturing, multiscale methods, computational materials science, and computational mechanics. My current research focuses on processing-microstructure-property relationships in metal additive manufacturing. My research philosophy is to transfer knowledge to practice. I am always keen to collaborate with academics and industry professionals interested in additive manufacturing.
My bio: I am a Lecturer (equivalent to the rank of assistant professor in North America) in Mechanical Engineering and a Mechanical Engineering Program Coordinator in the School of Engineering and Technology (SET) at UNSW Canberra. Before coming to UNSW in 2022, I worked at the Airbus Endowed Chair for Integrative Simulation and Engineering of Materials and Processes (University of Bremen, DE). My previous experience also includes work at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk Polytechnic University, and Tomsk State University (RU), and visiting positions at UNSW Canberra, University of Bremen, Sao Paulo State University (BR), and Centre of Materials Mines ParisTech (FR).
Editorial: I am a Junior Editorial Board Member in Journal of Materials Informatics and Digital Manufacturing Technology and a Topical Advisory Panel Member in Metals. In 2023, I served as a Guest Editor in Metals, Special Issue 'Microstructure and Properties of Metallic Materials Produced by Additive Manufacturing').
Professional Membership: SME (formerly the Society of Manufacturing Engineers); Australian Materials Research Society; Women in High Performance Computing; International Association of Advanced Materials; Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy; Associate Fellow); Materials Australia (Certified Materials Professional). I am an ACT representative on the National Awards Committee of Materials Australia.
*** UNSW Canberra offers faculty scholarships of up to $35,000 per annum for PhD students who hold or are close to completion of a First-Class Honours or equivalent undergraduate degree and/or have completed a Masters by Research. In addition, you must meet the UNSW English language requirements.
Several types of scholarships are available. For more information, please refer to the following links on how and when to apply for a research degree.
I am keen to consider applications for projects on modelling for metal additive manufacturing, in particular on
- processing-microstructure-property relationships in metal additive manufacturing
- microstructure evolution during metal additive manufacturing
- mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured materials under different types of mechanical loading
The topics include model development and optimisation (in-house code, commercial finite-element software, open-source software, and programming from scratch).
If you are eligible and interested, please send me an email with
(1) a short motivation statement
(2) your academic CV
(3) your academic transcripts
(4) your main research interest and your research proposal (<150 words)
(5) links to your Google Scholar page, ResearchGate page, Scopus ID, etc.
My Grants
I have been a holder of 15 grants (as a CI). Besides, I developed a German part of the international project proposal from the ground up and coordinated the development of the joint proposal with partners. The project was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR).
DIN Pilot Project, 2024-2025
UNSW Team (Lead Organisation): Zinovieva, Hazell, Wang, Escobedo-Diaz
UTS Team (Admin Organisation): Luo, Oberst
'Enhanced helmet protection'
UNSW HPC Resource Allocation Scheme, 2022-2023
Zinovieva, Zinoviev
'GPU-powered microstructure-based modelling of metal 3D printing'
UNSW ResTech AWS Cloud Scheme, 2022-2023
Zinovieva, Zinoviev
'High performance microstructure simulations for metal 3D printing'
UNSW Start-up Grant, 2022-2023
'Towards predicting the mechanical properties of additively manufactured stainless steel under dynamic loading using an ICME-based modeling approach'
DFG-RFBR Project (DFG: PL 584/4-1; RFBR: 18-501-12020), 2017-2022
'Computational framework to evaluate the relationships between process parameters, grain structure, and mechanical properties of additive manufactured materials'
Project funded by the Central Research Development Fund of the University of Bremen, 2016-2018
'Microstructural evolution during the process chain of additive manufacturing'
2 Bremen Research Scholarship Grants funded by the University of Bremen, 2014, 2016
'Multiscale simulation of solidification and recrystallization by selective laser melting'
3 Tomsk State University Travel Grants, 2012-2014
2 RFBR Grant Awards for a popular science article, 2011, 2012
'Study a surface – you will understand what is inside. Mesomechanical analysis of surface roughness in loaded steel samples'
'If you coat a surface, you will get a new material. Peculiarities of deformation and fracture of coated materials'
3 RFBR Travel Grants, 2010-2012
My Research Activities
My research strives to optimise and improve materials and parts created by additive and subtractive manufacturing, as well as the production process. So far, I have been concentrating on the process-structure-properties relationships in metal additive manufacturing, with the focus on modeling the microstructure evolution, and the mechanical behaviour of metals and alloys under loading, including surface roughening phenomenon in advanced structural materials as well as deformation and fracture of friction stir welded joints. I am excited about developing the knowledge-based capacity enabling the prediction of microstructure and mechanical properties with the aim to establish a means to engineer additively manufactured alloys for specific needs.
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
I am keen to consider applications for projects on modelling for metal additive manufacturing, in particular on
- processing-microstructure-property relationships in metal additive manufacturing
- microstructure evolution during metal additive manufacturing
- mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured materials under different types of mechanical loading
Currently supervising
Current PhD supervision
- Mr Mohammad Ramadneh (joint supervision with Prof Hazell)
- Mrs Madeeha Khan (joint supervision with Prof Hazell)
Current undergraduate final-year project supervision
- Mr Rob McClelland (joint supervision with A/Prof Doolan, Prof Hazell)
- Mr Conor Knight (joint supervision with A/Prof Doolan)
- Mr Mohammad Murad (joint supervision with A/Prof Doolan)
- Mr Max Brown (joint supervision with Dr Wang, Prof Hazell)
- Mr Sajjad Mohammad Sharif (joint supervision with Dr Wang)
Previous supervision
- Mr Kanav Jain (M.Sc. 2023; joint supervision with Asst Prof Bayat and Dr Nadimpalli), 'Multi-physics simulation of heat, fluid flow and microstructural conditions during metal additive manufacturing'
- Mr James Foster (Honours 2023; joint supervision with A/Prof Doolan)
- Mr Daniel Mauro (Honours 2023; joint supervision with A/Prof Doolan)
- Mr Zac Simmonds (Honours 2023; joint supervision with A/Prof Doolan)
My Engagement
- 2022 - present, Certified Materials Professional, Materials Australia
- 2023 - present, Member of International Association of Advanced Materials (MIAAM)
- 2023 - present, Associate Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy) (AFHEA)
- 2023 - present, Member of Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC), Australasian Chapter
- 2022 - present, Young Editorial Board Member in Digital Manufacturing Technology
- 2023, Guest Editor, Metals: Special Issue 'Microstructure and Properties of Metallic Materials Produced by Additive Manufacturing'
- 2023 - present, UNSW Canberra Young Women in Engineering (YoWIE), Mechanical Engineering Activity Lead
In the Media
- Canberra Times, YoWIE program inspires high school girls to be engineers
My Teaching
ZEIT1501-Engineering Practice and Design, 2022 - present
ZEIT1504-Introduction to Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, 2023 - present
ZEIT3501-Engineering Materials, 2023 - 2024
ORCID as entered in ROS