
My Expertise

Conducts research at the intersection of peace, security and development, predominantly in Afghanistan, but with experience in South Asia and the Horn of Africa:

- Context-sensitive approaches to development and peacebuilding
- Development in situations of fragility
- Conflict/peace and development relationship
- Bottom-up and participatory approaches to peace/statebuilding
- Refugees and internally displaced persons
- Protection and rights-based approaches to development
- The role of civil society and non-state actors in peace/statebuilding

- Afghanistan

Fields of Research (FoR)

Social Change, Migration, Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment

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Susanne Schmeidl, a Fulbright Scholar, holds an MA and PhD in sociology from The Ohio State University (USA) and a Bachelor (Honours) in social pedagogy/social work (University of Applied Sciences Nürnberg). Prior to joining UNSW Sydney in 2017, she worked for over two decades as a scholar-practitioner with a variety of organizations at the intersection of security and development (e.g.; the UN Refugee Agency, Centre for Refugee Studies, York...view more


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