
My Expertise

Nightlife and the Night-Time Economy

Alcohol and Drugs

Violence, Safety and Music Festivals

Crime Prevention


Private Security

Fields of Research (FoR)

Criminology, Causes and prevention of crime, Critical approaches to crime, Private policing and security services, Sociological studies of crime, Gender and crime, Crime and social justice

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Dr Phillip Wadds is Associate Professor in Criminology at UNSW, Sydney. His award-winning research is situated at the at the interface of criminology, urban studies, alcohol and other drug (AOD) studies and public health, and examines issues related to crime prevention, community safety, policing, nightlife and related leisure, drinking and drug consumption and violence with an overarching concern for harm reduction. His work has made...view more


Room 355, Level 3, Law & Justice Building, UNSW


+61 2 9065 9693